Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow 1997


Director of IPPI

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci.(Techn.), Professor


Tel.: (095) 209 4225


Deputy Director



Tel.: (095) 209 2235


Deputy Director

Dr.Sci.(Math.), Professor


Tel.: (095) 209 4981


Scientific Secretary



Tel.: (095) 299 5491


Assistant Director for International Connections


Tel.: (095) 209 0579


Tel. voice: (095) 8836 123 (satellite connection)

Fax: (095) 209 0579

Mailing address:

101447 GSP-4, Russia, Moscow, Bol'shoi Karetnyi per., 19

Internet Address:

Institute for Information Transmission Problems, 1997


The Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IPPI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded on the initiative of Professor A.A.Kharkevich (19091965), member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It was designed to solve problems bearing upon the progress of information theory and its applications, upon the development of principles of integrated systems of information transmission and distribution (the structures of communication networks and switching centers, the problems of control, the teletraffic theory), and upon automatic pattern recognition (reading machines, recognition of images, speech recognition). The formal birthday of the Institute is December 29, 1961 the date when the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences entitled "On the reorganization of the Laboratory of information transmission systems into the Institute for Information Transmission Problems" was issued. By the same decision academician A.A.Kharkevitch was nominated director of the Institute.

The first principal fields of research, initiated in the newly founded Institute, were studies in the fundamentals of information and coding theory; formulation and development of the conception of an integrated automated communication network; new approaches in pattern recognition theory; and new approaches in picture processing. 1963 saw the commencement of studies on information processes in living nature after the laboratory of vision biophysics headed by Professor N.D.Nyberg (18991967) was transferred to this Institute from the Biophysics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

After the decease of academician A.A.Kharkevitch Professor V.I.Siforov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, became the director of the Institute and held this position since 1966 till 1989. Over these years a number of new laboratories were organized those of complicated information systems, digital methods of information processing, digital optics, learning systems of behavior organization, computer linguistics, and communication networks.

At present the IPPI's basic directions of researches are the information theory and applied mathematics, computer and communication sciences in technique, management, language and living systems. Among the most important topics researched by the Institute are problems of the theory of nonlinear analysis of complex systems, multicomponent homogeneous random systems, information transmission, queuing theory, coding and cryptography, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, information distribution and computer networks, the theory of linguistic communication and linguistic processes (including machine translation), statistical methods of information processing and control, the theory and methods of image processing (including data compression), intellectual partner computing and information systems, information transmission and processing in live objects, sensory systems, motion control in live systems and robotics.

There is a stable scientific body of highly trained and young specialists, composed of mathematicians, physicists, biologists, linguists, programmers and engineers in the Institute in all near 320 collaborators in 1996.

Now there are 9 members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, 205 full professors and doctors of sciences, honorary members of foreign academies, laureates of Russian state and international prizes.

The Institute has founded and publishes two academic periodicals: "Problems of Information Transmission" and "Automation and Remote Control" which are circulated in Russia and abroad.

The Institute organizes the all-Russian and international conferences and workshops. In 1996 there were 3 international conferences and seminars:

There are postgraduate courses and doctorates with honors in IPPI for Russian and foreign young specialists.

The Institute's scientific potential was instrumental in giving rise to its collaboration with the well-known universities and scientific centers of such countries as USA, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Austria, Italy, Israel, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Australia etc., in all more than 50 Agreements and contracts in 1996.

On the basis of the Institute were formed The Information Theory Chapter of IEEE in Russia and two scientific departments of The World Laboratory.

The internal structure of the Institute in 1996 consisted 16 laboratories, 2 sectors, scientific-organization department, some servicing departments and administration.

The financing sources in 1996 were: State budget (through The Russian Academy of Sciencesnear 80% of the whole financing), grants from Russian State Programs (through The Russian Ministry of Science and Technical Policynear 15% of the whole financing) and other funds (International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the Independent States of the Former Soviet UnionINTAS, etc.), some applied agreements.

It is hoped that this annual report introducing the activities and results of the Institute in 1996 will assist overseas organizations to better understand the Institute and also promote exchanges between our Institute and research institutions overseas.


The directions of activity and results of 1996 (some abstracts and main publications) are presented according to the IPPI's basic scientific structure (through laboratories).


Laboratory of Information Transmission and Control Theory

Chief of the laboratory Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof. Nikolaj Kuznetsov

Tel.: (095) 209 4225, (095) 299 8354

Among the leading researches of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) M.Burnashev  Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Zinovjev   

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. E.Asarin                

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. V.Chepyzhov             

Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Kozyakin   Dr. V.Chernorutskii         

Dr.Sci.(Math.) M.Pinsker    Dr. G.Golubev               

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. R.Izmailov              

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. A.Skorobogatov          

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. A.Vladimirov            

Dr.Sci.(Math.) M.Vishik     Dr. I.Vladimirov            

Directions of activity:


The method of algebraic diagnosis is developed for inverterless circuits, which realize a system of monotone Boolean functions. Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for high diagnosability of circuits. These conditions are the equivalent of separating systems of conjunctions, which not exist in inverterless circuits. Peculiarities of behavior under faults of regular processor nets are studied. These peculiarities are the base for the diagnostic method of nets.

The constructions of the fixed-to-variable rate and of the variable-to-fixed rate universal codes according to the relative redundancy criteria were proposed and studied. Furthermore the experimental study of the properties of the Context-Tree Weighting algorithm was made, which demonstrated the high efficiency of some modifications of this algorithm for rather wide range of text and non-text files.

Trajectory attractors have been constructed for some classes of non-autonomous equations and systems arising in mathematical physics. The structure of trajectory attractors has been studied and the character of attraction to trajectory attractor has been established. Integral manifolds for non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems have been constructed under the condition of spectrum gap.

The robustness of the stability index for nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDE) is proven. The asymptotic expression for the filtering performance for the Markov process with finite number of states observed in the white gaussian noise is obtained. Asymptotically optimal estimators for a signal by indirect observations are found.

Asymptotically efficient estimator is proposed for a problem of recovering analytic function from noisy data; the Wicksell problem is solved in the minimax setting; suboptimal optimal filtering algorithms are proposed for filtering hidden Markov chain.

It is found the distribution of error bursts on the output of decoder of convolutional code; constructed concatenated codes, based on convolutional codes; the multiple access system with frequency hopping is analyzed in Raleigh channel; calculated the asymptotically optimal bounds for error probability of multi- level modulation system based on quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).

An analysis of the discrepancies between behavior of some continuous chaotic systems and their spatially discretized counterparts was carried out. A phenomenological model for statistics of the first recurrent moments and cycle lengths in discretizations of dynamical systems was proposed which allows to predict basic properties of realistic computer discretizations. A method of finitely additive probability measures for the study of dynamical systems on integer lattices was developed.

New algorithms were proposed for the study of nonlinear forced oscillations in systems described by differential and hysteresis equations. A method was developed for investigation of Hopf bifurcation and nonlinear resonance problems in hysteresis systems. Sufficient conditions for asymptotical stability of nonlinear potential systems with incomplete corrections were obtained. The role of LandesmanLazer conditions in boundary-value problems was clarified with the aid of a concept of asymptotical homogeneity of nonlinear operators that allows to compute their topological characteristics at infinity. The uniqueness of solution to the initial-value problem for a differential equation with scalar hysteresis nonlinearities was studied.

A new efficient technology for the verification of timed automata was proposed. To define timed languages, a concept of timed regular expressions was introduced, and analogues of Kleene and Bchi theorems were established which state the equivalence of timed regular equations to timed automata.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-01-00354) "Evolution equations of mathematical physics and their attractors".

NSF of USA (N CMS 94-1447s) "Control of Mechanical Systems with Agility/Precision Response" (jointly with Lab. No. 2).

INTAS (N 94-496)


1. R.Khasminskii, "On robustness of some concepts in stability SDE," Fields Institute Comm., v. 9, 1996.

2. R.Khasminskii, Zeitouni, "Asymptotic filtering for finite state Markov chain," Stoch. Processes and Applications, 1996, 3.

3. R.Khasminskii, Scorokhod, "Parameter estimation for partially observed signals," PPI, 1996, 1.

4. Вишик М.И., Чепыжов В.В., "Траекторные аттракторы эволюционных уравнений математической физики," Успехи математических наук, т. 51, вып. 5, 1966.

5. Вишик М.И., Чепыжов В.В., "Траекторный аттрактор неавтономной системы реакции-диффузии без единственности задачи Коши," Успехи матема-тических наук, т. 51, вып. 5, 1966.

6. Chepyzhov V.V. and Vishik M.I. "Trajectory attractors for reaction-diffusion systems. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis," Journal of J.Schauder Center, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1996.

7. Chepyzhov V.V., Vishik M.I. "Trajectory attractors for 2D Navier-Stokes system and some generalizations," Preprint MPI 96-134, Max-Plank-Institute fur Mathematik, Bonn, 1996, pp. 1-27.

8. Вишик М.И., Чепыжов В.В., "Траекторные аттракторы эволюционных уравнений без однозначной разрешимости задачи Коши," Вестник Московского Университета, Сер. 1, математика, механика, No. 6, 1996.

9. Горицкий А.Ю., Чепыжов В.В. "Интегральные многобразия неавтономной ситемы реакции-диффузии," Успехи математических наук, т. 51, вып. 5, 1996.

10. Chepyzhov V.V. and Goritsky A.Yu. "The global Integral Manifolds for Non-autonomous Equations," Russian Journal of Math. Physics, Vol. 4, N 6, 1996, pp. 165-190.

11. Горицкий А.Ю., Чепыжов В.В. "Дихотомия для системы реакции-диффузии," Материалы международной конференции и чебышевских чтений, посвященных 175-летию со дня рождения П.Л.Чебышева. М., Изд. мех-мат. фак. МГУ, 1996, стр. 121-124.

12. К.Ш.Зигангиров, Ðолф Йоханнессон, "К теории списочного декоди-рования сверточных кодов," Проблемы передачи информации, N 1, 1996.

13. Leif Wilhelmsson, K.Sh.Zigangirov, "Analysis of BFSK Frequency-Hopped Spread- Spectrum Multiple-Access over a Rayleigh Fading Channel," in: Proceedings of Globcom-96, London, November 1996.

14. Shtarkov Yu.M., Tj.J.Tjalkens, Willems F.M.J., "Context Weighting for Finite Context Sources," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 1996, 5.

15. Штарьков Ю.М., Чокенс Ч.Дж., Виллемс Ф.М.Дж. Мультиалфавитное взвешенное кодирование древовидно-контекстных источников. "Проблемы пе-редачи информации," 1997.

16. Shtarkov Yu.M., Tj.J.Tjalkens, Willems F.M.J. Optimal Universal Coding with Respect to the Relative Redancy Creation. "Proc. of the 17-th Symposium on Inform. Theory in Benelux, ed.: G.H.L.Heideman," 1996, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 111-117.

17. Shtarkov Yu.M., Tj.J.Tjalkens, Willems F.M.J. Uniform bounds on Universal Variable-to-Fixed Length Source Codes. "Proc. of the 6th Benelux-Japan Workshop on Coding and Inform. Theory," 1996, Essen, Germany.

18. Sagalovich Yu. Latest results on the Algebraic Diagnosis. "Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory. Fifth International Workshop," 1996, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Proceeding.

19. Сагалович Ю.Л. Улучшение оценок параметров и сокращение процедуры построения эффективных диагностических многочленов. "Проблемы передачи информации," 1996, т. 32, Nо. 2, сс. 25-40.

20. Соломенников В.Ю. Ðазделяющие системы конъюнкций. "Проблемы передачи информации," 1996, т. 32, No. 3, cc. 25-40.

21. Сагалович Ю.Л., Соломенников В.Ю., "Обнаружение неисправностей в схемной реализации системы монотонных булевых функций," ППИ (to appear).

22. Соломенников В.Ю. "Об одной комбинаторной задаче," МФТИ (to appear).

23. Зиновьев В.А., Эриксон Т., "О Фурье-инвариантных разбиениях конечных абелевых групп и тождестве Мак-Вильямс для групповых кодов," Проблемы передачи информации, 1996, том 32, Nо. 1, сс. 137-144.

24. Charpin P., Tietavainen A., Zinoviev V.A., "On binary Cyclic Codes with Minimum Distance Tree," Proceedings of Fifth International Workshop: Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory", June 1-7, 1996, Sozorov, Bulgaria, pp. 93-97.

25. Carpin P., Zinoviev V.A., "On Weight Distributions of the Cosets of the 3-Error-Correcting BCH codts of Length 2m, m odd," SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 1996.

26. Zinoviev V.A., "On equivalence certain constant weight codes and combinatorial designs," Journal Stat. Planning and Inference, 1996.

27. Moreno O., Zinoviev V.A., "On 4-regular graphs and their 3-regular subgraph," European Journal of Combinatorics, 1996.

28. Зиновьев В.А., Шарпен П., Титвайнен А., "О двоичных циклических ко-дах с минимальным расстоянием 3," Проблемы передачи информации (to appear).

29. Додунеков С.М., Зиновьев В.А., Нильсон Я., "О декодировании некото-рых максимальных кодов над GF(4)," Проблемы передачи информации (to appear).

30. Lobstain A., Zinoviev V.A., "On new binary nonlinear perfect codes," AAECC (to appear).

31. Ericson TH., Simons Ju., Zinoviev V.A., "F-partitions of cyclic groups," AAECC (to appear).

32. Charpin P., Tietavainen A., Zinoviev V.A., "On the divisibility of certain polynomials over finite fields," Finite Fields: Algorithms and Applications (to appear).

33. Carlet C., Charpin P., Zinoviev V.A., "Cyclic codes and Permutations Suitable for DES-like Cryptosystems," 1997 IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, July 6-12, 1997 (to appear).

34. Charpin P., Tietavainen A., Zinoviev V.A., "On the Minimum Distance of Cyclic Codes with Two Generators," 1997 IEEE Inform. Theory Workshop, Ulm, Germany, June 29 - July 4, 1997 (to appear).

35. Golubev G., Levit B., Tsybakov A., "Asymptotically efficient estimation of analytic functions in Gaussian noise," Bernoulli, 2, 1996, pp.167-181.

36. Golubev G., Levit B., "Asymptotically efficient estimation in the Wicksell problem," The Annals Statist. (submitted).

37. Golubev G., Hasminskii R., "Asymptotic optimal filtering for a hidden Markov chain," Math. Methods Statist. (submitted).

38. Барабанова А.А., Красносельский М.А., Мовен Ж., Фоменко И.В., Фрид-ман Х., "Векторные функции Ляпунова в задачах о нелинейных колебаниях," Автоматика и Телемеханика, 5, с. 26-34, 1996.

39. Красносельский А.М., "О вынужденных колебаниях в системах с четными функциональными неограниченными характеристиками," Автоматика и Телемеханика (в печати).

40. Красносельский А.М., Красносельский М.А., "Векторные поля в произ-ведении пространств и приложения к дифференциальным уравнениям," Диф-ференциальные уравнения, 12, 1996.

41. Красносельский М.А., "Об оценках количества вынужденных пери-одических колебаний в нелинейных системах," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

42. Красносельский М.А., Кузнецов Н.А., Ðачинский Д.И., "Нелинейные по-тенциальные системы с неполными коррекциями," Автоматика и Телемеханика, 7, с. 11-17, 1996.

43. Красносельский М.А., Кузнецов Н.А., Ðачинский Д.И., "Об устойчивости одного класса систем с неполными коррекциями," Тезисы докладов IV Международного семинара "Устойчивость и колебания нелинейных систем управления," Москва, 3-6 июня 1996, с. 5.

44. Красносельский М.А., Лусников А.В., "Правильные неподвижные точки и устойчивое инвариантное множество монотонных операторов," Функциональный анализ и его приложения, 30, 3, с. 34-46, 1996.

45. Красносельский М.А., Менникен Ð., Ðачинский Д.И., "Потенциальные оценки в непотенциальных краевых задачах," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

46. Кузнецов Н.А., Козякин В.С., Покровский А.В. "Феноменологическая модель статистик длин циклов и переходных процессов дискретизаций динами-ческих систем," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

47. Мухамадиев Е.М., Юмагулов М.Г., "Операторы типа свертки в прост-ранствах суммируемых функций, порождаемых различными мерами," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

48. Ðачинский Д.И., "О задаче Коши для дифференциальных уравнений с гистерезисной нелинейностью Мроза," Дифференциальные уравнения (в печа-ти).

49. Ðачинский Д.И., "О неподвижных точках слабо вогнутых операторов," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

50. Ðачинский Д.И., "Компенсаторы гистерезисных нелинейностей А.Ю.Иш-линского," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

51. Ðачинский Д.И., "Вынужденные периодические колебания в системах с гистерезисной нелинейностью Мроза," Тезисы докладов IV Международного се-минара "Устойчивость и колебания нелинейных систем управления," Москва, 3-6 июня 1996, с. 82.

52. Ðачинский Д.И., "О неподвижных точках слабо вогнутых операторов," Доклады ÐАН (в печати).

53. Al-Nayef A., Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V.S., Pokrovskii A.V., "Bi-shadowing and delay equations," Dynamics & Stability of Systems, 10, pp. 121-129, 1996.

54. Asarin E.A., Caspi P., Maler O., "A Kleene Theorem for Timed Automata," Submitted to LICS'97, Warsaw (available at /

55. Asarin E.A., Maler O., Pnueli A., "Data-Structures for the Verification of Timed Automata," Accepted for HART'97 Conference, Grenoble (to appear in LNCS, available at

56. Bhaya A., Kozyakin V.S., Kaszkurewicz E., "Existence and Stability of Equilibria in Continuous-valued Discrete-Time Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 7, 3, pp. 620-628, 1996.

57. Bliman P.A., Krasnosel'skii A.M., "On periodic solutions of linear systems with relay," Proceedings of World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA'96, Athens, Greece (to appear).

58. Bliman P.A., Krasnosel'skii A.M., Sorine M., Vladimirov A.A., "Nonlinear resonance in systems with hysteresis," Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 27, 5, pp. 561-577, 1996.

59. Chernorutskii V.V., Izmailov R.N., Pokrovskii A.V., "Superior Information is Insufficient to Win in Games Between Finite Automata," SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 34, 2, pp. 542-553, March 1996.

60. Chernorutskii V.V., Rachinskii D.I., "On uniqueness of an initial-value problem for ODE with hysteresis," Nonlinear Differential Equations & Applications (to appear).

61. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V.S., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "Robustness of dynamical systems to a class of semi-hyperbolic mappings," Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 26, pp. 351-361, 1996.

62. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V.S., Pokrovskii A.V., "Monotonic Dynamical Systems Under Spatial Discretization," Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-001, pp. 1-7, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

63. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Kozyakin V.S., Pokrovskii A.V., "A Pheno-menological Model for Discretizations of a Class of Chaotic Dynamical Systems," Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-002, pp. 1-35, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

64. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii A.M., Pokrovskii A.V., "Bifurcation at Infinity for Equations in Spaces of Vector-valued Functions," Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-016, pp. 1-17, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

65. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "Chaotic Dynamics in Nonsmooth Perturbations of Bishadowing Systems," Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-014, pp. 1-27, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

66. Diamond P., Kloeden P., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "Complicated Behaviour in Uniformly Small, Possibly Hysteresis, Continuous Perturbations of Bishadowing Dynamical Systems," Centre for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-015, pp. 1-34, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

67. Diamond P., Pokrovskii A.V., "Computational roundoff and collapse in chaotic systems," Proceedings of IPMU'96, Yuly 1-5, 1996, Granada, Spain.

68. Izmajlov R.N., Vladimirov A.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "Visualization of Polynomials," Computers & Graphics, 20, 1, pp. 95-105, 1996.

69. Kloeden P., Mustard J., Pokrovskii A.V., "Statistical Properties of Some Spatially Discretized Dynamical Systems," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-011, pp. 1-29, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

70. Kozyakin V.S., Pokrovskii A.V., "The Asymptotic Behavior of Elementary Symmetric Functions on a Probability Distribution," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-004, pp. 1-12, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

71. Kozyakin V.S., Pokrovskii A.V., "Estimates of Amplitudes of Transient Regimes in Quasi-controllable Discrete Systems," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-005, pp. 1-21, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

72 Kozyakin V.S., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "A New Model For Statistics of the First Recurrent Moments and Cycle Lengths in Discretizations of Dynamical Systems," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-006, pp. 1-9, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

73. Kozyakin V.S., Kuznetsov N.A., Pokrovskii A.V., Vladimirov I.G., "Some Problems in Analysis of Discretizations of Continuous Dynamical Systems," Proceedings of World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA'96 (to appear).

74. Krasnosel'skii A.M., "Asymptotic homogeneity of hysteresis operators," Proceedings of ICIAM-95, Hamburg (в печати).

75. Krasnosel'skii A.M., Krasnosel'skii M.A., Pokrovskii A.V., "Hysteresis," "Hysteron," "Non-ideal relay," Articles for Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Kluwer, Dordrecht (to appear).

76. Krasnosel'skii M.A., Bobylev N.A., "Principles of affinity in nonlinear problems," Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 21, 3, 1996.

77. Rachinskii D.I., "Multivalent guiding functions in forced oscillation problems," Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications, 26, 3, pp. 631-639, 1996.

78. Vladimirov I.G., "Quantized Linear Systems on Integer Lattices: Frequency-based Approach, Part I," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-032, pp. 1-37, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

79. Vladimirov I.G., "Quantized Linear Systems on Integer Lattices: Frequency-based

Approach, Part II," Center for Applied Dynamical Systems & Environmental Modelling, CADSEM Reports, 96-033, pp. 1-50, 1996, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. Australia.

80. Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.P., Semyonov A.V., "On computing the anisotropic norm of linear discrete-time-invariant systems," Proceedings of the 13th IFAC World Congress, June 30 - July 5, 1996, G, Paper IFAC-2d-01.6, pp. 179-184, San-Francisco, California, USA.

81. Vladimirov I.G., Kurdjukov A.P., Semyonov A.V., "State-space solution to anisotropy-based stochastic H-infinity optimization problem," Proceedings of the 13th IFAC World Congress, June 30 - July 5, 1996, H, Paper IFAC-3d-01.6, pp. 427-432, San-Francisco, California, USA.

82. Yumagulov M.G., "Operator approach for the study of periodic solutions to Lienard equation," Advances in Mathematical Sciences & Applications (to appear).

* * *


Laboratory of Image Processing and Digital Optics

Chief of the laboratory Dr.Sci.(Math.) B.M.Miller

Tel.: (095) 209 4981

Among the leading researches of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) B.Miller     Dr. L.Rubanov               

Dr. P.Chochia               Dr. V.Tkhor                 

Dr. O.Milukova              D.Sushko                    

Dr. A.V.Prosin              K.V.Stepanyan               

Directions of activity:


Theory of discrete-continuous and hybrid systems - a new direction in control theory has also many applications in the area of image processing models and algorithms, due to the discrete-continuous nature of images and image processing algorithms. New results in the area of discrete-continuous processes models include representation of generalized (discontinuous) solutions by a nonlinear differential equations with a measure for lumped parameter systems, distributed parameter systems, and stochastic systems with jumps. Application of the theory of representation for discontinuous solutions gave the opportunity to prove the solution existence theorems for optimization problems, obtain filtering equations for jumping Markov processes, to consider a wide class of the observation control problems arising in the area of signal processing.

The mathematical model of image data as a nonnegative, integrable and piecewise monotone function is justified. Based on the set theory it is proposed to describe the different image properties using not only the measures but another metric characteristics. It turns out, that such metric characteristics of a set (variations, entropy, fractal dimension) can be used very effectively in many problems of image processing. For example, the description of geometric structure of an image using the set variations gives rise to new results in image restoration.

A new approach to image/video compression based on the joint optimization of adaptive Wavelet packets and Lattice Quantization using Human Vision Properties is created. An object oriented version of the method realizing this approach is developed enabling excellent reproduction of the objects of interest along with an extremely high compression ratio.

A new cost-effective method of adaptive vector quantization based on the Lattice Quantizer with variable shape of cells determined by a simplest polyhedral cover of signal points in multidimensional space is created.

Based on the subthreshold set of a coder a general approach to the problem of image/video compression optimization is developed. It allows to compare approximations of the subthreshold sets of a viewer and coder and reveal hidden reasons limiting its effectiveness.

A new improved method of local fractal dimension estimation is developed exceeding all existing local methods. It is based on the adaptive morphological covers of a signal and gives significant improvements in bit rate/distortion characteristics of any existing fractal image compression methods. It also can be used in image/texture segmentation, multifractal analysis of images and other.

Reconstruction problem for operators of convolution type is considered in the case when the information is in a discrete form. A new approach to estimate the discretization error is proposed. It allows to obtain the results concerning the convergence and the accuracy of wide class of reconstruction methods (based on the regularization procedure). The application of those results for numerical solution of a convolution equation is considered.

The rank area-sensitive objects extraction method based on the multicomponent image model is proposed. The surface model of dactiloscopy images is offered. Based on this approach the method for enhancing ant filtering of dactiloscopy images is developed. Methods of facial images analysis and identification are under developing.

The method for obtaining spectra of speech signal based on dynamically changable fast Fourier transforms is offered. The dynamic algorithm for enhancing of speech spectra is developed.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 95-01-00573) "Design of Estimation methods and Control in Generalized Stochastic Systems."

INTAS (N 93-2622) "Optimal Control and Differential Games (Theory, Numerical Methods and Applications)."

INTAS (N 94-0697) "Methodology for the Analysis of Hybrid (Discre-te/Continuous) Dynamical Systems" (jointly with Lab. No. 1).

NSF of USA (N CMS 94-1447s) "Control of Mechanical Systems with Agility/Precision Response" (jointly with Lab. No. 1).


1. V.B.Tkhor, E.S.Jung, J.S.Shin, Video signal coding method based on the adaptive Lattice Quantizer, Korean Patent, 1996 (submitted).

2. V.B.Tkhor, A.A.Berezina, On the local estimation of fractal dimension, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'97), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1997 (submitted).

3. V.B.Tkhor, Optimal trade off between block size and volume of code book in adaptive scalar quantization of images, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'97), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1997 (submitted).

4. V.B.Tkhor, A.A.Berezina, Fractal image analysis (in preparation).

5. B.M.Miller, The problem of impulse control for linear stochastic systems, XIII IFAC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1996, Proceedings, Vol. H, pp. 403-407.

6. B.M.Miller, The generalized solutions of nonlinear optimization problems with impulse control, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, v. 34, No. 4, pp. 1420-1440 (1996)

7. B.M.Miller, W. J.Runggaldier, Optimal filtering for linear systems driven by a hidden jump Markov process, Proceedings of International Conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks," Tel-Aviv, Israel, November 3-8, 1996, pp. 174-185.

8. B.M.Miller, The Generalized Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations in the Impulse Control Problems, Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control, v. 6, No. 4, 1996, pp. 415-435.

9. B.M. Miller, Observation Control for Discrete-Continuous Stochastic Systems, submitted in IEEE Transaction of Automation Control.

10. B.M.Miller, W.J.Runggaldier, Stochastic control for the optimization of observations. SIAM J. Control and Optimization, V. 35, No. 3, 1997 (to appear).

11. B.M.Miller and W.J.Runggaldier, Kalman filtering for linear systems with coefficients driven by a hidden Markov jump processes, submitted for publication in the journal Systems and Control Letters.

12. J.Bentsman and B.M.Miller, Control Synthesis for Distributed Parameter Systems with Generalized Control Signals, Automation and Remote Control, to appear in 1997 (in Russian).

13. K.V.Stepanyan, Linear optimal state estimation in tracking problem with state dependent noise in observations. 5th International Student Olympiad on Automatic Control, St.Petersburg, Russia, October 2-4, 1996, 119-121.

14. D.Sushko, Convergence of discretization error in computation of singular convolutions. Mathematical Notes, v. 59, No. 6, pp. 893-908, 1996 (in Russian).

Sector of Digital Optics

Chief of the sector Dr. N.Merzlyakov

Tel.: (095) 209 2883, (095) 209 4781


Among the leading researches of the sector there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. V.Kober                 

Dr. T.Belikova              Dr. V.Lashin                

Dr. I.Bockstein             Dr. N.Merzlyakov            

Dr. V.Karnaukhov            Dr. M.Mozerov               

Directions of activity:


Optimization of parameters of nonlinear optical Joint Transform correlators for achieving the highest discrimination capability in target location in images with cluttered background has been done. The nonlinearity is applied to the input-image power spectrum, with either a matched filter or a phase-only filter representing the reference object. Optimal correlators (with an exactly known power spectrum of the background-image component) and suboptimal correlators were studied to establish potential limits and achievable figures for the correlator discrimination capability in a target location in clattered background. The computer simulation results shows that the nonlinear correlators promise significant improvement in the correlator discrimination capability and provide important information for evaluating the practical aspects of the correlation design.

Accuracy of target position estimation defined as the variance of location errors is evaluated when a noisy target is embedded on a nonoverlapping background. It has been shown that the generalized matched filter minimizes this variance. For the case of white and colored nonoverlapping noise, computer simulations are provided to compare the performance of the generalized matched filter with those of other filters. The results show that generalized matched filter has the best performance in terms of location accuracy.

Several element-wise transformations performed over primary color image components (RGB) before optical multichannel correlations are proposed to improve real-time polychromatic pattern recognition. In general, they exploit strong correlation of RGB components of real-life images. These transformations have been investigated in terms of noise robustness and discrimination capability. Computer simulation for various kinds of noisy input image and correlation filters was done to illustrate significant color pattern recognition improvement by using the proposed transformations. Experimental results were obtained in an optical correlator with two spatial light modulators, one to introduce the element-wise preprocessed scene and the second one to introduce the filter. (in collaboration with Department of Optics, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain).

New methods of true-color image compression are proposed. The basic idea of the methods is the optimal quantizaion of true color images in MacAdam uniform color space with respect to human vision. Simple fractionally-bilinear (FB) approximation is proposed for the non-linear MacAdam formula that describes the transformation of usual color space (x,y) to MacAdam space (x,h). Optimal coefficients of FB functions are found for the inner part of the color triangle (i.e., for colors that can be displayed by a TV or computer monitor). The use of FB functions gives the possibility to find an explicit formulae for the inverse transformation from (x,h) to (x,y). A fast procedure of uniform color quantization for true-color real-world images in MacAdam space is proposed. Both rectangular and hexagonal quantization grids were used in experiments. Visual tests have shown that the quality of a true-color image displayed on the screen of computer monitor remained very good up to mesh sizes of 8-10 just noticeable differences. Color entropy of quantized images was in this case about 6. This means that it is possible to compress them about 4 times with the help of standard statistical methods (e.g., Huffman coding). More complicated compression methods that remove spatial correlation of neighboring image pixels can be used to reach much higher compression ratio.

A new method of digital macro hologram synthesis (display holograms) proposed in the last year was applied to visualization of 3-D medical data. The basic idea of the method is the synthesis of a subhologram from a large number of elementary computer-generated holograms. The latter ones display various projections of a given object. A volumetric model of human brain was chosen as a 3-D test object for visualization. Elementary computer-generated holograms were synthesized for a few perspective projections of the object onto a sphere.

Special software is developed for automatic pre-processing and thematic processing of gray-scale images of watermarks in medieval manuscripts and incunabula. Watermarks are a major tool for dating old paper documents. By comparing dated with undated watermarks, it is possible to determine precisely the time of production of the paper. However, the quantity, similarity, and low contrast of watermarks make their comparison and identification a tedious task. Hence, hardcopies of watermarks are scanned and the obtained images are preprocessed, improved, and contrast-enhanced by adaptive digital filtering methods. This processing renders the images suitable for printing, storing in image databases, and extracting sets of strokes defining the watermarks. For this extraction, a semiautomatical procedure is proposed. The results are short sequences of Bezier splines sufficiently representing the watermarks and allowing the selection of identical or similar ones from an existing database. All the above described procedure has been implemented in a cooperation between IITP RAS and the Institute of Information Processing of Austrian Academy of Sciences.

A database of watermarks combined with an image processing module has been established, allowing for the storage and retrieval of watermark images as well as the comparison of unidentified watermarks with already dated ones. The image processing module provides for noise removal, contrast enhancement, watermark extraction, and distance measurements. The unique database of about 700 watermarks is created and is referenced on a Web-page of Austrian Academy of Sciences. More information can be found on the Web-page:

A computer system for digital enhancement and archiving of binary graphical images is created and used to work with hand-written cards of anxious Russian dictionary (ARD). Algorithms, methods, and methodologies are found to provide essential quality enhancement of damaged and hard-written cards. An improved version of the two-dimensional run-length coding is used to compress descriptions of the ARD cards before their archiving. A prototype of database based on a small quantity of the ARD cards was implemented by using ACCESS software, and the first CD-ROM of this database was recorded.

A base of computer system for digital enhancement and archiving of gray-scale archived images is created and used to work with photos, negatives, slides of an archived images of Russian Academy of Sciences. Methodology and effective algorithms are proposed for restoration and quality improvement of damaged images.

New methods for computer-assisted analysis and interpretation of images are developed. They include: image processing to emphasize or extract diagnostically important features (details, objects and structures); that is important for correct and reliable image analysis and interpretation; methods for eliciting expert knowledge to determine attributes (features and their values) for symbolic descriptions of objects of interest in processed images; gathering image descriptions in terms of chosen attributes and database storage with symbolic image descriptions; interactive database analysis, pattern recognition learning and derivation of decision-rules as a multi-layer network of threshold elements under the control of expert knowledge. Creation of fuzzy decision tree with easy parameter tuning and high stability of results; using redundancy of information to improve reliability of decision-making model; using voting rules scheme to imitate human argumentation, searching the model of solution in easily interpretable form, which naturally combines both expert's elements of knowledge and new knowledge obtained during the process of data analysis; measurement of some feature values in an image for expert-independent feature analysis.

The developed methods were tested in the task of early differential diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer. Experiments showed that they effectively handle uncertain, noisy and incomplete data, obtained from image analysis and diagnosis for experts of different skill levels.

An optical model of 3D display system based on digital holographic is proposed. A new algorithm of stereo-reconstruction of 3D-objects is developed. The basic idea of the algorithm is 3D-object reconstruction by using a series of the 2D-projections of a given object. The quality of reconstruction depends on quantity of the used 2D projections. Computational complexity of the algorithm method comparing with ones of regular algorithms is much less.

Influence of a sampling error of hologram on the result of reconstruction in zones Fresnel above zero was investigated. It is found that splitting effect separates the reconstructed points in a plane of restoration.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-07-89028), "Development of an archive image database within the framework of modern technologies of image processing and storage".

Informatization of Russia Foundation (N 326.191) "Digital Restoration and Archiving System for Grey-Scale and Color Images".


1. Belikova T., Yashunskaya N., Kogan E., "Computer-Aided differential Diagnosis of Small solitary Pulmonary Nodules.", Computer and Biomedical Research, 1996, 29, N 4, pp. 48-62.

2. Pener P., Belikova T.P., "Knowledge Acquisition by symbolic decision tree induction for interpretation of digital images in radiology", Proceedings of the 6th Intern. Workshop on Advances in Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition (SSPR-96), Leipzig, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 1121, 1996, pp. 208-219.

3. Belikova T., Stenina I., Yashunskaya N., "An Approach to Robotics Diagnosis of Medical Images on the base on Image", Processing and Syndrome Features Analysis., Proceed. of Intern workshop on Medical robots, Vienna, Austria. Ed Pet. Kopacek, Inst. for Handling device and Robotics, Tech. Univ. of Vienna., 1996, pp. 117-124.

4. T.P.Belikova, I.I.Stenina, N.I.Yashunskaya, "Image processing and syndrome analysis for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty", Dagstuhl-Seminar on Theoretical foundation on computer vision, Germany, 1996. Proc. of Dagstuhl-Seminar 1996, pp. 17-21.

5. Bockstein I., Firneis F., "An inevitable approximation of MacAdam's formulae for uniform color coordinates within the domain of the NTSC color triangle", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1996, 6, N 3.

6. Аннотированный отчет по проекту 326.191, "Система цифровой рестав-рации и архивирования многоградационных черно-белых и цветных изобра-жений" (программа "Информатизация Ðоссии"). М.: ИППИ ÐАН, 1996.

7. Кузнецов Н.А., Бокштейн И.М., Мерзляков Н.С., Ðубанов Л.И. "Возмож-ности и средства цифровой реставрации архивных рукописных текстов. "Инфор-мационные технологии и вычислительные системы", М.: ИВВС ÐАН, н. 4, 1996.

8. Bockstein I., Merzlyakov N., Miller B., Rubanov L., "Development of an archive image database within the framework of modern technologies of image processing and storage." CE: 1996, (in print).

9. Отчет по гранту N 96-07-89028, "Ðазработка и создание базы архивных изображений на основе современных технологий обработки и хранения видео-информации", М.: ИППИ ÐАН, 1996.

10. Karnaukhov V., Wenger E., Merzlyakov N., Haidinger A., Lackner F., "Thematic processing and retrieving of watermarks.", Image processing and Computer Optics, SPIE, 1996, 2363, pp. 32-39.

11. Wenger E., Karnaukhov V., Haidinger A., Merzlyakov N., "Digital Image Analysis for Dating of Old Manuscripts" In: Image Analysis Applications and Computer Graphics. (R.T.Chin, H.H.S.Ip, A.C.Naiman, T.-C.Pong, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1024, pp. 522-523, Springer, Berlin, 1996.

12. Karnaukhov V.N., Dimitrov L.I., Merzlyakov N.S., Mozerov M.G., Yaroslavsky L.P., Wenger E., "Visualization of 3-D medical data by digital holography means", IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, 1996, Jan. 28-Febr. 2.

13. Осипов Ю.С. О важнейших достижениях Ðоссийской АН в 1995 году, "Вестник Ðоссийской академии наук", 1996, 66, N 8, 679.

14. Kober V., Campos J. "Accuracy of location measurement of a noisy target in a nonoverlapping background", JOSA (A), 1996, 13, No. 8, pp. 1653-1666.

15. Kober V., Moreno I., Lashin V., Campos J., Yaroslavsky L., Yzuel M., "Color component transformations for optical pattern recognition," Journal OSA (A), in revision.

16. Moreno I., Kober V., Lashin V., Campos J., Yaroslavsky L., Yzuel M., "Color pattern recognition with circular component whitening," Optics Letters, 1996, 21, No. 7, pp. 498-500.

17. Kober V., Lashin V., Moreno I., Yaroslavsky L., Yzuel M., Campos J., "Comparison study of element-wise preprocessing for color pattern recognition", SPIE of ICO XVII, Korea, 1996, 2778, pp. 512-522.

18. Mozerov M., Silvennoinen R. "Aperture errors and two apertures interference effect studies in Fresnel holography", Optical Engineering (in press).

19. Yaroslavsky L., Eden M., Fundamentals of Digital Optics, Birkhauser, Boston, 1996.

20. Yaroslavsky L., "Signal sinc-interpolation: a fast computer algorithm", Bioimaging, 1996, 4, pp. 1-7.

21. L. P. Yaroslavsky, "Local Adaptive Filters for Image Restoration and Enhancement", ICAOS 9296, 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Images, Wavelets and PDEs., Paris, June 26-28, 1996, INRIA, Ceremade, In: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 219, M-O.Berger, R.Deriche, I.Herlin, J.Jaffe and J.-M.Morel, Eds., Springer-Verlag, London, 1996.

22. L. Yaroslavsky, "Nonlinear Optical Correlators with improved discrimination Capability for Object Location and Pattern Recognition", In: Optical Pattern Recognition, Ed. F.S.T.Yu (invited paper, accepted).

23. L. Yaroslavsky, "An Efficient Algorithm of Discrete Sinc-interpolation", Applied Optics (accepted).

24. Shuqing Zhang, Margaret A.Douglas, Leonid Yaroslavsky, Josef A.Frank, Ronald M.Summers, Vasken Dilsizian, Lameh Fananapazir, Stephen L.Bacharach, "A Fourier Based Algorithm for tracking SPAMM Tags in Gated Magnetic Resonance Cardiac Images," Medical Imaging (accepted).

25. L.Yaroslavsky, "Adaptive Nonlinear Correlators with Improved Discrimination Capability: Parameter Optimization", To: Int. Conf. on Holography & Optical Information Processing, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, Aug. 26-28, 1996, SPIE (accepted).

26. L.Yaroslavsky, "Local Adaptive Image Restoration and Enhancement with the Use of DFT and DCT in a running Window", Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation. Mathematical Imaging. Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, IV, Denver-96, SPIE, vol. 2825 (invited paper, accepted).

27. L.Yaroslavsky, "Pseudo-random Numbers, Evolutionary Models in Image Processing and Biology and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems", Int. Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation. Mathematical Imaging. Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, IV, Denver-96, SPIE v. 2824 (accepted).

* * *


Laboratory of Data Analysis, Error Correction Codes and Cryptology

Chief of the laboratory Dr. Sc. (Technology), Prof. Viktor Zyablov

Tel.: (095) 299 5096

Among the leading researches of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Sorokin    Dr. V.Gitis                 

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) V.Zyablov   Dr. V.Pereverzev-Orlov      

Dr. V.Aphanasiev                                        

Directions of activity:



The following problems are under consideration:

Complexity problems in coding theory are studied. Obtained results include a new minimum distance decoding algorithm for linear codes with the least known asymptotic complexity, and a new gradient-like decoding algorithm. A new wide class of so called "separable" codes is defined. This class includes all group and hence all linear codes. It is shown that the minimal trellis of a separable code has not only minimal number of vertices but also has minimum number of edges and minimum cycle rank. It means that the complexity of the Viterbi decoding algorithm is minimum when it is applied to the minimal trellis of a separable code. It was shown that some famous nonlinear codes are separable as well. A novel minimal trellis design technique for both block and convolutional codes, based on the Shannon product of trellises of component block codes is introduced. Heuristic algorithms that allow to minimize the number of vertices in the minimal code trellis by code symbols reordering are proposed.

Distribution of lengths of error bursts on the output of maximum-likelihood decoder of convolutional codes (decoder Viterbi) is investigated. Upper bounds on a probability distribution of lengths of error bursts, consisting of three parts: expurgation bound, random coding bound and sphere packing bound are obtained. Mathematical model, distributing behavior of errors on the output of maximum-likelihood decoder of convolutional codes is offered. Obtained bounds are used for the analysis of the characteristics of cascade systems, using convolutional codes.

The realization of uplink of the CDMA system with usage of the sequential decoding is investigated. It is shown that this algorithm allows to increase the number of users more then 2 times in comparison to the QUALCOMM system.

The Singleton type upper bound on the rate of a code with given code distance in an arbitrary combinatorial metric is proposed. Constructions of optimal or near optimal blot-correcting codes are proposed and simple decoding algorithms are suggested. Optimal codes meet the generalized Singleton upper bound.

New forms of MacWiliams identities for higher weights and their links to matroid theory are established. New constructions of linear nonbinary codes with covering radius two are proposed, a number of new infinite families of linear nonbinary codes with covering radius two and the best known parameters are obtained. A number results for problems of graph theory are obtained.

A simple construction of the infinite tower of finite field quadratic extensions are obtained. Binary complexity of arithmetic of such tower is less than quadratic function of the field dimension. Extensions of a ground field with irreducible binomials reducing complexity of arithmetic are considered.

Cooperation is being continued with the universities of Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The main topics of the cooperation were continuation of many years investigations in communication problems. With Ulm university and Technical university of Darmstadt (Germany) problems of coded modulation, capacity and performances of channel for mobile communication were considered. Jointly with Technical university of Denmark, Lyngby, concatenated constructions based on unit memory codes were researched. In The University of Aalborg (Denmark), Centre of Personal Communications, were studied a method for dynamic modeling of the indoor radio channels and a method for the indoor channel measuring and parameters estimation. Concatenated constructions based on conventional convolutional codes were investigated with University of Lund (Sweden). The other topic for joint investigation was devoted to fast authentication of a long message based on the theory of Reed-Solomon codes and fast calculations over a finite field. This investigations was supported by Royal Academy of Sweden.

The international conference in Sozopol, Bulgaria, was organized jointly with Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


Geoinformation technology and Instrumental Environment GEO are developed for the solution of a wide class of problems concerning forecasting and zonation in sophisticated geological applications. The technology integrates the geographic information system technology (GIS) with case-based and knowledge-based system technologies.

GEO supports a lot of GIS facilities as well as an inference of statistical and logical relationships between forecast values and geological and geophysical data; comprehensive analysis of geodata time series and space-time processes; detection of precursors of geological catastrophes, natural hazard and risk assessment. For solution of the problems a wide range of geological and geophysical data as well as expert knowledge are processed by original algorithms.

Static and dynamic forecasting are considered. In the first case some properties of forecast phenomenon not depending on time are estimated. Two original forecasting methods are used: the method of interval expert evaluations and the method of likelihood ratio approximation. In the dynamic forecasting the time of occurrence of some catastrophic event has to be predicted. Here the forecast function evaluates the significance level of non-stationarities of feature fields. For this aim the methods of statistical hypotheses testing are applied.

GEO has been successfully applied to mineral, oil and gas exploration, seismic hazard and seismic risk assessment, selection of atomic power stations sites, complex ecological zonation of urban territories, comprehensive analysis of earthquake precursors.

The GEO designers are collaborating with the Laboratory of Applied Logic (Hungary), Vienna University (Austria), the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics (IRSM), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and State Seismological Bureau of China.

Instrumental environment GEO was demonstrated at the international exhibitions CeBit-96 (Hannover), Simo-96 (Madrid) and ECAI-96 (Budapest).


Russian Foundation for Basic Research: (N 95-07-19234) "Geoinformation Technology and instrumental Environment for Earthquake Forecasting and Seismic Hazard Assessment".

Committee of science and technology of Russia: "Development of an Information Technology for Model Designing and Forecasting of the Natural and Technogenic Catastrophes".

Information of Russia Foundation: "Data Processing System for an Analysis and Modeling Space-time Phenomenon in the Earth Sciences" (316.147).


The following aspects of Partner Systems creation problem were under consideration:

The work supported by RFS Foundation, grant #95-01-00003a.


Synchronous vocal tract resonance frequency modulations were studied. It was found, that the observed index of modulation and phase shift with respect to the moment of acoustic oscillations. Pitch excitation in the vocal tract can not be explained by known mechanisms correlated to vocal tract wall yielding and to subglottal impedance influence. The most feasible seems the influence of turbulent airflow above the vocal slit on the propagation of acoustic waves in the vocal tract. This factor deteriorates the using of resonance frequencies measured in speech signal for inverse problem solving since the error of measurement does not yield estimation. The investigation of the conditions of static inverse problem solving for the vocal tract were continued. Calibrating curves for the mapping of the articulatory parameters space on the space of the first three resonance frequencies were computed.


1. V.Afanassiev, J.B.Andersen, J.Nielsen, "A dynamic model of the indoor channel," in: Proc. of the WIRELESS-96 , Calgary USA, July 1996, v.2.

2. V.Afanassiev, A.Davydov, "On the binary complexity of arithmetic of the finite field tower," in: Proc. 1996 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA'96), Victoria, B.C., Canada, Sept. 1996.

3. V.Afanassiev, B.Smeets, C.Gehrmann, "Fast message authentication using efficient polynomial evaluation," in: Proc. the First CryptoSoftware-97, Haifa, Israel, 1997 (to appear).

4. V.Afanassiev, B.Smeets, C.Gehrmann, "Fast authentication codes based on random polynomial residue classes," IEEE Int. Conf. 1997, Ulm, Germany (submitted).

5. A.Barg, "Two families of low-correlated binary sequences," Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC), vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 433-438, 1996.

6. A.Barg, "The matroid of supports of a linear code," in: Proc. Mediterranean workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Feb. 1996, also Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC), vol. 8, 1997 (to appear).

7. A.Barg, "Remarks on the MacWilliams identities for higher weights," IEEE Int. Sympos. Inform. Theory 1997 (submitted).

8. A.Barg, "On minimum distance decoding algorithms for linear codes," 14pp., Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-Correcting Codes, Lect. Notes Comput. Science, 1997 (submitted).

9. A.Barg, "Complexity issues in coding theory," (110pp.), in: R.Brualdi, V.Pless, and W. Cary Huffman, Handbook of Coding Theory, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science (to appear), also EIDMA preprint, Technical University of Eidhoven (to appear).

10. A.Barg, E.Krouk, H.C.A. van Tilborg, "Remarks on the hard-decision decoding of linear codes," IEEE Int. Sympos. Inform. Theory 1997 (submitted).

11. A.Barg, E.Krouk, H.C.A. van Tilborg, "On the complexity of minimum distance decoding of linear codes," 18 pp., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (submitted).

12. S.L.Bezrukov, "On an equivalence in discrete extremal problems," Combinatorica (submitted).

13. S.L.Bezrukov, "Edge isoperimetric problems on graphs," J. Bolyai Math. Soc. series (submitted). also Tech. Report, University of Paderborn, 1996.

14. S.L.Bezrukov, "On k-partitioning of the n-cube," Lecture Notes Comp. Sci. 1997 (to appear).

15. S.L.Bezrukov, "Discrete extremal problems on graphs and posets," Habilitationsschrift, University of Paderborn, 1996. Doctor's dissertation.

16. S.L.Bezrukov, "On edge slits of regular graphs," (in Russian), in: Proc. XI Int. Conf., Problems Theoretical Cybernetics, Moscow, PGGU, pp. 21-22, June 1996.

17. S.L.Bezrukov, J.D.Chavez, L.H.Harper, M.Rottger, U.-P.Schroeder, "The congestion of n-cube layout on a rectangular grid," Discr. Appl. Math. (submitted) .

18. S.L.Bezrukov, K.Engel, "Properties of graded posets preserved by some operations," in: "The Mathematics of Paul Erdos II," ed. R.L.Graham, J.Nesetril, Springer Verlag, pp. 79-85, 1996.

19. S.L.Bezrukov, F.Kaderali, W.Poguntke, "On central spanning trees of a graph," Lecture Notes Comp. Sci., no. 1120, Springer Verlag, pp. 53-58, 1996.

20. M.Bossert, V.Sidorenko, "Singleton type bounds for blot correcting codes," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 1021-1023, May 1996.

21. M.Breitbach, M.Bossert, V.V.Zyablov, V.Sidorenko, "Array codes correcting a two-dimensional burst of errors," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (submitted).

22. M.Breitbach, M.Bossert, V.V.Zyablov, V.Sidorenko, "Codes, correcting the set of clusters of errors and erasures," (in Russian), Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (submitted).

23. M.Breitbach, M.Bossert, V.V.Zyablov, V.Sidorenko, "Array codes correcting likely burst error patterns," European Transactions on Telecommunications (submitted).

24. V.V.Chepyzhov, S.A.Popov, D.K.Zigangirov, "Implementation of algebraic-sequential decoding in CDMA systems," Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (to appear).

25. A.A.Davydov, "On nonbinary linear codes with covering radius two," in: Proc. V Int. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 105-110, June 1996.

26. A.Engelhart, M.Bossert, J.Maucher, V.Sidorenko, "Heuristic algorithms for ordering a linear block code to reduce the number of nodes of the minimal trellis," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (submitted).

27. S.Host, R.Johannesson, K.Sh.Zigangirov, D.K.Zigangirov, V.V.Zjablov, "Probabilistic analysis of output of maximum-likelihood decoder for convolutional codes," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory Workshop (submitted).

28. V.Sidorenko, "The Euler charachteristic of the minimal code trellis is maximum," (in Russian) Problemy Peredachi Informatsii (to appear).

29. V.Sidorenko, "The Viterbi decoding complexity of group and some nongroup codes," in: Proc. 5th Intern. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 259-265, June 1996.

30. V.Sidorenko, G.Markarian, B.Honary, "Minimal trellis design for linear codes based on a Shannon product," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, special issue on Codes and complexity, 1996 (to appear) .

31. V.Sidorenko, I.Martin, B.Honary, "On separability of nonlinear block codes," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory (submitted).

32. V.Sidorenko, I.Martin, B.Honary, "On separability of some known nonlinear block codes," IEEE IT International Simposium (submitted).

33. V.G.Gitis, E.N.Petrova, S.A.Pirogov, Expert Knowledge Approach to Catastrophe Chains. Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie,Vol. 12, 1996, 67-72. Imprimerie Joseph Beffort, Luxembourg.

34. Gitis V., Jurkov E., Osher B., Pirogov S., Vainchtok A., Information Technology for Forecasting Geological Processes and Phenomena.- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Vol. 11, 1997, 41-48. Elsevier Science Limited.

35. Gitis V., Jurkov E., Osher B., Pirogov S., Vainchtok A., The Problems of Space-time Forecasting in the Earth Sciences. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Russia, Kazan, 1996, pp. 212-215 (in Russian).

36. Ponomarev A., Sobolev G., Gitis V., Zhang Zchaocheng, Wang Guixuan, Qin Xinxi. Space-time Analysis of Geophysical Fields in GEOTIME Computer Environment. - Cahiers du Centre European de Geodynamique et de Seismologie, Vol. 12, 1996, Imprimerie Joseph Beffort, Luxembourg.

37. I.Stenina, Structural models of decision making in clinical medicine. Ph.D. Dissertation, IPPI RAS, 1996.

38. V.A.Mikheev, Learning algorithms with voting of tree-like ruls. Ph.D. Dissertation, IPPI RAS, 1996.

39. Belikova T., Stenina I., Yashunskaya N., An Approach to Robotics Diagnosys of Medical Images on the Base of Image Processing and Syndrome Features Analysis. Proc. of Int. Workshop on Medical Robotes, Vienna, Austria, 1996. Inst. for Handling Devices and Robotics, Technical State Univ. of Vienna.

40. V.A.Mikheev, Some algorithms for tree-like decision rules synthesis. Pattern recognition and image analysis. #3, 1996.

41. A.Genkin, I.Michnik, S.Kulikowski, "Causal Coverage for Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation as Submodular Set Function Maximization". Proc. of the International Multidisciplinary Conference "Intelligent Systems: A Semiotic Perspective". 1996.

42. T.Laikov, S.Khirug, Integration of Expert System Knowlege Bases, p. 412. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 2 , April-June 1996.

43. E.Vashchenko, A.Genkin, O.Kuznetcova, V.Mikheev, I.Ovseevich, V.Perever-zev-Orlov, I.Stenina, The Partner System: the Start of the Second Phase, pp. 335-336. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 2, April-June 1996.

44. E.Vashchenko, V.Pereverzev-Orlov, A Program Library for an Automatic On-Line Reading System, pp. 365-366. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 2, April-June 1996.

45. E.Vashchenko, N.Gurov, T.Laikov, V.Pereverzev-Orlov, I.Stenina, Interactive Tools for Creation and Analysis of Decision Trees, pp. 367-368. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 2, April-June 1996.

46. A.Genkin, V.Mikheev, An voting set regression trees syntesis. Pattern recognition and image analysis, #1, 1997.

47. M.Vitushko, Knowlege bases development support system. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1997.

48. T.Laikov, System for knowlege integrstion. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1997.

49. E.Vashchenko, N.Gurov, M.Vitushko, I.Stenina, V.Pereversev-Orlov, Knowlege and data cooperation. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1997.

50. V.N.Sorokin, "Inverse problem in speech production and speech perception," Intern. Seminar "Integration of Language and Speech," Moscow, pp. 169-174, 1996.

51. V.N.Sorokin, "The concept of internal model in speech production and speech perception," 1st ESCA Seminar on Speech Modeling Autranse, France, pp. 150-156, 1996.

52. В.Н.Сорокин, В.П.Трифоненков, "Об автокорреляционном анализе рече-вого сигнала," Акустический ж., т. 42, N 3, с. 418-425.

53. V.N.Sorokin, A.V.Trushkin, "Articulatory-to-acoustic mapping for inverse problem," Speech Communication, v. 19, N 3, p. 105-118.

* * *


Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory

Laboratory Head Dr.Sci.(Math.) R.Minlos

Tel.: (095) 299 8354

Scientific leaders of the laboratory:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) L.Bassalygo  Dr.Sci.(Math.) S.Shlosman   

Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Blinovsky  Dr.Sci.(Math.) Yu.Suhov     

Dr.Sci.(Math.) A.Kirillov   Dr.Sci.(Math.) M.Tsfasman   

Dr.Sci.(Math.) G.Margulis   Dr. M.Blank                 

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. M.Kontsevich            

Dr.Sci.(Math.) G.Olshanski  Dr. A.Rybko                 

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. V.Shehtman              

Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Prelov     Dr. S.Vladuts               

Directions of activity:


The study of links between algebraic geometry and number theory on the one hand and coding theory on the other hand was continued. Explicit formulae technique was applied to study the number of points on algebraic varieties over finite fields. Generalized weights on Grassmanians and Veroneze varieties and Del Pezzo surfaces were partly calculated. New metrics generalizing the Hamming metric were introduced and studied. The investigation of asymptotic properties of zeta-functions is going on.

The sensitivity of rate-distortion function of stationary continuous-time Gaussian process to non-Gaussian contamination was investigated. An explicit expression for the sensities of the corresponding processes was derived. The study of the information rates in stationary channels under transmission with weak signals was continued.

Relations connecting one of the important in mathematical cryptography notion of unconditional autentification and correcting codes were obtained. We have introduced and investigated a generalization of difference sets which finds application for the study of correcting codes for local errors.

A refinement for the transient solution of the M|G|1 process-or sharing queue is obtained. The large difficulties are caused by the same phenomenon as occurring in the analysis of stationary sojourn-time: the processor-sharing discipline allows customers to overtake each other. Explicit analytical expressions have been obtained for the sojourn-time distribution of a tagged customer arriving at time t and requiring u units of service (in the term of double transforms with respect to space and time) even the system is empty at time 0.

We have considered the kinetic Ising models (Glauber dynamics) corresponding to the infinite volume Ising model in dimension 2 with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic interaction and under a positive external magnetic field. We have studied the relaxation towards equilibrium when the system is at an arbitrary subcritical temperature and the evolution is started from the (-)-phase. We have got very precise estimate on how long does it take. It turns out that the answer is expressed in terms of the Wulff functional.

We have studied problems in radiative decay: the case of one atom and at most two photons, and the case of one atom and at most three photons. We have investigated the spectrum of energy operator and have obtained the complete picture of scattering for this model.

We have studied a generator spectrum in the stochastic model of planar rotators and Ising stochastic model at high temperatures. The one-particle and two-particle invariant subspaces were constructed and the spectrum of generator on these subspaces were investigated. Using the information about leading branches of the generator spectrum we have found the asymptotics of correlations decrease for large time.

The investigations in the image processing using the Gibbs fields methods were developed. A Gibbs field model detecting long and thin objects from images was designed. In particular, that model finds applications for detection of the road networks on the fotos.

There are studied the solutions of analog of hydrodynamical Euler equation of the neural networks. It was described the process of image creating in some biological networks using the ideas developed in the investigation of the fluid limit of networks and Euler equations for random walks of large dimensions.

In order to evaluate the size of buffers taking into account the additional information we studied the joint large deviations for message delays and number of messages in the single device system. Using that result we divided a buffer into two parts in optimal way: one of the part corresponds to messages and the other one corresponds to additional information.

Our previous results on new combinatorial objects - shifted Schur functions - were greatly generalized. We constructed `shifted analogs' of Jack functions and Macdonald polynomials. These are certain inhomogeneous functions whose top degree terms are Jack or Macdonald functions and which have some remarkable vanishing properties. The main results about them are: binomial formula, combinatorial presentation, duality, the so called coherence relations, application to an explicit formula for relative dimension in the Young-Jack graph. The latter formula allowed us to describe the boundary (actually, a Martin-type boundary) for the Young-Jack graph. A new integral representation for Jack and Macdonald polynomials was also obtained.

The concept of generalized symmetrization in enveloping algebras was introduced and studied. The main result about it is a combinatorial inversion formula for the so called special symmetrization in enveloping algebras of classical type. A relationship between the special symmetrization and a distinguished basis in the center of the enveloping algebra was established.

Our previous work on harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group led us to certain random point processes. We obtained an integral representation for correlation functions of these processes and some applications of it.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-01-00064) "Gibbsian States and Dynamical Systems" (R.Minlos).

INTAS (N 94-0378) "Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics" (R.Minlos).

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 93-012-458) "Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory" (M.Tsfasman).

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-01-01378) "Varieties over Finite Fields: Quantitative Theory" (M.Tsfasman).

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 95-01-00814) "Infinite-dimensional Lie Groups and Quantum Algebras" (G.Olshanski).

INTAS (N 93-820) "Mathematical Methods for Stochastic Discrete Systems" (A.N.Rybko).

INTAS (N 94-469) "Mathematical and Statistical Research in Information Theory and Telecommunication" (V.Prelov).

INTAS (N 94-0003) "Euromath Network and Services for the New Independent States - Phase 2" (S.Yashkov).


1. R.L.Dobrushin, Estimates of Semiinvariants for the Ising Model at Low Temperatures, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl., Vol. 177 (2), 1996.

2. Ð.Л.Добрушин, С.Б.Шлосман, Гиббсовское описание "негиббсовских" по-лей, УМН (to be published).

3. Л.А.Бассалыго, М.С.Пинскер, Коды, обнаруживающие локализованные ошибки, ППИ, 32 (2), стр. 36-38.

4. Л.А.Бассалыго, М.В.Буpнашев, Аудентификация, идентификация и попаp-но pазделенные меpы, ППИ 32(1), 1996, 41-47.

5. В.Блиновский, Оценка вероятности необнаруженной ошибки, (в печати).

6. C.Boldrighini, R.A.Minlos, A.Pellegrinotti, Asymptotic decay of correlations for a two particle random walk in a random environment, Italian Math. Journal, 1996.

7. R.A.Minlos, Invariant subspaces of high temperature Ising stochastic dynamics, Markov processes and Related fields, 1996, 2(2), 263-284.

8. R.A.Minlos, Yu.G.Kondratiev, Stochastic dynamics for XY model, J. of Stat. Phys. (to be published).

9. R.A.Minlos, Felix Alexsandrovich Berezin (short review of scientific life), Topics in statistical and theoretical physics: F.A.Berezin, Memorial volume, AMS, Ser. 2, Vol. 176, 1-13.

10. R.A.Minlos, H.Spohn, The twice-body problem in radiative decay: case of one atom and at most two photons, Advances in Sov. Math., Ed. R.Dobrushin, R.Minlos, A.Vershik, M.Shubin, Topics in statistical and theoretical physics: F.A.Berezin, Memorial volume, AMS, Ser. 2, Vol. 177, 159-193.

11. R.A.Minlos, E.A.Zhizhina, The limiting theorems for a random walk of two particles on the lattice, Potential Analysis 1996, 5, 139-172.

12. Ð.А.Минлос, Е.А.Жижина, Пpедельный диффузионный пpоцесс для неод-ноpодного случайного блуждания на одномеpной pешетке, Успехи матем. наук (in press).

13. R.A. Minlos, E.A.Zhizhina, Asymptotics of decay of correlations for lattice spin fields at high temperatures. I. The Ising model, J. of Stat. Phys., 1996, 84(1/2), 85-118.

14. Жуков Ю.В. Спектр трехчастичного решетчатого гамильтониана общего вида, Функц. анализ и его прилож., 30 (2), С.76-80 (1996).

15. Жуков Ю.В. Теорема Йорио-О'Кэррола для N-частичного решетчатого га-мильтониана, ТМФ (1996), Т. 107, Вып. 1, С. 75-85.

16. G.A.Kabatianskii, B.Smeets, T.Johansson, On the cardinality of systematic authentification codes via error-correcting codes, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, 42 (2), 566-578, 1996.

17. G.A.Kabatianskii, G.R.Blakley, On generalized perfect secret sharing schemes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 963, 367-371, 1996.

18. Г.А.Кабатянский, В.С.Лебедев, Ðазностные множества и коды, исправля-ющие одиночные локализованные ошибки известной величины, ППИ, 32(2), 31-35, 1996.

19. В.В.Прелов, М.С.Пинскер, Э. ван дер Мейлен, Скоpость создания ин-фоpмации в некотоpых стационаpных негассовских каналах пpи пеpедаче слабы-ми сигналами, ППИ (в печати).

20. В.В.Прелов, М.С.Пинскер, С.Верду, Чувствительность е-энтpопии стаци-онаpных негассовских пpоцессов с непpеpывным вpеменем, ППИ (в печати).

21. В.В.Прелов, М.С.Пинскер, О безошибочной фильтpации некотоpых ста-ционаpных пpоцессов, УМН (в печати).

22. V.V.Prelov, M.S.Pinsker, E. van der Meulen, Information rates in certain stationary non-Gaussian channels, Proc. of the Fifth Intern. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, 1996, pp. 237-238.

23. А. Молев, М.Назаров, Г.Ольшанский, Янгианы и классические алгебры Ли, Успехи матем. Наук, 51, вып. 2 (1996), 27-104.

24. M.Nazarov and G.Olshanski, Bethe subalgebras in twisted Yangians, Comm. Math. Phys., 178 (1996), 483-506.

25. A.Okounkov, Quantum immanants and higher Capelli identities, Transformation Groups, 1 (1996), 99-126.

26. A.Yu.Okounkov, Young basis, Wick formula, and higher Capelli identities Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 1996, No. 17, 817-839

27. A.Yu.Okounkov, (Shifted) Macdonald Polynomials: q-Integral Representation and Combinatorial Formula, Preprint, April 1996; q-alg/9605013.

28. А.Окуньков, Г.Ольшанский, Сдвинутые функции Шура, Алгебра и анализ, 1997.

29. A.Okounkov and G.Olshanski, Shifted Schur functions II. Binomial formula for characters of classical groups and applications, to appear in: A.A.Kirillov Seminar on Representation Theory, Amer. Math. Soc. Translations; q-alg/9612025.

30. A. Okounkov and G. Olshanski, Shifted Jack polynomials, binomial formula, and applications, to appear in Mathematical Research Letters; q-alg/9608020.

31. G.Olshanski and A. Vershik, Ergodic unitarily invariant measures on the space of infinite Hermitian matrices. In: Contemporary Mathematical Physics. F.A.Berezin's memorial volume, American Mathematical Society Translations, Series 2, Vol. 175 (Advances in the Mathematical Sciences - 31), R.L.Dobrushin, R.A.Minlos, M.A.Shubin, A.M.Vershik, eds., AMS, Providence, RI, 1996, pp. 137-175.

32. G.Olshanski, Generalized symmetrization in enveloping algebras, 15 pp., Preprint, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu, No. 75, Paris, 1996.

33. Roberto Fernandez, Roberto H.Schonmann, Senya B. Shlosman, Aernout van Enter, Complete analyticity of the 2D Potts model, accepted by Comm. Math. Phys.

34. Roberto H.Schonmann and Senya B.Shlosman, Wulff droplets and the metastable relaxation of kinetic Ising models, accepted by Comm. Math. Phys.

35. L.Chayes, R.Kotecky, and S.Shlosman, Aggrеgation and intermediate phases in dilute spin systems with continuous symmetry, accepted by Commun. Math. Phys.

36. R.Schonmann, S.Shlosman, Constrained variational problem with applications to the Ising model J. Stat. Phys., 83, pp 867-905, 1996.

37. Yu.M.Suhov, D.Rose, The Poisson-independence hypothesis for infinitely-growing fully-connected packet-switching networks. In: Stochastic Networks. Theory and Applications (eds. F.P.Kelly, S.Zachary and I.Ziedins). Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1996, pp 323-338.

38. N.Duffield, M.Kelbert, Yu.M.Suhov. A Branching diffusion approximation for a class of queueing networks. In: Stochastic Analysis and Applications. Proc. Fifth Gregynog Symp. Gregynog, Powis, UK, 9-14 July 1995 (eds. I.M.Davies, A.Truman, and K.D. Elworthy). Singapore: World Scientific, 1996, pp. 201-220.

39. J.L.Lebowitz, A.E.Mazel, and Yu.M.Suhov. An Ising interface between two walls: competition between two tendencies. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 8, No. 5, (1996), 669-687.

40. F.I.Karpelevich and Yu.M.Suhov. A criterion of boundedness of discrete branching random walk. In: Classical and Modern Branching Processes (eds. K.B.Athreya and P.Jagers). IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 84, Springer-Verlag: New York, 1996, pp. 141-156.

41. R.A.Minlos, E.A.Pechersky, and Yu.M.Suhov. Remarks on the life and research of Roland L. Dobrushin. To appear in: J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal., 9, No. 4 (1996).

42. F.I.Karpelevich, E.A.Pechersky, and Yu.M.Suhov. Dobrushin's approach to queueing network theory. To appear in: J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal., 9, No. 4, (1996).

43. I.Kontoyiannis and Yu.M.Suhov. Efficient entropy estimation via string matching Preprint, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University (1996) (submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory).

44. F.I.Karpelevich and Yu.M.Suhov. Boundedness of one-dimensional branching Markov processes Preprint, Statistical Laboratory, DPMMS, University of Cambridge, 1996. Submitted to Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis.

45. D.M.Rose, N.D.Vvedenskaya and Yu.M.Suhov. Waiting times in the M/Dm/1 queue. Preprint, Statistical Laboratory, DPMMS, University of Cambridge, 1996 (submitted to Operations Research Letters).

46. D.M.Rose, N.D.Vvedenskaya and Yu.M.Suhov. An optimal probabilistic routing policy for a large packet-switching network. Preprint, Statistical Laboratory, DPMMS, University of Cambridge, 1996 (submitted to Communication in Statistics - Stochastic Models).

47. L.A.Bassalygo, V.A.Malyshev, R.A.Minlos, I.A.Ovseevich, E.A.Pechersky, M.S.Pinsker, V.V.Prelov, A.N.Rybko, Y.M.Suhov, S.B.Shlosman. "Roland L'vovich Dobrushin" [in Russian], Problemy Peredatchi Informatsii, 32, No. 3 (1996), 3-24.

48. E.A.Pechersky, S.Aspandijarov, One large deviations problem for compound Poisson processes in queuing theory, Markov Random Processes and Related Fields (to be published).

49. I.A.Ovseevich, The parters system:the start of the second phase, PRIA, v. 6, No. 2, 1996.

50. I.A.Ovseevich, Optimal algoritm of evaluating endividual blocking probabilities of cirgnit switched Tellecommunication Systems, Proc. of the Int. Conf. Distributed Computer, Communication Networks, 1996.

51. M.A.Tsfasman. Algebraic curves and sphere packings. - Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, W. de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 225-252.

52. M.A.Tsfasman. Nombre de points des surfaces sur un corps fini. - Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, W. de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 09-224.

53. M.A.Tsfasman. Algebraic geometry lattices and codes. In: Algorithmic Number Theory, Springer Lect. Notes in Computer Science, v. 1122, 1996, pp. 385-390.

54. M.A.Tsfasman, S.G.Vladuts. Asymptotic properties of zeta-functions. Manin's Festschrift (to appear).

55. G.Lachaud, M.A.Tsfasman. Formules explicites pour le nombre de points des varits sur un corps fini. J. reine angew. Math. (to appear).

56. S.G.Vladuts. Two remarks on the spectra of algebraic geometry codes. Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, W. de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 253-261.

57. S.G.Vladuts. An upperbound for generalized Hamming weights. Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, W. de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 263-267

58. M.Boguslavsky. On the number of points on an algebraic set. In: Proceedings of the 5-th International Workshop of Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 1996.

59. M.Boguslavsky. On the number of solutions of polynomial systems. Finite Fields and their Applications (to appear).

60. M.Boguslavsky. Del Pezzo surfaces and generalized weights, Probl. Info. Transmission (to appear).

61. M.Yu.Rosenbloom, M.A.Tsfasman. Codes for m-metric, Probl. Info. Trans-mission (to appear).

62. D.Yu.Nogin. Codes associated to Grassmannians. - Arithmetic, Geometry and Coding Theory, W. de Gruyter, 1996, pp. 145-154.

63. D.Yu.Nogin. The spectrum of codes associated to the Grassmann variety G (3,6), Probl. Info. Transmission (to appear).

64. V.B.Shehtman. On the strong neibourhood completeness. In: Advances in Modern Logic, Berlin, October 1996.

65. S.F.Yashkov, Transient behaviour of the processor-sharing system, 1996, preprint IPPI.

66. S.F.Yashkov, Analysis of processor-sharing queues, The computer science journal of Moldova (submitted).

66. N.Nadirashvili, "Berger's isoperimetric problem and minimal immersions of surfaces," Geometric and functional analisis, v. 6, n. 5 (1996).

67. N.Nadirashvili, "Hadamard's and Calabi-Yau's conjectures on negatively curved and minimal surfaces," Inventiones Math, v. 126 (1996).

68. N.Nadirashvili, "Nonuniqueness in the martingale problem and the Dirichlet problem for uniformly elliptic operators," Annali Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa (to appear).

* * *


Laboratory of methods for performance evaluation of telecommunication networks

Chief of the laboratory--Dr.Sci.(Technology) S.Stepanov

Tel. (095) 299 9415

Among scientific leaders of laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) I.Citovich   Dr.Sci.(Technology)         

Dr.Sci.(Technology)         Dr. E.Shkolniy              

Directions of activity:

The laboratory deals with the development of teletraffic theory and its applications in telecommunications and computer systems. The following problem areas and models are studied at the laboratory in 1996.

Problem Areas:


1. Recurrence formulas for finding any desired number of terms in the asymptotic expansion of basic stationary characteristics of a generalized full-available system with repeated calls into a power series of the intensity of primary calls as it tends to infinity are derived. The first 3-4 terms of expansion are found in explicit form. Other coefficients can be found numerically. It is shown that a number of interesting particular cases can be obtained from the model by proper choosing of the values of input parameters. Among them it is worth to mention models with possibility of call repetitions because of unsuccessful finishing of waiting time, inner blocking or unsuccessful finishing of service time. (S.N.Stepanov).

2. The problem of sequential search for significant variables of an unknown function is proposed. Under the uniform distribution mean error probability and mean duration for a search procedure is estimated together with asymptotic as a number of variables of the function tends to infinity and a number of significant variables is fixed. The suboptimal asymptotic rate of search with no restriction on the cardinality of outputs of unknown function is found under arbitrary independent noise and slowly decreasing a mean error probability. The case of nonparametric model is also studied. (I.I.Citovich).

3. The comparison was made of specific features of different purpose networks and problems were studied of their unification. It is shown that simple summing of networks into one global network is not profitable from the economical point of view and needs study of information flows and their grade of service. (A.D.Charkevich).

4.It is solved the problem of calculation the variances and covariances of the statistical estimations for the mean values of performance measures of Markovian queuing system with limited number of states for a long time measurement. The measures were considered are the indirect functions of the parameters of system. The algorithm for calculation the variances is based on the solution of the system of linear inhomogeneous equations for the partial derivatives of stationary probabilities of parameters of general queuing system. Obtained results can be used as alternative to the direct formulas for the characteristics. (E.I.Shkolny, E.O.Naumova).

5.Maltipath interconnection network called hypercube with addition diagonals was analyzed. New routing technique was proposed for these networks. The performance of networks with addition diagonals between different nodes was investigated. (V.A.Garmash).

6.The generalized polynomial band-pass filters with an exponent of the numerator as an arbitrary number of the natural row, but not larger of the exponent of Gurvitcha's polynomial or zero are suggested. The transition to the generalized band-pass filters permits to optimize the synthesis if the requirements for the frequency characteristics are nonsymmetrical or non uniform. Besides it permits to improve the qualitative indices of the band-pass filters of the radiotechnical devices. (A.A.Vitkova).


1. Iversen V.B., Ovseevich I.A., Stepanov S.N., Optimized algorithm of evaluating individual blocking probabilities for product form queuing models of circuit switched telecommunication systems, Proc. Int. Conf. Distributed Computer Communication Networks, Theory and Applications. Tel-Aviv (Israel), Nov. 4-8, 1996, pp. 39-48.

2. Stepanov S.N., Uchlovskaya L.G., Desiatnik I.A., The mathematical modeling of the input process and estimation of performance measures in Moscow city telephone network Information center, Proc. Int. Conf. Distributed Computer Commu-nication Networks, Theory and Applications. Tel-Aviv (Israel), Nov. 4-8, 1996, pp. 232-240.

3. Stepanov S.N., Generalized Model with Repeated Calls in Case of Extreme Load, Queuing Systems (submitted).

4. Iversen V.B., Stepanov S.N., The Optimized Convolution Algorithm for Estimation of Individual Blocking Probabilities in Circuit Switched Telecommunication Networks, "Performance Evaluation" (submitted).

5. Гармаш В.А., Алгоритм управления надежными схемами разовой ком-мутации, XII Белорусская зимняя школа-семинар "Исследования систем и сетей массового обслуживания," Тезисы докладов, Минск, 1996, с. 24-25.

6. Наумова Е.О., Дисперсия статистической оценки функции распределения длины очереди в марковской СМО при косвенном измерении ковариации, XII Белорусская зимняя школа-семинар "Исследования систем и сетей массового обслуживания". Тезисы докладов, Минск, 1996, с. 68.

7. Витков М.Г., Виткова А.А., Горштейн Л.В., Обобщенные полиномиальные полосовые фильтры, "Электросвязь," 1996 (в печати).

8. Виткова А.А., Ершов В.А., Кузнецов Н.А., Математическая модель узла коммутации ЦСИС с учетом влияния повторных вызовов, В кн. В.А.Ершов, Н.А.Кузнецов "Теоретические основы построения цифровой сети с интеграцией служб (ISDN)," разд. 4.7, М.: ÐАН ИППИ. 1996. С. 280.

9. Корнышев Ю.Н., Пшеничников А.П., Харкевич А.Д., Теория телетрафика: М.: "Ðадио и связь". 1996. С. 270 .

10. Харкевич А.Д., Шарашенидзе А.И., Звеньевые коммутационные схемы в условиях перегрузки и учета поведения абонента, получившего отказ.Тезисы до-кладов 51 научной сессии, посвященной Дню радио, ÐНТО ÐЭС им. А.С.Попова, ч. II, Москва, 1996. 168 с.

11. С.Ф.Грубиянов, М.И.Мостовая, И.И.Цитович, О задачах, связанных с разработкой банков данных измерений трафика на сетях большой емкости, XII Белорусская зимняя школа-семинар "Исследования систем и сетей массового обслуживания," Тезисы докладов, Минск, 1996, с. 28-29.

12. М.А.Ðоманюк, И.И.Цитович Ðасчет характеристик неполнодоступных пучков, работающих с перегрузками, XII Белорусская зимняя школа-семинар "Исследование систем и сетей массового обслуживания," Тезисы докладов, Минск, 1996, с. 77.

13. М.А.Ðоманюк, И.И.Цитович, Описание математической модели функ-ционирования коммутационного узла телефонной сети, Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных, естественных и технических наук, Ярославль, 1996 (в печати).

14. М.Б.Малютов, И.И.Цитович, Последовательный поиск существенных пе-ременных неизвестной функции при наличии шума, Третья всероссийская школа-коллоквиум по стохастическим методам геометрии и анализа, М., ТВП, 1996, с. 67-68.

15. M.B.Malyutov, I.I.Tsitovich, On Sequential Search for Significant Variables of Unknown Function, Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices: Proceedings of the Sixth Eugene Lukacs Symposium. Netherlands, VSP, 1996, P. 155-178.

* * *


Laboratory of Integrated Service Digital Networks (ISDN)

Chief of the laboratory--Dr.Sci.(Technology), Prof. Vladimir Ershov

Tel.: (095) 299 2904, e-mail:

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) V.Ershov    Dr.Sci.(Techn.) V.Netes     

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) B.Filin     Dr. V.Naoumov               

Directions of activity:

During year 1996 the main activity was directed at further developing new approaches to design analysis and syntheses methods for ISDN namely:


1. The optimization problem of channel resource allocation on call level for ATM network was investigated. On choothing on optimization criterion the approach was considered based on using of an effective bandwidth conception for traffic source. This approach allows to associate a number (individual effective bandwidth) to a source or a call so that a given quality of service (QoS) can be satisfied provided that sum of the effective bandwidths of all the sources in mixture is less than bandwidth left to serve this traffic sources.

It was also investigated a method to estimate the total effective bandwidth at call level. The method will allow to find the source mean bit rates such that the total effective bandwidth is maximized on certain constraints (Ershov V.A., Sergeeva O.F.).

2. The analysis of possibilities and expediency of using different methods of network dependability calculation for self-healing SDH-based communication networks is fulfilled. Approaches to the reliability analysis of ring digital networks with self-healing have been studied. Random graphs with parallel edges should be considered as a mathematical model of such networks. Investigations demonstrated that the calculation of the probability of connectedness of two-pole networks extracted from such structures can be performed using a method based on the formula of the total probability. In particular, the method of combining simple paths taking the effect of absorption into account may be the most effective. Ring networks with their regularity make it possible to form combinations of simple paths in two-pole network quite easy and as a result of their combining reducible non-trivial structures are generated. This circumstance can considerably reduce the amount of calculations (Ershov V.A., Filin B.P., Netes V.A.).

3. The global tendencies of telecommunication are expressed in multinetwork and multilevel description of telecommunication process. This description includes structurable presentation of interconnections between physical functions of transmission network, logical functions of transport network, service functions of service networks and operator functions of telecommunications management network (TMN).For every network are corresponded own conditions of robustness. It is necessary to solve the problem of transition from network conditions of robustness to common conditions of robustness. For this purpose some analysis of conception quality of service (QoS) and QoS parameters in recommendations of MTU was carried out. The analysis showed that use of uniform way for presentation of conditions of robustness leads to nonstandard measuring and special investigations. Then another classification for conditions of robustness, noncontrary with point of view MTU, based on space - temporal logic, was developed. The following analysis showed some likeless of hypothesis about limitness of mathematical description of conditions of robustness for service network and TMN. Also the analysis of demands for QoS of intelligent network was carried out (Soloviev A.V.).



1. V.A.Ershov, V.A.Netes, B.P.Filin. Calculation probability of retaining the required capacity in two-pole networks with unreliable elements, Automation and Remote Control, 1996, No 3.

2. V.A.Netes, B.P.Filin. Consideration of node failures in network-reliability cal-culation, IEEE Trans. On Reliability, 1996, vol. 49, No 1.

3. V.A.Netes. SDH basic principles, Networking Computing and Telecommu-nications, 1996, No 6 (in Russian).

4. V.A.Netes. Two-sided bounds for probability of retaining the required capacity in two-pole networks with unreliable elements, Automation and Remote Control, 1996, No 11.

5. A.N.Pechenkin, B.P.Filin. The Algorithm of Ordered Forming of Commu-nication Paths in two-Pole Networks. Telecommunication, No. 6, 1996 (in Russian).

6. В.А.Ершов, Н.А. Кузнецов. Эволюция сетей связи как основа информаци-онной инфраструктуры. Информационные технологии и вычислительные систе-мы, 1996, N 2, 3-14.

To be published:

1. Netes V.A. Telecommunications Management Network, Networking Computing and Telecommunications (to be published in Russian).

* * *


Laboratory of Biophysic Information Processing

Chief of the laboratory--Dr.Sci.(Biology), Prof. L.I.Titomir

Tel.: (095) 209 4679, (095) 299 5002

Among the leading researchers of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Biology) L.Titomir  Dr.Sci.(Technology)         

Dr. V.Trunov                Dr. A.Zhozhikashvili        

Directions of activity:


Using the methods of classical electrodynamics and theory of multipole expansion, relation between the external electric and magnetic fields of bioelectric generator is analyzed and the way the observability of the generator depends on the hypothetical generator structure (model), characteristics of the physical medium, and measurement technique is revealed. As a result of considering the models commonly used to describe the generator mathematically, in particular, the double layer generator, thread-like generator, and dipole generator, it is shown that combined electric and magnetic measurements provide complete observability only for the models of the second and third types, while only partial observability for the model of the first type; magnetic measurements can reveal the generator's properties, not observed by the electric measurements, only for the model of the second type (thread-like generator).

Experimental-clinical investigation of the DECARTO technique (dipole electro-cardiotopography) proposed previously showed that the topographic images of functional characteristics of the excitable myocardium (decartograms) ensure efficient dynamical observation of the heart state in patients during treatment for cardiac diseases, as well as observation of the heart function in healthy persons under stress conditions and when performing various professional jobs of special purpose. Such studies were carried out on the groups of patients treated for acute myocardial infarction, ventricular hypertrophy, and other heart diseases at Cardiology Research Complex (Moscow) and State Research Center for Preventive Medicine (Moscow). A visual analysis of the decartograms allows to estimate straightforwardly the efficiency of treatment.

The records of orthogonal electrocardiogram from two astronauts performing a long-term flight on the orbital station Mir were processed with the use of the DECARTO technique combined with conventional vectorcardiographic methods. As a result, some subtle variations of the electrophysiological characteristics of the heart during a long period of time including the flight as such were found out.

A new concept of "economic" lead system NEKTAL26 was elaborated. This lead system was developed as a constituent of a wireless (telemetering) system of electrocardiographic mapping intended for observation of the heart state under severe environments.

The main scientific results were presented by L.I.Titomir in the papers at the 1-st International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism (Tampere, Finland, June 9-13, 1996), XXIII International Congress on Electrocardiology (Cleveland, Ohio, USA, July 30 August 6, 1996), and International Symposium "Long Term Changes of the Cardiac Electric Field. Physiological and Pathological Factors" (Smolenice near Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 21-25, 1996).


Basics of a generalized language for description of locally-organized system agent functioning, which describes the process of knowledge system modification in a stationary condition, were laid upon. A theory-of-category language of locally-organized system behavior was developed, each agent being represented by its learning production net, proposed by the authors before.

Suggested schemes of locally-organized multiagent systems proved to be useful for description of tutoring processes, exhibiting typical transactions among cognitive levels of professor and that of student. From the other side, it was shown by the authors, that locally-organized collectives of learning automata may be used in the universal intellectual interface proposed for current reflection of man-machine user's properties.

The adequate problem representation is shown to be result of the right choice of names for the problem elements, which are involved in the problem solution through a full search procedure. The solution proper, eventually, is achieved in a multiresolution mode, which is natural for the modern applied semiotics.

With natural language texts, illustrating the multiagent paradigm, the semantic hypertext relations have been studied. It was shown that the latter are oriented on usage both explicit and implicit information.

With the use of principles of the evolving expert system shell (ZNATOK), a fist prototype tool for the rapid application development (RAD) system, to be applied for construction of network-based and production-based Artificial Intelligence systems, was produced. A pilot version of the visual design of production nets was also developed.

For 19951996, V.L.Stefanuk was elected to be in the Board of Directors of European Coordinating Council for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and in the International Program Committee of European Conference for Artificial Intelligence ECAI-96.

The main scientific results were presented by V.L.Stefanuk at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-96 (Budapest, Hungary, August 1996, PC member, author of a workshop paper), Second Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering JCKBSE'96 (Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 1996, author of paper, conference co-organizer), V National Conference with International Participation "Artificial Intelligence-96", (Russia, Kazan, October 1996, PC member, author of two presented papers, chair of round table discussion "Multiagent Systems: Evolution of Approaches", and chair of session "Tutoring Systems"), and international conference "Intelligent Systems: A Semiotic Perspective". (USA, Gaithersburg, MD, October 1996, author of paper, chair of session "Theoretical Problems of Applied Semiotics").

The lecture "A Semiotic Approach to Problem Representation" was delivered by V.L.Stefanuk in Computer Science Department of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA, on November 7, 1996.


Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 96-01-01080) "Noninvasive identification and intelligible-pictorial representation of the bioelectric processes in the heart on the basis of mathematical modeling of the cardioelectric and cardiomagnetic fields".

Informatization of Russia Program (No. 226.147) "Development of tools for intellectual system design based on RAD technology approach".

International Project of Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation "Noninvasive measurement and intelligible-information analysis of bioelectric signals" (Project NIABES).

Informatization of Russia Program (No. 345.4) "Development of program-algorithmic means for dynamical control over the state of the heart on the basis of advanced methods of topographic electrocardiology" (Project CONCARD).

Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 96-01-0034) "Stability of behavior of locally organized artificial intelligence systems".


1. Titomir L.I., Barinova N.E. Model of combined media for estimating the equivalent electric generators and extracellular field of the myocardium. Biofizika, v. 41, N 5, pp. 1125, 1996 (in Russian).

2. Bokeriya l.A., Poljakova I.P., Golukhova E.Z., Titomir L.I. Noninvasive topical diagnosis of ventricular arrhythmias: Clinical testing of a new algorithm. In: The 1st North-Western Scientific-Practical Conference on the Problems of Sudden Death (Abstracts), St.Petersburg, April 17-19, 1996, p. 88 (in Russian).

3. Ivanov G.G., Kovtun V.V., Smetnev A.S., Titomir L.I., Kulambaev B.B., Potapova N.P. Spectral-temporal mapping of the QRS complex in patients with life-threatening arrhythmias. Kardiologiya, v. 36, No. 7, p. 20, 1996 (in Russian).

4. Bokeriya L.A., Poljakova I.P., Golukhova E.Z., Titomir L.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I. Noninvasive method of topical diagnostics of ventricular arrhythmias and its clinical testing. In: Siberian Symposium on Electrostimulation and Surgical Treatment of Arrhythmias and Cardic Insufficiency (Abstracts), Tomsk, October 8-10, 1996, p. 62 (in Russian).

5. Titomir L.I., Nagornov V.S., Barinova N.E., Trunov V.G. Model of spherical quasiepicardium for imaging the electric potential of the heart. Biofizika, in press (in Russian).

6. Ivanov G.G., Kovtun V.V., Kago M., Titomir L.I. High resolution electro-cardiographic abnormalities as possible indeces of electric instability of myocardium. Can. J. Cardiol., v. 12, No. 1, p. 53, 1996.

7. Blatov I.V., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Titomir L.I. A wireless system for noninvasive electrocardiographic mapping. In: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images., v. 13, Technical University Brno Press, Brno, 1996, p. 171.

8. Titomir L.I., Barinova N.E. On observability of bioelectric generator from measured external fields. Med. Biol. Eng. Comp., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 95, 1996.

9. Titomir L.I., Blatov I.V., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Barinova N.E. Telemetering equipment and optimal lead system for electrocardiographic mapping. Med. Biol. Eng. Comp., v. 34, Suppl. 1, Part 2, p. 99, 1996.

10. Titomir L.I., Sakhnova T.A., Aidu E.A.I., Trunov V.G., Barinova N.E. Danilushkin M.G. Decarto technique in observation of heart state evolution after the onset of myocardial infarction. In: XXIII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol. "From the Cell to the Body Surface" (Abstracts), Clevelend, OH, USA, July 31August 4, 1996, p. 109.

11. Titomir L.I., Muromtseva G.A., Trunov V.G., Zemtsova N.A., Barinova N.E. Electrocardiographic visualization of left ventricular hypertrophy undetectable by standard criteria. In: XXIII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol. "From the Cell to the Body Surface" (Abstracts), Clevelend, OH, USA, July 31August 4, 1996, p. 45.

12. Baevskii R.M., Moser M., Titomir L.I., Ivanov G.G., Aidu E.A.I., Trunov V.G., Funtova I.I., Zhevnov V.N. Assessment of electrophysiological state of heart in astronauts in terms of decartographic and conventional electrocardiographic characteristics. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, v. 97, No. 9, p. 516, 1996.

13. Titomir L.I., Sakhnova T.A., Chazova I.E., Barinova N.E., Kozhemyakina E.Sh. Decarto technique in long term observation of patients treated for primary pulmonary hypertension. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, v. 97, No. 9, p. 536, 1996.

Group of Artificial Intelligence Systems

14. Savinitch L.V. The Succession of Allegoric Speech Manner in Publications of Democratic Revolutionaries in 1860th, Collection of papers "After 170 years", Moscow (in print, in Russian).

15. Savinitch L.V. Aisopos' Language Tools in Natural Linguistic Hierarchy. Proceedings of the Conference "Problems of Modern Russistics".

16. Stefanuk V.L. A universal intelligent interface, Proceedings of JCKBSE'96, second Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 21-22, 1996, p. 64-72.

17. Stefanuk V.L. Discovery of Representations through Search: Case Study. 12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI-96. Workshop on Applied Semiotics, 1996, p. 33-37.

18. Stefanuk V.L. Embedding User Models in Intelligent interfaces. Abstract of a tutorial, accepted by the Program Committee of EXPERSYS-96, Paris: 21-22 October 1996.

19. Stefanuk V.L. Designing New Representations in the Process of Search. Proceedings of the V National Conference with International Participation "Artificial Intelligence-96", Kazan, 1996, vol. 3, p. 374-378 (in Russian).

20. Stefanuk V.L. Transactional Analysis of Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the V National Conference with International Participation "Artificial Intelligence-96", Kazan, 1996, vol. 1, p. 179-183 (in Russian).

21. Dochev D., Stefanuk V., Ueno H (editors). Proceedings of JCKBSE'96, Second Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 21-22, 1996, p. 255.

22. Stefanuk V.L. On a Semiotic Approach to Problem Representation. In: Proceedings of international conference "Intelligent Systems: A Semiotic Perspective". October 20-23, 1966, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, p. 10 (accepted paper, to be published).

* * *


Laboratory of Sensory Information Processing

Chief of the laboratory Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences,

Dr.Sci.(Biology), Prof. Alexei Byzov

Tel.: (095) 430 7190, Fax: (095) 430 7544

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Biol.) A.L.Byzov    Dr.(Techn.) D.G.Lebedev     

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr.(Math.) V.V.Maximov      

Dr.Sci.(Biol.) I.N.Pigarev  Dr.(Biol.) O.Yu.Orlov       

Dr.Sci.(Biol.)              Dr.(Biol.)                  
G.I.Rozhkova                T.A.Podugolnikova           

Dr.(Biol.) V.A.Bastaakov    Dr.(Biol.) E.I.Rodionova    

Dr.(Techn.) K.V.Golubtsov   Dr.(Math.) M.S.Smirnov      

Dr.(Biol.) D.N.Lapshin                                  

Directions of activity:

The topic of the lab. includes the wide range of problems of information processing at different levels of sensory systems: vision in vertebrates and invertebrates, auditory and cercal mechano-acoustical system in insects. Neuro-physiological studies involve: photoreceptors (their spectral properties); initial levels of signal processing: synaptic transmission, feedback from horizontal cells to photoreceptors etc; bipolar cells and the output retinal neuronsganglion cells; neurons of different brain centers including brain cortex and nucleus caudatus (in cats and monkeys). The function of visual system as a whole is studied psychophysically in human subjects (multiple organization of binocular visual mechanism, constancy of color vision etc), as well as in behavioral experiments in animals. Computer modeling is widely applied to analyze the properties of retinal networks and image processing and representation. The general conception for many directions of the lab. is constancy of perception (of color, size and direction in space). The auditory system of insects is studied in two aspects: characteristics of cercal mechano-acoustic system of cricket and the echolocation in nocturnal moth.



The experimental analysis of a "latent" color opponency in ontype ganglion cells of the frog retina have shown that in spite of the apparent differences in color coding in frogs and fishes, the neuronal mechanism is the same and is based on synaptic interaction in triad synapses: photoreceptor-horizontal cell- bipolar cell. The previously developed computer model of such a synapse reproduces well the experimental finding that the on-ganglion cells (and on-bipolar cells) of the frog retina generate off-responses to the stimuli delivered against the blue background (V.V.Maximov, E.M.Maximova, A.L.Byzov). This conclusion can be supported by the fact that in the frog retina some ganglion cells of on-type were found to have off-inputs not only from the periphery of the receptive field, but also from its center. This finding correlates with morphology: some on-ganglion cells have dendrites ramifying in scleral (off-) zone of the inner plexiform layer (V.A.Bastakov, O.Yu.Orlov, T.A.Podugolnikova). The analysis of spatial-frequency characteristics of the outer retina of vertebrates revealed the effective emphasis of high spatial frequencies by the retinal neuronal network (D.S.Lebedev).


It is shown that different neurons in caudatum nucleus of the cat brain respond to stimuli of only a single modality: light or sound, or tactil, or chemo-. The neurons have been discovered spontaneously active only during the sleep (E.I.Rodionova).


Setup and software have been developed to study interaction of monocular and binocular mechanisms responsible for the analysis of spatial relations in the conditions of concordant/contradictory stimulation. The phenomenology and dynamics in interpretation of relative positions in depth (in front/behind) has been studied varying correspondence of different depth cues (geometrical perspective, air perspective, monocular motion parallax, binocular disparity, type of background movement) (G.I.Rozhkova, A.K.Panjutin, P.P.Nikolaev, E.I.Rodionova).


According to the Volkswagen grant, the frequency characteristics of the identified neurons in the cercal system of cricket were studied and there were found low-frequency neurons responding to the air-born signals in the range below 100 Hz. This selectivity might be due to some delayed inhibitory influences, as was demonstrated by means of a computer model and was confirmed in the experiments with two-tone stimuli (V.Ju.Vedenina, G.I.Rozhkova, A.L.Byzov, A.K.Panjutin, D.N.Lapshin). Summer expeditions over Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkassk, Har'kov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions) were organized according to the project "Taxonomy and bioacou-tics of European locusts, katydids and crickets" (INTAS - grant). 30 insect species were gathered, in 15 species the acoustic signals were recorded (V.Ju.Vedenina). Using the scanning electron microscopy, the specific structures has been found responsible for the emission of echolocatory acoustic pulses by nocturnal moth. The relative spectral analysis has revealed the close resemblance between naturally emitted pulses and signals produced by mechanical stimulation of the mechanism of emission found (D.N.Lapshin).


The idea is developed how to apply the binocular photosensor with non uniform resolution to the systems of technical vision (D.G.Lebedev, V.P.Andreev).


The apparatus for express-diagnosis of visual fatigue "BLIK" has been developed and tested on a wide contingent of normal subjects and patients (K.V.Golubtzov).


In 1996 laboratory had 6 grants from Russian Foundation for Basic Research:

Volkswagen grant (AZ 1/69911)



1. V.V.Maximov, A.L.Byzov, "Horizontal cell dynamics: what are the main factors?" Vision Research, 1996, V. 36.

2. Максимова Е.М., Утина И.А., "Бистратифицированные дофаминергичес-кие амакриновые клетки в сетчатках низших позвоночных," Сенсорные системы, 1996, 10, в. 2, 47-54.

3. Максимова Е.М., Утина И.А., Ðешетников А.Н., "Дофаминергический вну-трисетчаточный нерв в сетчатке ужа (Natrix natrix)," Сенсорные системы, 1996, 10, в. 4.

4. Maximova E.M. "Dopaminergic neurons in the retinae of lower vertebrates," Proc. of 24th Goettingen Neurob. Conf. on Brain and Evolution (N.Elsner ed.). Vol. 11, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1996 (An electronic version of the poster is available at the site:

5. Maximov V.V., Derim-Oglu E.N. "Birds can discriminate human metameric colours". Perception, 1996, 25, Suppl. 98.

6. Maximova E.M. "Colour properties of the retinal afferents in the fish tectum". Perception, 1996, 25, 99.

7. Pigarev I.N., Rodionova E.M. "Neuronal activity in caudal nucleus in the sleep-waking cycle". Japanese-German Intern. Symp. "Sleep-Wake Disorders". Erfurt, Germany, Oct. 9-10, 1996, p. 25.

8. Cook J.E., Kondrashev S.L., Podugolnikova T.A. "Biplexiform ganglion cells, characterized by dendrites in both outer and inner plexiform layer, are regular, mosaic-forming elements of the teleost fish retina". Visual Neuroscience, 1996, V. 13, 517-528.

9. Cook J.E., Podugolnikova T.A., Kondrashev S.L. "Species-dependent variations in dendritic stratification in apparently homologous neuronal mosaics: Large retinal ganglion cells in two neoteleost fishes of the order Perciformes". Brain Res., 1997 (in press).

10. Бастаков В.А., Орлов О.Ю., Подугольникова Т.А., Панютин А.К. "Струк-тура рецептивных полей ганглиозных клеток сетчатки on-типа и морфология их дендритных ветвлений у травяной лягушки (Rana temporaria L.)". Сенсорные сис-темы, 1996, Т. 10, в. 4.

11. Бастаков В.А., Орлов О.Ю. "Проекция ганглиозных клеток сетчатки off-типа травяной лягушки (Rana temporaria L.) в ростральный таламус". Сенсорные системы, 1997 ( в печати).

12. Bastakov V.A., Orlov O.Ju., Podugolnikova T.A. "Morpho-physiological investigation of retinal ganglion cells of the on-type in the frog, Rana temporaria L.: structure of receptive field and morphology of dendritic arborization". Proc. 24th Goettingen Neurobiol. Confer. 1996. Eds.: Elsner N., Schenctreer H.-U. V. 2.

13. Kiseleva Elena I., Bastakov Vladimir A. "Homing in Rana esculenta postmetamorphosal froglets and its possible chemosensory mechanisms". Proc. 24th Goettingen Neurobiol. Conf, 1996. Eds.: Elsner N., Schenctreer H.-U. V. 2. P. 300.

14. Ðожкова Г.И., Подугольникова Т.А. "Компьютерное тестирование бино-кулярной зрительной системы человека.1. Потенциальные возможности компью-теризированных комплексов". Сенсорные системы, 1996, Т. 10, 46-58.

15. Ðожкова Г.И., Подугольникова Т.А., Сисенгалиева Г. "Компьютерное тес-тирование бинокулярной зрительной системы человека. 11. Прямая оценка основ-ных клинических показателей". Сенсорные системы, 1996, Т. 10, 59-68.

16. Подугольникова Т.А., Ðожкова Г.И., Матвеев С.Г. "Компьютерное тес-тирование зрительной системы человека. 111.Использование косвенных оценок". Сенсорные системы, 1996, Т. 10, 69-76.

17. Vedenina V.Ju., Rozhkova G.I., Byzov A.L., Kaemper G. "Low-pass behaviour of interneurons in the cricket cercal system". Proc. 24th Goettingen Neurobiol. Conf. 1996. Eds.: Elsner N., Schenctreer H.-U.

18. Лапшин Д.Н. "Влияние зрительных стимулов на динамику акустической эмиссии совок (Amphipyra perflua: Nictuidae)". Сенсорные системы, 1996, Т. 10, в. 3, 79-87.

19. Лапшин Д.Н., Федорова М.В. "Ðеакции тимпанальных органов совок (Amphipyra perflua: Noctuidae) на импульсные ультразвуковые сигналы". Сенсор-ные системы, 1996, Т. 10, В. 1, 5-17.

20. Суровичева Н.С., Лебедев Д.Г. "Бесконтактный метод оценки плавности прослеживающих движений глаз". Сенсорные системы, 1996, Т. 10.

21. Голубцов К.В., Ðогатина Е.В. "Компьютерная система для диагностики зрения. Исследование критической частоты слияния мельканий при дифферен-циальной диагностике патологии зрительного нерва". Вестник офтальмологии, 1997 (в печати).

22. Голубцов К.В., Зуева М.В., Цапенко И.В., Яковлев А.А. "Применение ап-паратов Хиазма-01 и 02 в диагностике". 1997, Сборник.

23. Голубцов К.В., Станченко С.В. "Прибор БЛИК для самодиагностики утомления зрения пользователя ПК". Мир, 1997.

24. Червова Л.С., Лапшин Д.Н., Каменский А.А. "Ноцицепция и способы ее модуляции у рыб," ХI Междунар. совещ. эволюц. физиол. 1996, С.-Пет., 258-259.

25. Доронина Г.В. "Нейронная сеть, выделяющая контрасты на изображении в условиях геометрического шума". 1996. Канд. дисс. (рук. Д.Г.Лебедев).

26. Суровичева Н.С. "Ðоль плавного прослеживания в трансформациях дви-жущихся объектов, наблюдаемых в условиях дефицита зрительной информации". 1997. Канд. дисс. (рук. Д.Г.Лебедев).

27. Piccolino M., Byzov A.L., Kurennyi D.E., Pignatelli A., Sappia F., Wilkinson M., and Barnes S., "Low-calcium-induced enhancement of chemical synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to horisontal cells in the vertebrate retina," 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 93, pp. 2302-2306.

* * *


Laboratory of Neurobiology of Motor Control

Head of the laboratory--Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci.(Medicine), Prof. Victor Gurfinkel

Tel.: (095) 209 2895, (095) 231 0960

Leading scientists of the laboratory:

Dr.Sci. (Medicine), Prof.     Dr. M. Lipshits           
Victor Gurfinkel                                        

Dr. A.Grishin                 Dr. K.Popov               

Dr. Yu.Ivanenko               Dr. B.Smetanin            

Dr. Yu.Levik                                            

Directions of activity and MAIN RESULTS:

In 1996 the laboratory continued the research of kinesthesia, focused at the investigation of the position sense. This field of sensorymotor physiology is not sufficiently studied, however it is the sense of mutual position of kinematic links that forms the basis for internal representation of configuration of the kinematic links and the whole body. In addition the accuracy of the perception of the initial position to a large degree determines the accuracy of future movement. The literature data about position sense are based on the experiments with a measurement of the thresholds of perceptions of angular position changes at very slow velocities of joint rotation. Our experiments were designed to determine if a man could successfully determine the current spatial position of the finger tip during a movements with non-perceivable speed. It was shown that a subjects are capable not only to detect the change in a stationary joint position and a direction of this change but also to localize the end of middle finger with an acceptable accuracy in any point of trajectory. Our data permit to conclude that a position sense is a really independent sense, which cannot be deduced from movement sense. It is possible that position sense is used in control of slow movements.

The first phase of the studies supported by PECO grant was finished this year. The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility to evoke the locomotory-like movements of unloaded leg in healthy humans using the activation of muscular afferents by means of vibratory stimulation of ipsi- and contralateral leg's muscles. We have developed an experimental facility in which a leg of a man lying on his side was suspended to the two-link suspension that have not created the returning forces. It was shown that in a significant portion of subjects it is possible to evoke the coordinated movements in hip and knee, resembling a normal locomotion. These data present a strong argument for the existence of spinal step generators in human.

The studies of tonic neck influences in a healthy humans were continued this year. We developed a facility permitting to perform these studies in standing position. To exclude any vestibular influences the experiments were done during body turns relative to space-fixed head. Under these conditions we revealed the distinct neck influences on the distribution of tonic activity of trunk and leg muscles and prominent oculomotor effects. The influences upon the skeletal muscles were observed at the background of balanced bilateral vibration. The normal feet loading during standing did not prevent the development of the illusion of head rotation during slow body turns.

Experimental technique was developed for space experiment "Cognilab" designed to study various aspects of the effect of weightlessness on sensorimotor interaction and cognitive function during operator activity. Cosmonauts' training and pre-flight tests were performed. Experiments aboard "Mir" orbital station began in August 1996 during a Russian-French space flight and are currently in progress with two Russian cosmonauts. The following aspects of operator activity have been investigated: reproduction and perception of force acting on a force-feedback handle; handle control during a simple assembly operation; performance of a rhythmic movement based on the internal clock; recognition of symmetry with various orientations of the symmetry axis; aim directed movement of hand without visual control. It was shown that microgravity influence the performance of the most of such sensorimotor and cognitive tasks. It means that internal reference system takes in account such factor as gravitation during the planning and execution phases of human sensorimotor and cognitive activity.

The studies of postactivation phenomena in human skeletal muscles were continued in 1996. The mechanical response of human m.flexor pollicis longus to slow linear stretch was measures during sustained unfused tetanus evoked by electrical stimulation. The stiffness increased during unfused tetanus. At the late phase of unfused tetanus it was 1.8 times greater than at the early phase. The sensitivity of the isometric tension level to a short change in a stimulation frequency also increased. At the late phase of unfused tetanus force oscillations increased during slow stretch or shortenung and immediately came to a smaller amplitude after the cessation of length change. Muscle resistance to slow ramp only weakly depended on activation level. At the late phase of unfused tetanus the stiffness per unit force was 1.5 times greater at 9-13 pps than at 20-25 pps. The enhancement of muscle stiffness during sustained unfused tetanus and a weak stiffnes dependence on the activation level indicated to a non-additivity of processes occurring in active muscle.


Laboratory performs studies supported by RFBR grants 96-04-48607, 96-04-48608, 96-04-48839, PECO-EBRCIPDCT 940234, (NAS) 15-10-110, RFBR-INTAS -95-1327.



1. Гурфинкель В.С., Киреева Т.Б., Левик Ю.С. Влияние вибрации постураль-ных мышц на поддержание равновесия во фронтальной плоскости при разных уровнях устойчивости. Физиология человека, 1996, т. 22, 2, с. 83-92.

2. Гурфинкель В.С. Н.А.Бернштейн и современные проблемы физиологии движений (к 100-летию со дня рождения). Физиология человека, 1996, т. 22, 6, с. 124-130.

3. Гурфинкель В.С. Николай Александрович Бернштейн. В сб. трудов ЦНИИПП "Протезирование и протезостроение", вып. 93, с. 7-13, 1996.

4. B.N.Smetanin, K.E.Popov. Effect of body orientation with respect to gravity on directional accuracy of human pointing movements. European Journal of Neuro-science, 1996, Vol. 8., pp. 7-11.

5. Popov K., Lekhel H., Bronstein A., Gresty M. Postural response to vibration of neck muscles in patients with unilateral vestibular lesions. Neuroscience letters, 1996, Vol. 214, pp. 202-204.

6. Gurfinkel V.S., Levik Yu.S. Central programs and the diversity of movemnets. In: Motor Control VII, D.Stuart (Ed.), Motor control press, Tucson, AZ, 1996, pp. 171-176.

7. Kozhina G.V., Person R.S., Popov K.E., Smetanin B.N., Shlikov V.Y. Motor unit discharge during muscular after-contraction. J. Elecromyogr. Kinesiol. 1996, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 169-175.

8. Wiesendanger M., Rouiller E.M., Kazennikov O., Perrig S. Is the supplementary motor area a bilateraly organized system? Advansces in Neurology 1996, ol. 70: Supplementory Sensorimotor Area, O.Luder (ed). Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, pp. 85-93.

9. McIntyre J., Bois J.M., M.Lipshits et al. The Cognilab/Robotop Instrument: Robotic Experiments with a Force Reflecting Handcontroller during the Cassiopee French/Russian Mission. In: 4th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robot Aplications: ASTRA 96, 1996, The European Space Agency, Noordwijk, Netherlands. 8 p.

10. Bois J.M., Shulenin A., Gurfinkel V., Lipshits M., Popov K. et al. The Cognilab instrument. A neurosciences laboratory in the MIR orbital station. 47th International Astronautical Congress, October 7-11, 1996, Beijing, China, 1996, IAF/IAA-96 G.3.02, International Astronautical Federation, Paris, France, 8 pp.

11. Gurfinkel V.S., Levik Yu.S. Inversed arthrokinetic illusion. In: Motor Control VIII, G.Gantchev et al. (eds)., Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 1996, pp. 119-122.

12. Massion J., Popov K., Fabre J.-C., Rage P., Gurfinkel V.S. What means erect posture? In: Motor control VIII. G.Gantchev et al. (eds)., Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 1996, pp. 123-128.

13. Mathis J., Gurfinkel V., Struppler A. Facilitation of motor evoked potentials by postcontraction response (Kohnstamm phenomenon). Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1996, vol. 101, pp. 289-297.

14. Gurfinkel V.S. 100 years of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bernstein.In: Motor control VIII. G.Gantchev et al. (eds)., Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 1996, pp. 11-14.


1. Grishin A.A., Formal'sky A.M., Mourey F., Pozzo T. Dynamic equilibrium during a walking and standing up from a chair. 3-я Всероссийская конференция по биомеханике. Тезисы докладов, Нижний Новгород 1-4 октября 1996, т. 1, с. 202-203.

* * *


Laboratory of Communications Network Theory

Head of the laboratory - Dr.Sci.(Techn.), Prof. Boris Tsybakov

Tel.: (095) 299 5002

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. N.Likhanov              

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) I.Levshin   Dr. V.P.Polesskiiay         

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) B.Tsybakov  Dr. N.Vvedenskaya           

Dr. S.Fedortsov                                         

Directions of activity in 1996:


ATM networks represent the communication avenues of the future, where information is transmitted in the form of packets or cells. Before transmission, packets are normally stored in buffers whose capacity is finite. The main performance metrics are packet rejection rates and delays, and the development of transmission policies which induce superior such metrics is a crucial issue in the design of high-performance ATM networks. The problem corresponds to the design of service disciplines for a queuing system with finite-capacity buffer and constant service-time server. This problem was considered by B.Tsybakov and T.Papantoni-Kazakos (the last professor is from University of Alabama, USA). It was shown that for any given sampling function of input traffic, the LIFO discipline is the best in terms of delays, while FIFO is then the worst. The proof of optimality was given for general input traffic, the delay distribution functions for LIFO, FIFO, and RANDOM were found for stationary memoryless traffic, where the numerical comparison of disciplines were given for the Poisson traffic.

A new medium access protocol which allows many wireless terminals to enter a network of base stations on cellular grid is suggested by B.Tsybakov, N.Likhanov and J.-P.Linnartz (the last Dr. is from Philips, The Netherlands). It allows a remarkably dense frequency reuse as it not only resolves message collisions within a cell but also controls mutual interference among adjacent cells. The throughput and packet delay are computed considering path loss and Rayleigh-fading.

The simulation method of the obtaining of the output response of the input signal of the linear time-variant system with randomly transfer function, which was seted by realizations of the two-dimension random sequence H(w,t) is developed by I.P.Levshin and I.A.Orlov. This method based on the application of the short time Fourier transform (STFT).The essence of the decision is that, the structure of the spectrum of the input signal x(t) became time-variant X(w,t) after application of the STFT and analogous of the structure time-variant transfer function H(w,t). The program of the unstationary filtering was developed on the base of the linear time-variant filtering algorithm. It is possible to adapt parameters of the program model for estimation of a specific state of a transmission media or to discover an anomaly in a media state.

I.P.Levshin shows that the oceanic media for the acoustic signals underwater transmission can be presented by a random time-spatial varying linear system. The mathematical-physics differential equations is used for modeling the deterministic structure of the ocean media and the random fields spectral theory is applied for the statistical modeling of the ocean structure. The hydrophysical parameters of the radiation transport equation are determined. These parameters for the different World ocean areas are determinate and used for simulation of multipath and fluctuations in underwater acoustic channel.

N.D.Vvedenskaya considered the asymptotic properties of the large queuing systems. In the paper of N.D.Vvedenskaya, R.L.Dobrushin, F.I.Karpelevich (the last is with MIIT, Moscow), the authors consider a system that consists of N servers with Poisson input flow of demands of intensity less then N. Each demand arriving to the system randomly selects two servers and is instantly sent to the one with the shorter queue. The service time is distributed exponentially with mean 1. It is possible to investigate the asymptotic distribution of the queue lengths as N tends to infinity. Unexpectedly it turned out that the queue length probability decreases superexponentially as the queue length increases. In the paper of N.D.Vvedenskaya and of N.D.Vvedenskaya, D.M.Rose, Yu.M.Suhov (Rose is with Statistical Lab. of Cambridge University) a fully-connected packet-switched network with N nodes is considered. Messages with different source-destination pairs are generated as independent Poisson processes. The number of unit packets in a message is a random variable. Two probabilistic routing models of message packets are investigated, the optimal parameters of the routing policy that minimize the message delivery are calculated.


1. N.D.Vvedenskaya, R.L.Dobrushin, F.I.Karpelevich, "Queuing systems with selection of the shortest of two queues: an asymptotic approach", Probl. Inform. Transmission,Vol. 32, 1996, pp. 20-34.

2. N.D.Vvedenskaya, J.P.M.G.Linnartz, "Single-Frequency Packet Network Using Stack Algorithm and Multiple Base Stations," in Lecture Notes in Computer Sci. 1044, Ed. B.Plattner, Springer, pp. 289-298, 1996.

3. N.D.Vvedenskaya, "An Example of Optimal Message Routing in a complete-graph Network Model," Proc. of 17th Symposium on Inform. Theory in the Benelux, May 30-31, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 65-71, 1996.

4. N.D.Vvedenskaya, "Vvedenskaya's Recollections", in "Contemporary Mathematical Physics, F.A. Berezin Memorial Volume," Ed. R.Dobrushin, R.Minlos, M.Subin, A.Vershik, AMS Translations (2), Vol. 175, pp. 231-236, 1996.

5. N.D.Vvedenskaya, Yu.D.Apresian, "Roland Lvovich Dobrushin. Obituary," IEEE Inform. Theory Soc. New Letters, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1996.

6. N.D.Vvedenskaya, R.Minlos, S.Shlosman, "Memories of Roland Dobrushin", Notices of AMS, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 428-430, 1996.

7. N.D.Vvedenskaya, "Large Queuing Systems where the Selection of the Shortest of Several Queues is Allowed," Proc. of the Workshop on Statistical Mechanics of Large Networks, INRIA Recquencourt, France, pp. 19-21, 1996.

8. N.D.Vvedenskaya, D.M.Rose, Yu.M.Suhov, "Application of the Poisson Independence Hypothesis to a Communication Network Routing Problem", Proc. of the Workshop on Statistical Mechanics of Large Networks, INRIA Recquencourt, France, pp. 34-35, 1996.

9. N.D.Vvedenskaya, D.M.Rose, Yu.M.Suhov, "The Poisson Independence Hypothesis: Early Development and Some Recent Results", Proc. of Informat. Conference on Distributed Computer Communication Networks, Tel Aviv, pp. 67-76, 1996.

10. N.D.Vvedenskaya, J.H.Weber, "Transmission of Messages Using Few Parallel Servers," Proc. of Internat. Conference on Distributed Computer Communication Networks, Tel-Aviv, pp. 241-245, 1996.

11. B.S.Tsybakov and S.P.Fedortsov, "Channel Assignment in Cellular Networks," Probl. of Inf. Trans., Vol. 32, No. 1, 1996, pp. 78-86.

12. B.S.Tsybakov and P.Papantoni-Kazakos, "The best and the worst packet transmission policies," Probl. of Inf. Trans., Vol. 32, No. 4, 1996.

13. B.Tsybakov, J.H.Weber, "Conflict-avoiding codes," Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, May 30-31, 1996, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 49-55.

14. B.Tsybakov, N.Likhanov, J.P.Linnartz, "Intercell and intracell collision resolution in wireless packet data networks," International workshop on Mobile Communications, 19-20 September, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 128-133, 1996.

15. S.P.Fedortsov, J.P.M.G.Linnartz, J.H.Weber, "Evaluation of spatial aloha in cellular networks," Proceedings 1996 International symposium on Information Theory and its applications, Victoria, Canada, Sept. 17-20, 1996, pp. 520-533.

16. Труды XXIII Международной конференции и дискуссионного научного клуба, Новые информационные технологии в науке, образовании и бизнесе, IT+SE'96, Украина, Крым, Ялта-Гурзуф, 15-24 мая, 1996.

* * *


Laboratory of Biology Problems of Control

Chief of the laboratory Dr.Sci.(Math) Alexey Chernavsky

Tel.: (095) 231 0960, (095) 952 3303

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences    

Dr.Sci.(Biology)            Dr.Sci.(Math)               
Yu.Arshavsky                I.Lukashevich               

Dr.Sci.(Biology)V.Bozhkova  Dr.Sci.(Biology) S.Minina   

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr.Sci.(Biology)            
A.Chernavsky                Yu.Panchin                  

Dr.Sci.(Biology) V.L.Dunin-Barkovsky, President of     
the RNNS                                               

Dr.Sci.(Biology)            Dr.Sci.(Biology)            
I.Keder-Stepanova           V.Smolyaninov               

Dr.Sci.(Biology)            Dr. M.Berkinblit            

Dr.Sci.(Biology)            Dr. N.Samosudova            

Directions of activity:

The general theme of the scientific work in the laboratory is: analysis of the information processes in cellular systems and in motor control. The main directions of theoretical researches in this realm: developmental biology (analysis of principles for the realization of genetic information in the developmental systems), neurobiology (neural communication and biochemical modulation in neural centers), motor control (study of geometry of manipulative space and of control goal-directed movings). Also some new bioinformatical principles are worked out.



The study of the "pattern formation" problem on the model of early fish development allowed to elucidate in detail how the multicellular systems are partitioned into territories with distinct developmental programs. It was shown that simultaneously with a regional activation of sets of regulatory genes, such that defines the working parts of the substructures, the boundaries are formed between the regions. The latter process is mediated by the enhanced intercellular adhesion entirely in the embryo, its modulation in each region and gap junctional uncoupling at the interface between the regions. A mechanism for the sharpening of the boundaries, based on the local intercellular signaling via gap junctions, is proposed. (Bozhkova V.P.).

It is proved that the cell lineage in marine nematode Enoplus brevis is not fixed. (Voronov D.A.).

Clones of homeobox-containing genes with new properties in hydra are isolated and partly sequened. Some of them had stop-codones just after the homeobox, and that supposes a possibility of only partial translation, with product acting as a transcription repressor. (Leontovich A. in Dr. Bodey's laboratory, Irwin, California, USA).

In addition to a unique known example of a viral protein which induces appearance of fusion pores a new one is studied including electric properties of these pores. The protein expressed in a stably transfected cell line (obtained jointly with Dr. Blissard). Their fusion with eritrocites was studied and results compared with early known induction of pores by another viral protein under cell fusion in the same cell line. The results are consistent with the idea that target membrane and a presence of other envelope viral proteins unlikely interfere with initial pore conductance but rather could have an impact on fusion pore kinetics. (Plonsky I.).


The mechanisms of coordinated activity of neural networks which control the vertical posture of marine mollusc Clione were studying. When the temperature is high, it may sink in vertical posture or descend passively during hunting or in protective behavior as well. It is shown that these changes are determined by inversion of reactions to statocist signals or their blocking. It follows that the motor behavior is controlled with flexible networks from neural elements with changing properties and connections. (Arshavsky Yu., Panchin Yu.).

The pattern activity of the respiratory neurons of the meduiia slices was studied. It was correlated with the structure of the respiratory nuclei at any stage of the ontogeny. (Keder-Stepanova I.A., Petrjaevskaya V.B.).

Under condition of elevated concentration of L-glutamate and after electro-stimulation the frog cerebellum it was revealed the presence of 1. spiral structures ("wraps"), ormed by glial cell processings, which wraped around synapses and 2. autotypic septal-like contacts, located in this "wraps"; these effects are proposed to make for the safety of neural net functioning both in normal and pathological situations. (Samosudova N.V., Larionova N.P.).

The locomotor activity of a freshwater crustacea was studying with a non-disturbing tourniquet method. Some twenty-four hours variations in the moving activity of the animal are discovered as well as reactions on the changes in environment. It is shown that the background moving activity is a sensible test for the functional condition of the animal. (Burmistrov Yu.M.).

The narcotic action of some analgetics on parameters of miniature potentionals of the end plate in the frog neuro-muscular junction was investigating, and it was shown that the action is postsynaptic and has the concurrence with acetilcholin for the active center in muscular receptor molecule as its basis. (Khashaev Z.Kh.).

The comparative estimation based on EEG study of the functional condition of brain in children group with different pathology as well as normal is carried out. The role of right hemisphere and stem structures is shown in connection with the embriogenese. A computer diagnostic-tiching system is created. (Lukashevich I.).


Two correction mechanisms are discovered which diminish mistakes in pointing movements to memorized targets. The targets were presenting visually and kinestetically. The first mechanism consists in correlation between final values of angles in shoulder and forearm, and so that variation in one angle are partly compensated with variations in others. It is found out namely which angle correlations diminish mistakes made in different directions. The second mechanism consists in correlativity of values of acceleration and inhibition during arm moving to a target, with result that the variablemistakes of movement do not depend on its velocity, although the variability of acceleration increases with velocity. (Berkinblit M.B., Adamovicz S.V.).

A computer modeling of a one-joint movement control is carried out based on the principle of shifting equilibrium point. The model has indicated frontiers of its use. (Chernavsky A.V., Karpushkin V.N.).

Characteristics of human motoneuron repetitive firing of slow and fast muscles were analyzed and the role of the afterhyperpolarization as a factor controlling motoneuron firing was estimated. (Kudina L., Jukovskaya N.).

A package of sensory-motor tests is created for the human manual behavior and visual perception (Smolyaninov V.).


A theoretical analysis has been carried out of conditions and possibilities for the appearance of higher integrative level of animal behavior based on the emergence of individual memory. (Chailachian L.M., Vladimirova M.A.).

Construction of "new science" describing living creation and physical word from a unified point of view, is begun with formulating its basic principles: 1) the principle of minimal price of action for management and calculation; 2) the optimality principle; 3) the principle of minimal irreversibility; 4) the principle of causality (fresh wording). (Liberman E.A., Minina S.G., Sophina L.M.).

The own extensive experimental and literature data are collected as the base for formulating the principle of biology-valuable information and also to propose a unit of it. (Larin Ju.S.).


1. BOZHKOVA V.P., VORONOV D.A., Korochkin L.I. and Kulikova D.A. The study of the functional role of gap junctions in development on the transgenic model. Doklady Akademii Nauk. 1996. V. 349. N 6: 1-5.

2. BOZHKOVA V.P. The production of the fish chimeric embryos and the analysis of their development. In Russian Review Series, Pub. H. Gordon and Brich, Britain, USA, Russia, in press.

3. Спиридонов С.Э., ВОÐОНОВ Д.А. Особенности распределения инвазион-ных личинок энтомопатогенных нематод семейства Steinernematidae. В кн. Фау-на, морфология, систематика паразитов и иммунитет при паразитозах. Труды Ин-та Паразитологии ÐАН. Т. XL. С. 67-74.

4. Spiridonov S.E., VORONOV D.A. Small scale distribution of Steinernema feltiae juveniles in cultivated soil. In: Ecology and transmission strategies of entomopathogenic nematodes, Eds. C.T. Griffin, R.L. Gwynn, J.P. Masson. ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels - Luxembourg, 1996. P. 36-41.

5. PANCHIN Y.V., ARSHAVSKY Y. I., Deliagina T. G., Orlovsky G. N., Popova L. B., Selverston A. Control of locomotion in the marine mollusk Clione limacina. 11. Effects of serotonin. Experimental Brain Research 10: 361-365, 1996.

6. PANCHIN Y.V., Zelenin P.V., Popova L.B. Regeneration of neuromuscular connections in the locomotor system of the pteropod mollusc Clione limacina. 26th Annual Meeting. Washington, November 16-21, 1996, p. 654.

7. ЧАЙЛАХЯН Л.М. Механизмы генетически обусловленного поведения многоклеточных животных. "ДАН", 1996, 346, N 1, 132-135.

8. ЧАЙЛАХЯН Л.М. Интегральное поведение животных на основе генети-ческих и онтогенетических механизмов. "ДАН", 1996, 348, N 6, 838-841.

9. Асланиди К.Б., Бойцова Л.Ю., Потапова Т.В., СМОЛЯНИНОВ В.В. Единица гифального роста Neurospora crassa как экспериментальная модель для анализа концепции информационно-энергетического модуля. "Биол. Мембраны," 3, N 1, 29-39.

10. LIBERMAN E.A., MININA S.V. Cell molecular computer and biological information as the foundation of nature's laws. "BioSystems", 1996, 38, 173-177.

11. САМОСУДОВА Н.В., ЛАÐИОНОВА Н.П., ЧАЙЛАХЯН Л.М. Аутотипические септальноподобные контакты глиальных клеток в мозжечке лягушки in vitro и их возможная роль в норме и патологии. "ДАН", 1996, 351, N 6.

12. SAMOSUDOVA N., LARIONOVA N. L-glutamate neurotoxicity and infor-mational capacity damage. "Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology," 1996, 65, suppl. 1, 189.

13. САМОСУДОВА Н.В., ШУНГСКАЯ В.Е. Изменение структуры цитоске-летного актина в культивируемых мышечных клетках при стимуляции культур полистирольным латексом. "Цитология," 1996, 38, N 8, 829-833.

14. САМОСУДОВА Н.В., ЛАÐИОНОВА Н.П., Ðеутов В.П., Филиппова Н.А., ЧАЙЛАХЯН Л.М. Патолоическое слияние зернистых клеток мозжечкаа лягушки под влиянием L-глутамата: возможная роль окиси азота. IX конференция "Маг-нитный резонанс в химии и биологии." Москва, 1996, стр. 38 of Neuroscience, Supple N 8, Amsterdam, 1996, p. 20.

15. Книга: "Russian Contributions to Invertebrate Behavior." Editors: Yuri BURMISTROV et al., Praeger: Westport, Connecticut. 1996, 228 p.

16. BURMISTROV Y.M., Shuranova Z.P. Individual features in invertebrate behavior: Crustacea. In: "Russian Contributions to Invertebrate Behavior." Praeger: Westport, Connecticut. 1996, 111-144.

17. BURMISTROV Y.M., Shuranova Z.P. N.I.Artiukhina. Effects of black widow spider venom on crustacean nerve cells: electrophysiological and ultrastructural study. General Pharmacology, 1997, No. 1.

18. Z.Kh-M.KHASHAEV, E.M.Sheksheev. On molecular effect of some local anaesthetics and drug preparations. "Progress in Biophisics & Molecular Biology." 1966, v. 65, S. 1, p. 213.

19. ЛУКАШЕВИЧ И.П., Мачинская Ð.И., Фишман М.Н. "Ðоль стволовых от-делов мозга в структурно-функциональном формировании коры у детей 7-8 лет." Физиология человека, 1996, N 1.

20. Фишман М.Н., Мачинская Ð.И., ЛУКАШЕВИЧ И.П. "Нейрофизиологи-ческие механизмы трудностей в обучении детей младшего школьного возраста." Вестник Костромского университета (принята в печать).

21. Фишман М.Н., Мачинская Ð.И., ЛУКАШЕВИЧ И.П. Особенности формирования электрической активности мозга у умственно отсталых детей 7-8 лет. "Физиология человека," 1996, 22, N 4, 26-32.

22. ЛУКАШЕВИЧ И.П., Сазонова О.Б. Влияние поражения различных отде-лов зрительного бугра на характер биоэлектрической активности мозга человека. "Журнал высш. нервн. деят. им. акад. И.П.Павлова", 1996, 46, N 5, 866-874.

23. ЛУКАШЕВИЧ И.П., Буклина С.Б. Нарушение высших психических функций при поражении различных отделов хвостатого ядра. "Журнал высш. нервн. деят. им. акад. И.П.Павлова," 1996, 46, N 1, 49-53.

24. ADAMOVICH S.V., BERKINBLIT M.B., Fookson O.I., Poizner H. Characteristics of pointig movements in the framework of N.A.Bernstein ideas. In: Bernstein's traditions in motor control. The Pensylvania State University, University Parc, 1996.

25. СМОЛЯНИНОВ В.В. Кора мозжечка как орган пространственно времен-ной координации движений. "Мозжечок и структуры мозга," 1996, 378-386.

26. СМОЛЯНИНОВ В.В. Структурные инварианты коры мозжечка. "Мозже-чок и структуры мозга," 1996, 378-386.

27. ДУНИН-БАÐКОВСКИЙ В.Л., Маркин С.Н., Подладчикова Л.Н., Оценка вклада простых и сложных импульсов клеток Пуркинье в локальные потенциалы коры мозжечка. Биофизика (принято к печати).

28. ДУНИН-БАÐКОВСКИЙ В.Л., Анциферова Л.И., Гусев А.Г., Кросс-корре-ляционный анализ межнейронных связей в мозжечке бодрствующего кролика. Журнал высшей нервной деятельности и нейрофизилогии (принято к печати).

29. Zimmerberg J., Vogel S.S., Whalley T., PLONSKY I., Sokoloff A., Chanturia A., Chernomordik L.V., Intermediates in membrane fusion. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. V.LX, 1996, 589-599.

30. PLONSKY I. and Zimmerberg J., The initial fusion pore induced by baculovirus GP64 is large and forms quiqly. The Journal of Cell Biology. V. 135, 1996, 1831-1839.

31. ЧЕÐНАВСКИЙ А.В., Артемьева Е.Н., КАÐПУШКИН В.Н. Компьютерное моделирование управления односуставным движением на основе принципа равновесной точки. Биофизика (принято к печати), 42, 1997.

32. CHERNAVSKY A.V., Artemieva E.N. Computer spring model of one-joint movement control. Intern.Sympos. "Motor Control," No. 8, 1996, Sophia.


1. BOZKOVA V.P. and VORONOV D.A. The inhibition of gap junctions in fish embryos by the injection of cDNA for rat connexin 43. In Abstracts of Int. Meeting on Zebrafish Dev and Genetics, 1996. Cold Spring Harbor. P. 23.

2. LIBERMAN E.A. Reasonable necessity and basic exerimentally tested informational principles of new science. "Abst. Second conference of the Foundations of Information Science," 1996, Vienna University of Technology, Vien, p. 29

3. ЦОФИНА Л.М. Взаимодействие diS-C3-(5) с 2,4-динитрофенолом и паль-митиновой кислотой при изучении трансмембранного потенциала.

4. BURMISROV Y.M., Shuranova Z.P. Caudal deafferentation results in hyper-reactivity of the crayfish Procambarus cubensis "Proc. 24th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference," 1996, vol 2, 327.

5. BURMISTROV Y.M., Shuranova Z.P. Behavioral responses of the crayfish to some unexpected stimuli. Ibid., vol. 2, 326.

6. Z.Kh-M.KHASHAEV. A study of molecular mechanisms o narcotic analgetics. Proc. Intern. Scool, CAD-96, Ukraine, Crimes, Yalta-Gursuf, May 1996, v. 1, p. 112

7. Z.Kh-M.KHASHAEV, V.G.Melnikov, E.M.Sheksheev. The mechanism of information in neuromuscular systems. Abstr. 7th Int. Congress of the Int. Soc. for Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (ISBET-96). October 14-17, Rio-ge-Janeiro, Brazil, 1996, p. 361.

8. A.Cojocaru, Z.Kh-M.KHASHAEV. The Effect of Physical and Chemical Factors of Information Processing in Neurosystems. Int. Informatization Forum IV. Int. Confer. on Informational Networks and Systems, ICINAS-96, 1996, pp. 161-170.

9. Z.Kh-M.KHASHAEV. Modern views on the mechanism of information in neuromuscular systems. ICINAS-96, 1996, pp. 223-224.

10. DUNIN-BARKOWSKI W.L. Cerebellar type neural module for poly-sensor multi-dimensional control. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Robot Vision, Rostov-on-Don, KRINC, 1996, p. 17.

* * *


Laboratory of Systems for Behavior Organizing

Chief of the laboratory - Dr. Modest Weinzweig

Tel.: (095) 141 3217

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Ljubetsky  Dr. P.Nickolayev            

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) V.Neiman    Dr. M.Weinzweig             

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) A.Tsybakov                              

Directions of activity and MAIN RESULTS

An initial version of the visual associative memory model is developed, in which the image selection is insensitive to smooth transformations of images, specifically, to transformations caused by an alteration of the view point. The model is based on the earlier developed pyramidal algorithm for establishing a smooth pointwise correspondence between images.

For 3-dimensional non-Lambertian objects, the algorithms are developed for color segmentation and for evaluation of coloring and lighting spectrums. With the help of projective invariants, these algorithms can be effectively used for object recognition and for generation of their 3D representation.

Exact models of queuing processes in connection networks of linear and circle structures are built in the form of linear equations. For linear networks an efficient size reduction algorithm is developed and successfully applied within the computer program for generation of analytical solutions of these equations (implemented in the programming language Refal).

For the domain of pi-rings, an algorithm is developed which distinguishes the class of theories for which an effective procedure for quantifier elimination does exist. The properties of such theories and their quantifier elimination procedures are investigated.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-01-01432) "The Research and the Development of Associative Algorithms for Analysis, Recognition and Structural Representation of Visual Scenes".

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-04-49490) "The Development of the Heterarchical Model for Perception of Color and Shape of Smooth Objects With the Usage of Projective and Spectrum Invariants of the Image and the Display Simulation of Visual Scenes".


1. Vaintsvaig M.N., Polyakova M.P., Pointwise Matching of Images. "Pattern recognition and image analysis," Vol. 6, No. 1, 1996, pp. 102-103.

2. Vaintsvaig M.N., Polyakova M.P., Point-by-Point Correspondence of Images. "Pattern recognition and image analysis," Vol. 6, No. 4, 1996, pp. 675-681.

3. Nejman V.I., Cellular mobile wireless communication system. The textbook. M., MIIT, 1996, 46 p.

4. Nejman V.I., Coding in Digital Wireless Telephone Communication. "Avtoma-tika, telemekhanika i svjaz'," No. 8, 1966, pp. 12-15.

5. Lyubetsky V.A., Transfer Theorems and Modal Operator Algebra, II. In: Logicheskie issledovanija, No. 3, M., Nauka, pp. 205-232.

6. Lyubetsky V.A., On Applications of Semantic Estimation Method. "Problemy peredachi informacii," pp. 82-96.

* * *


Laboratory of Problems of Consciousness and Communication

Chief of the laboratory Dr.Sci.(Psychology) Nikolai Muskhelishvili

Tel.: (095) 196 0024

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Psychology)         Dr. A.Kiselev               

Dr.Sci. (Philosophy),                                   
Prof. J.Schreider                                       

Directions of activity:

Direction of research is concerned with specific characteristics of communications connected with the alterations of human consciousness states. This activity is based on the metapsychological approach proposed by leading scientists of Laboratory for describing the phenomena of consciousness and indirect communications.


Reflective models of conflict situations in posttotalitarian society were studied and modeled. New mathematical schemes for value reflection, generalizing the well-known ones due to V.Lefebvre were constructed. These schemes allow the description of the incomplete good as a stimulus for the breach of moral prohibitions. In this context the problem of the absolutism of morals was studied, and also the relation of morals to the practical behavior, based on common sense.

Structures of consciousness, related to religious states were studied. The study concerned the dynamics of consciousness states during the performance of certain religious exercises and the role played by imagination in this process, namely the appearance of images including intentional, emotional and rational components. In particular, the Orthodox isychastic practice was compared to the practice of West Christianity.

A principally new conception of the meaning of texts was worked out. This conception is applicable not only to the text describing reality, but also to text having important spiritual meaning. The new method is based upon the conception of the image-organizer, initiating the generation of the text.

The communication act here is interpreted as a reconstruction by the recipient of the original image underlying the generation of the text received.

A scientific method for the description of the image-organizer based on the study of the text is worked out. This method allows to establish the identity of the texts belonging to different cultural traditions; this is a proof of the method's efficiency. The method also allows to get the objective description of consciousness contents relevant for deep spiritual experiences.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 96-06-80627) Formal Consciousness Structures and their Application to Artificial Intelligence.


1. Мусхелишвили Н.Л., Сергеев В.М., Шрейдер Ю.А. "Ценностная реф-лексия и конфликты в разделенном обществе," Вопросы Философии, No. 11, 1996.

2. Мусхелишвили Н.Л., Шрейдер Ю.А. "Значение и образ," Международная конференция "Культурно-исторический подход: развитие гуманитарных наук и образования," Тезисы, c. 108-110, М., 1996.

3. Шрейдер Ю.А. и др. "Этика: абсолюты и здравомыслие," Человек, 1996, No. 5, c. 101-112.

* * *


Laboratory of Computational Linguistics

Head of the laboratory--Dr.Sci.(Linguistics) Igor M. Boguslavsky

Tel.: (095) 299 4927, e-mail:

The leading scientists of the laboratory are:

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Jurij   
D. Apresjan                                            

Dr.Sci.(Linguistics) Igor   Dr. Leonid G.Mitjushin      

Dr.Sci.(Linguistics)        Dr. Leonid L.Tsinman        
Vladimir Z.Sannikov                                     

Dr. Leonid L.Iomdin                                     

Directions of activity:

The main problem the Laboratory is concerned with is the operation of natural languages as a means of information transmission.

Fundamental research carried out by the Laboratory aims at the development of a complete operational formal model of language of the "Meaning Text" type. The model is designed to simulate the linguistic behavior of man, i.e. the ability to generate natural language texts and to understand them.


In 1996 the following results were obtained:

1. The bi-directional English-to-Russian and Russian-to-English translation system, ETAP-3, was provided with a new facility allowing to significantly improve the quality of translation by the use of lexical functions. The lexical functions module takes care of the translation of set expressions, which are notoriously difficult to render in a foreign language, on the basis of very general rules valid for large lexical classes.

2. Another new facility introduced into ETAP-3 is multiple generation of translational equivalents for sentences which are unambiguous in the source language. Any translation rule, as well as any synthesis rule, may be marked as optional. An optional rule will apply to produce only the first translation. Should the user want alternative translations, optional rules will be suspended one by one and will not participate in the subsequent processing.

3. The system of paraphrasing natural language sentences on the basis of lexical functions theory has been expanded. About a thousand lexical entries of the Russian and English combinatorial dictionaries were supplied with the information on the lexical functions. The paraphrasing system simulates one of the basic property of the linguistic behavior of humans, namely, their ability to express the intended meaning in a great number of alternative ways.

4. Two versions of a syntactic (grammar) checker for Russian were developed. The first of them is an additional facility of the ETAP-3 system and is based on the parsing algorithm operating within the system. The second is implemented as a separate module. Both systems operate with a large dictionary of about 90, 000 words and are able to effectively find and correct agreement and subcategorization errors likely to occur in real texts.

5. A new multilingual version of the computer-assisted language learning system based on the theory of lexical functions and the contemporary theory of lexicographic definitions was completed in cooperation with the Heidelberg (Germany) and the Klagenfurt (Austria) universities. A new language (German) was included in the system.

6. A new tutoring system was developed on the basis of a large morphological dictionary of Russian. The system is intended to help the learners of Russian to brush up and master their knowledge of the Russian morphology.

7. A new mathematical method for representing and processing ambiguous linguistic structures was developed.


Prof. Apresjan read a paper "On systemic lexicography" and "On the Moscow school of semantics" at the International Readings on the study and teaching of lexica in Granada, April 21-30, did work as scientific coordinator of the joint project CALLEX (INTAS-94-0843) at the current session of participants in Heidelberg (Germany), July 26-31; read the paper "On an integrated description of grammar and dictionary" at the September session of the Commission on the grammatical structure of Slavic languages (Siena, Italy), gave six talks and lectures on theoretical semantics and systemic lexicography at the Linguistics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest university, the Russian Cultural Centre in Budapest, the Szeged university and the Szeged pedagogical institute (December 2-11), read the paper "On the lexicographic treatment of aspect" at the Aspectological seminar in the Moscow university (January 18), read the paper "To what extent is the notion of synonymy formalizable?" at the readings in memory of D.N.Shmelev (February 23), gave a talk on the place of the dictionary in an integrated linguistic description at a session of the Russian language department of the Moscow university (October 23).

Dr. Boguslavsky gave several talks on syntactic semantics and computational linguistics at the universities of Amsterdam, Groningen, Grenoble, Vienna, Manchester and Edinburgh and at the Rank Xerox Corporation (Grenoble). He took part in the international conference on Slavic linguistics (Potsdam, 17-20 September) with the lecture "Generische Nominalphrasen und die Verbbedeutung", in the Workshop on Computational Linguistics (Tbingen, 16-28 September) and in the First UNL Symposium at the United Nations University (Tokyo, 21-22 November).

Dr. Iomdin read several lectures courses ("The Foundations of Contemporary Russian Morphology", "Selected Issues of the Integral Description of Natural Language. Word Formation and the Lexicon", "Syntactic Constructions and Syntactic Relations: Issues in the Theory of Russian and General Syntax", "Lexicon Structures for Automatic Text Analysis and Synthesis") at the university of Munich. He also gave talks on Russian and General Lexicography and Computational Linguistics at the University of Zrich and the University of Potsdam and took part in the Workshop on Computational Linguistics (Tbingen, September 16-28) with a talk on machine translation and dependency grammars.

Dr. Mitjushin gave talks at the DIALOGUE-96 Seminar, Puschino, May 5-9, at the International conference COLING' 96 (Copenhagen, August 2-9) and at the Workshop on Computational Linguistics (Tbingen, September 16-28).


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 93-0100-563) "Development of a Functional Linguistic "Meaning Text" Model."

Russian Research Foundation for the Humanities (N 94-06-19655) "Linguistic Play and Structure of Language".

INTAS (N 93-1448) "Construction of a Trilingual Machine Translation System Based on ETAP-3 and CAT-2 Technologies".

INTAS (N 94-3509) "Natural Language Processing: Creation of Linguistic Resources and Pilot Applications".

INTAS (N 94-843) "Computer-Aided Learning of Lexical Functions".

COPERNICUS (N 787) "Preparatory Actions for Terminological Assistance to Central and Eastern European Countries".


1. Ju.D.Apresjan. Jubilee notes on non-jubilee words: ругать 'to scold' and its synonyms. [Ю.Д.Апресян. Юбилейные заметки о неюбилейных словах: ругать и его синонимы.] Московский лингвистический журнал, т. 2, М., 1996.

2. Ju.D.Apresjan. Ценить 'to value' and дорожить 'to cherish' in the dictionary of synonyms. [Ю.Д.Апресян. Ценить и дорожить в словаре синонимов.] Ðусис-тика, славистика, индоевропеистика. К шестидесятилетию А.А.Зализняка. М., 1996.

3. Ju.D.Apresjan. On an explanatory dictionary of the Russian verb government patterns and collocations. [Ю.Д.Апресян. О толковом словаре управлений и соче-таемости русского глагола.] (In print.)

4. Ju.D.Apresjan. The new explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. [Ю.Д.Апресян. Новый объяснительный словарь синонимов русского языка.] Первый выпуск. (In print.)

5. Ju.D.Apresjan. The structure of a dictionary entry. [Ю.Д.Апресян. Структура словарной статьи.] Новый объяснительный словарь синонимов русского языка. Первый выпуск. (In print.)

6. Ju.D.Apresjan. The linguistic terminology in the dictionary. [Ю.Д.Апресян. Лингвистическая терминология словаря.] Новый объяснительный словарь сино-нимов. Первый выпуск. (In print.)

7. I.M.Boguslavsky. The scope of lexical units. [И.М.Богуславский. Сфера дейс-твия лексических единиц.] М., 1996.

8. I.M.Boguslavsky. On the correlation between the quiestion and the coordination, or Why "and" may be synonymous with "or". [И.М.Богуславский. О со-отношении между вопросом и сочинением, или почему и может быть сино-нимично или.] Московский лингвистический журнал, т. 2, М., 1996.

9. S.A.Grigorieva. The synonymous row of the adjective ЧУТКИЙ 'sensitive'. [С.А.Григорьева. Синонимический ряд прилагательного ЧУТКИЙ.] Ю.Д.Апре-сян. Новый объяснительный словарь синонимов русского языка. Первый выпуск. (In print.)

10. S.A.Grigorieva, N.V.Grigoriev, G.E.Krejdlin. Semantic types of Russian gestures. [С.А.Григорьева, Н.В.Григорьев, Г.Е.Крейдлин. Семантические типы русских жестов.] Сборник статей победителей конкурса публикаций Между-народного научного фонда. М., 1996.

11. S.A.Grigorieva, N.V.Grigoriev, G.E.Krejdlin. A dictionary entry in the experimental dictionary of Russian gestures, mime, and postures. [С.А.Григорьева, Н.В.Григорьев, Г.Е.Крейдлин. Словарная статья в экспериментальном словаре русских жестов, мимики и поз.] Московский лингвистический журнал, т. 2. Ðоссийский государственный гуманитарный университет, М., 1996.

12. L.L.Iomdin. The semantic incompleteness of Russian nominal paradigms. [Л.Л.Иомдин. Семантическая неполнота русских именных парадигм.] Die Welt der Slaven XLI, pp. 361-384, 1996. Mnchen, Otto Sagner.

13. L.G.Mitjushin. On a system of correcting agreement errors. [Л.Г.Митюшин. О системе коррекции ошибок согласования.] Труды международного семинара ДИАЛОГ-96, М., 1996, 157-158.

14. L.Mitjushin. An agreement corrector for Russian. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING-96), vol. 2. Copenhagen, 1996, 776-781.

15. L.G.Mitjushin. On ambiguous syntactic structures. [Л.Г.Митюшин. О много-значных синтаксических структурах.] Труды конференции "Искусственный ин-теллект-96 (КИИ-96)", т. 1, Казань, 1996, 109-114.

16. L.Mitjushin. On regular dependency trees. A talk given at the Seminar on Computational linguistics (Tbingen, September 1996), available on

17. L.L.Tsinman. An activity review for the Computational Linguistics Laboratory of the IITP RAS: a computer implementation of the Meaning Text linguistic model. [Л.Л.Цинман. Обзор работ Лаборатории компьютерной лингвистики ИППИ ÐАН по компьютерной реализации лингвистической модели "Смысл Текст".] Тру-ды конференции "Искусственный интеллект-96 (КИИ-96)", т. 1, Казань, 1996, 155-158.

18. L.L.Tsinman, V.G.Sizov. The government pattern, frame valencies, and language engineering. [Л.Л.Цинман, В.Г.Сизов. Модель управления, фреймовые актанты и лингвистическая инженерия.] (In print.)

19. V.Z.Sannikov. The language play as a linguistic experiment. [В.З.Санников. Языковая игра как лингвистический эксперимент.] Вестник МГУ, ╨ 1, 1996.

20. V.Z.Sannikov. New books. [В.З.Санников. Новые книги.] Вопросы языкознания, ╨ 6, 1996.

* * *


Laboratory of Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Head of the laboratory Dr.Sci.(Math.) A. Yu. Veretennikov

Tel.: (095) 299 9415

Among the leading researches of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Math.)              Dr. V.Kistlerov             

Dr. F.Grigor'ev             Dr. A.Puhalskii             

Dr. O.Gulinskii             Dr. A.Serebrovski           

Some members of the laboratory such as Dr.Sci.(Techn.) R.Liptser and Dr. P.Kitsul are working abroad now.

The laboratory has also active collaboration on common scientific grants with such researches as Dr. A.Piatnitski (Lebedev Physical Institute) and Dr. M.Kleptsyna (State University of Railway Engineering).

Directions of activity:


New results on averaging and mixing rates in stochastic systems have been obtained. Particularly a new class of diffusion processes with polynomial mixing rate has been found. The results were applied to estimation problems and in particular to the estimation of the stationary density of a diffusion process.

Large deviation principle was established for the systems of stochastic differential processes with one and two of small parameters with nonsmooth and unbounded coefficients, which arise in applications to various problems of estimation, stochastic approximation and in homogenization theory.

Mean square optimality has been proved for the iterated method of regularization of incorrect problems with random errors in the class of solutions of arbitrary smoothness which is based on stopping by a discrepancy value. (A.Yu.Veretennikov).

We proved the large deviation principle for the empirical process generated by independent identically distributed finite-dimensional random vectors considered as a random element of the Skorohod space of functions that assume values in the space of finite nonnegative measures. We gave conditions under which non-stability of the fluid model associated with a queuing network implies that the network itself is non-ergodic. We established the relation between large deviation principles for inverse processes and applied the results to analyze large deviations in queuing networks. We obtained diffusion approximation for a model of multirate link under critical loading and proved asymptotic optimality of the trunk reservation policy. (A.A.Puhalskii).

The structure of strongly sublinear functional's space and related space of Choquet capacities have been investigated. Analogues of the Helly theorem and the theorem of monotone passage to the limit have been proved.

The theorem for representation of sub-functionals in the form of sub-integrals (an analogue to the Riesz theorem) was also proved. An analogue to the characteristic function method allowed to justify the generalized Laplace method. (O.V.Gulinskii).

Averaging principle for the family of optimal filtration estimates has been proved in the case when both signal and observations are diffusion processes with drift coefficients depending on the fast oscillating random process.

Conditional distribution density asymptotic behavior has been studied for a component of a diffusion process with both drift an diffusion depending on fast oscillating component. A law of large numbers theorem and central limit theorem were proved in this case. (M.L.Kleptsyna and A.P.Serebrovski).

The influence of desynchronization of observation on the dynamics of a control system has been considered. The equivalence of desynchronous system and related synchronous system while observing on half-open intervals was shown. The minimization problem for variance of a desynchronous perturbed system solution and related perturbed synchronous system solution was stated. The results obtained were applied to the investigation of desynchronous control system for a motion of a large ship. (F.N.Grigor'ev).

An extended version of Functional Language for Algebraic computations - FLAC was developed and implemented. The main feature of the language is special computational model based on the concept of suspended computations. The extended control structures for controlling of pattern matching have been developed and embedded in the language. The operational semantics of FLAC was developed. Special

technique was used for description of semantics of nonstandard pattern matching for patterns with variables of the two types, repeated occurrence of variables and open variables (patterns with latent recursion). (V.L.Kistlerov).


Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 95-01-01074a) "Asymptotical analysis of stochastic averaging systems".

INTAS (N 94-0378) "Stochastic analysis and related topics".

INTAS (N 93-0894) "Nonparametric Identification of Dynamical Systems: Optimal and Adaptive Algorithms".


1. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On large deviations for SDE systems without bounded coefficient derivatives. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Proc. 5th Gregynog Symposium, Gregynog, Powys, 9-14 July 1995, Publ. Co. World Scientific Press, Singapore, 1996, 471-478.

2. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On large deviations for stationary processes under local ratio-mixing conditions, Uspehi Teorii Veroyatnostej i ee Primenenij, Proc. 4th Russian-Finnish Symp. on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (3-8 oct. 1993, Moscow), ed. by A.N.Shiryaev et al., TVP, Moscow, 1996, 217-222.

3. Kleptsyna, M.L., Piatnitski, A.L. and Veretennikov, A.Yu., On large deviation asymptotics for homogenized SDEs with a small diffusion, in: Abstracts of the Symposium in the memory of Professor Serguei Kozlov "Homogenization and Random Media" (24-28 June 1996, CIRM, Marseille, France), Publ. CIRM no. 16-96.

4. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On a large deviation lower bound for averaged SDEs with a small diffusion, Abstr. Conf. on Stochastic Differential and Differential Equations (21-24 Aug. 1996, Gyor, Hungary), p. 69.

5. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On polynomial mixing rate for SDEs, Reports of the Department of Mathematics, Univ. of Helsinki, preprint 117, Aug. 1996, The program and the abstracts at the First Nordic-Russian Symposium on Stochastics (14-16 Aug. 1996), late abstract.

6. Pardoux, E. and Veretennikov, A.Yu. Averaging for backward stochastic differential equations, with applications to semi-linear PDE's, preprint no. 96-12 LATP CMI Univ. de Provence, 1996; (the paper accepted to "Stochastics and Stochastics Reports").

7. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On polynomial mixing bounds for stochastic differential equations, preprint no. 1026 IRISA, Rennes, 1996; (the paper submitted to "Stochastic Processes and their Applications").

8. Veretennikov, A.Yu. On a large deviation lower bound for an averaged SDE with a small diffusion, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics (accepted)

9. Veretennikov A.Yu. On a CastellanaLeadbetter's condition for a diffusion density estimation, preprint 96-2 Univ. du Maine (France).

10. Veretennikov, A.Yu., Schock E. Iterated methods with perturbations for ill-posed problems. Automation and Remote Control (accepted).

11. M.L.Kleptsyna, A.L.Piatnitski, The averaging of non-self-adjoint parabolic operators with random coefficients (submitted to Russian Math. Surveys: Abstracts of Petrovski Seminar-96).

12. M.L.Kleptsyna, The averaging principle and diffusion approximation for Volterra equations. Probability theory and its applications, 1996, 41(2), 429-438 (in Russian).

13. M.L. Kleptsyna, P.E. Kloeden & V.V. Anh. Linear filtering with fractional Brownian motion, preprint CADSEM N.96-026 (submitted to Stochastic Letters).

14. M.L. Kleptsyna, P.E. Kloeden & V.V. Anh. Nonlinear filtering with fractional Brownian motion, preprint CADSEM N.96-027 (submitted to Information transmission problems).

15. M.L. Kleptsyna, P.E. Kloeden & V.V. Anh. Existence and uniqueness theorems for fBM stochastic differential equations, preprint CADSEM N.96-012 (submitted to Information transmission problems).

16. M.L. Kleptsyna, P.E. Kloeden & V.V. Anh. Linear filtering with fractional Brownian motion in the signal and observation processes, preprint CADSEM N.96-029.

17. M.L. Kleptsyna, A.L. Piatnitski, Homogenization of random parabolic operators, in: Abstracts of the Symposium in the memory of Professor Serguei Kozlov "Homogenization and Random Media" (24-28 June 1996, CIRM, Marseille, France), Publ. CIRM no. 16-96.

18. Kleptsyna M.L., Piatnitski A.L. Homogenization of random parabolic operators. Proceedings of Euro. Homogenization congress-95 (to appear).

19. A. Puhalskii, Large deviations of the statistical empirical process, in: Frontiers in Pure and Applied Probability II, A.N. Shiryaev, ed., 1996, 163-170.

20. A. Puhalskii, On large deviations in queuing networks, Conf. in memory of R. Dobrushin, Paris, France, 1996, Abstract.

21. A. Puhalskii, A. Rybko, Fluid dynamics and transience of queuing networks, Conf. in memory of R. Dobrushin, Paris, France, 1996, Abstract.

22. A. Puhalskii, W. Whitt, Functional large deviation principles for queues, Proceedings of 34th Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, University of Illinois, Allerton, Illinois, 1996.

23. A. Puhalskii, M. Reiman, A critically loaded multirate link with trunk reservation, INFORMS meeting, Atlanta, 1996.

24. M.L.Kleptsyna and A.P.Serebrovski, The averaging principle in nonlinear filtering problems with a fast oscillating noise, Information transmission problems, 1996, 32(2), 45-53 (in Russian).

25. M.L.Kleptsyna and A.P.Serebrovski, The asymptotic behavior of conditional distributions of diffusion processes with a fast oscillating noise. Information transmission problems (accepted).

26. V.G.Borisov, F.N.Grigor'ev, F.B.Gul'ko, N.A.Kuznetsov. On the desynchronous observations influence to the dynamics of a control system for a motion of a ship. Proceedings of a ship motion council, V.23, Moscow, IPU (Inst. for Contr. Sci.) Publ., 1996, p. 9-12.

27. V.G.Borisov, F.N.Grigor'ev, F.B.Gul'ko, N.A.Kuznetsov. On the control systems with desynchronous observations. Automatics and Remote Control. (accepted).

28. V.Breyer and O.Gulinskii. Large deviations in infinite-dimensional space. Preprint MFTI-5, 1996.

29. M.Alpuente, V.Kistlerov Operational Semantics of FLAC - a Language with Suspended Computations, DSIC Universidad politecnica de Valencia, Ref No: II-DSIC-24/96.

* * *


Laboratory of Computer Networks

Chief of the laboratory--Dr.Sci.(Technology), Prof. Vladimir Vishnevsky

Tel.: (095) 299 5655, (095) 299 2904

Among scientific leaders of the laboratory there are:

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) V.Lazarev   Dr. N.Parshenkov            

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. E.Pijl                  

Dr.Sci.(Techn.)             Dr. E.Tourouta              

Dr. I.Astafjeva             Dr. V.Vorobiev              

Dr. N.Bakanova                                          

Directions of activity:

The main area of activity of the Laboratory is the creation of theoretical basis for analysis and synthesis of the Distributed Computer Communication Networks and practical implementation of large scale project concerning with distributed computer communication networks.

Theoretical research are carried on in the next directions: the creation and research of methods and algorithms for optimization of topology of developing Data Transmission Networks for large scale, the creation of the game method of Service Logic Programs control for the Intelligent Network and research of its efficiency, the creation of analytical-simulation methods and computing algorithms for researches of networks of mass service with blocking.


In Laboratory was received following fundamental results:

The received results correspond to the current world tendencies in development of information networks, and on a number of making ahead of a modern level of world work.

Theoretical results in the field of the analysis and synthesis of distributed computer communication networks have been used as the basis for design and implementation of several large scale networks projects. Results of scientific researches were implement in following works:


TACIS project "All-Russian Computer Net "Knowledges for innovations" Tech-nical and economic mechanisms for European integration",

Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of Russia "Creation of the unit for connecting users to INTERNET with the help of radiomodems",

Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of Russia "Creation of scientific information computer network for Obninsk city",

Russian Foundation for Basic Research (N 94-07-20424) "Integration of the Local Area Network and Databases of IITP RAS with the international network Internet",

Council "Informatization of Russia" "Development and implementation of topo-logy design system for dedicated data transmission network",

Council "Informatization of Russia" "Development of mathematical models, methods, algorithms and software for flow control and routing for integrated commu-nication networks".


1. V.M.Vishnevsky, "Status and Perspective of Computer Communication Networks Development in Russia", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 9-29.

2. V.M.Vishnevsky, V.G.Lazarev, "State of Networking in Russia", Proceedings of First Symposium G-IIA "Stand und Anwendungen digitaler communicatios Netze", Bochum, Germany, 1996, pp. 13-16 .

3. В.М.Вишневский, С.М.Пороцкий, "Моделирование ведомственной сис-темы электронной почты", Автоматика и телемеханика, 1996, N 12, с. 48-60.

4. V.M.Vishnevsky, O.V.Ivnitski, "On a model of the "electronic mail" system as closed queuing network with blocking in one-server channel", in: Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 89-96.

5. V.Vishnevsky, D.Belotserkovski, "On an algorithm of topological optimization of data networks", in: Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Com-munication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 131-138.

6. S.Porotsky, V.Vishnevsky, "Discrete Markov model of the ATM network node", in: Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 223-227.

7. S.Trifonova, H.Daskalova, K.Kolchakov, V.M.Vishnevsky, "Analysis of media access protocols in radioworks", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 56-68.

8. В.М.Вишневский, Д.Л.Белоцерковский, "Об одном алгоритме генерации остовных двусвязных подграфов для топологической оптимизации сетей пере-дачи данных", Труды II Международной конференции "Новые информационные технологии в образовании", т. 2, Минск, 1996, с. 341-348.

9. Д.Л.Белоцерковский, В.М.Вишневский, "Новый алгоритм генерации ос-товных двусвязных подграфов для оптимизации топологии сетей передачи дан-ных", "Автоматика и телемеханика", N 1, 1997 (to appear).

10. N.B.Bakanova, Hr.Daskalova, N.E.Markova, V.Yaneva, "The methods and the tools of automated control of large organization structures", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 30-36.

11. V.Yaneva, H.Daskalova, N.B.Bakanova, "Determination of Optimum Characteristics of Bose Chaudhuri Code in Radio Network for Data Transmission", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 100-106.

12. D.A.Mironov, T.M.Zotova, "Software and hardware aspects of imple-mentations of large organizational structures information networks", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 46-55.

13. S.L.Kuzmin., B.N.Tereshchenko, S.Trifonova, "The aspects of the use radio-modem means with Spread Spectrum signal", Proceedings of Bulgarian-Russian Seminar "Methods and Algorithms for Distributed Information Systems Design. Theory and Applications", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1996, pp. 69-74.

14. Д.Л.Белоцерковский, "О характеризации некоторых экстремальных гра-фов с диаметром не превосходящим 3", Тезисы докладов XI Международной конференции "Проблемы теоретической кибернетики", Ульяновск, 1996, с. 23-24.

15. Д.Л.Белоцерковский, "Характеризация некоторых экстремальных графов с диаметром, не больше трех", Второй Сибирский Конгресс по Прикладной и Индустриальной Математике (ИНПÐИМ-96), Тезисы докладов, Новосибирск, 1996. с. 113.

16. V.M.Vorobiev, A.S.Bakanov, "The real-time fax transmission technology through satellite links", Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 139-143.

17. В.Г.Лазарев, "Интеллектуальные цифровые сети", М.: Финансы и ста-тистика, 1996, 224 с.

18. В.Г.Лазарев, Е.И.Пийль, "Принципы построения интеллектуальных сетей связи", Интеллектуальные системы, N 1, 1996.

19. V.Lazarev, "Information Flow Control in Intelligent Digital Networks", Proceedings of IV International Conference on Informational Networks and System ICINAS-96, St.Peterburg, 1996, pp. 1-12.

20. V.Lazarev, E.Shteinberg, R.Schehrer, "Game Method of Additional Services Control in the Intelligent Network", Proceedings of IV International Conference on Informational Networks and System ICINAS-96, St.Peterburg, 1996, pp. 35-41.

21. V.G.Lazarev, E.L.Chteinberg, L.A.Dukhanina, E.I.Pijl, R.G.Schehrer, "Computer System of Services Control in the Intelligent Network Introduction", The Third International Conference "Application of Computer System", Poland, 1996, pp. 179-186.

22. V.B.Iversen, I.A.Ovseevich, S.N.Stepanov, "Optimized algorithm of evaluating individual blocking probabilities for product form queuing models of circuit switched telecommunication systems", Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 39-48.

23. E.Pijl, "The Temporal Petri Nets Application for Protocol Processes Modeling", Proceedings of International Conference on Informational Networks and System ICINAS-96, St.Peterburg, 1996, pp. 276-283.

24. D.Belozerkovski, "About a Problem of Extremal Graphical Enumeration with Diameter at most 3", Proceedings of IV International Conference on Informational Networks and System ICINAS-96, St.Peterburg, 1996, pp. 411-423.

25. Д.Л.Белоцерковский, "Характеризация некоторых экстремальных графов с диаметром не превосходящим 3", "Дискретная математика" N 1, 1997 (to appear).

26. N.Parshenkov, "Delay analysis of the FDDI networks", Proceedings of the conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks. Theory and Applications", Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1996, pp. 218-222.

27. О.В.Ивницкий, "Об одной задаче асимптотического разложения стаци-онарных вероятностей состояний для СМО с однолинейным каналом передачи требований", Тезисы докладов XI Международной конференции "Проблемы теоретической кибернетики", Ульяновск, 1996, с. 75-76.

28. O.Ivnitski, "About One Algorithm of Asymptotic Decomposition Coefficients Calculation for Stationary State Probabilities of Multiserver Queuing System with Multilines Customer Transmission Channel", Proceedings of IV International Conference on Informational Networks and System ICINAS-96, St.Peterburg, 1996, pp. 439-451.

29. О.В.Ивницкий, "Об одной замкнутой сети массового обслуживания с мно-голинейными узлами и переменным числом классов требований в узлах", Иссле-дование систем и сетей массового обслуживания. Сборник тезисов докладов XII Международной зимней школы-семинара по теории массового обслу-живания, Минск-Гродно, 1996, с. 38-40.

30. О.В.Ивницкий, "Алгоритм вычисления коэффициентов асимптотического разложения стационарного распределения вероятностей состояний для много-линейной СМО с однолинейным каналом передачи требований", Материалы международной конференции и Чебышевских чтений, посвященных 175-летию со дня рождения П.Л. Чебышева, Том 1, М.: Издательство механико-мате-матического факультета МГУ, 1996, с. 176-179.

31. О.В.Ивницкий, "Об одном алгоритме вычисления коэффициентов асимптотического разложения стационарного распределения вероятностей состояний одной замкнутой сети массового обслуживания с блокировкой в канале передачи требований", Труды II Международной конференции по новым информационным технологиям в образовании, Том 2, Минск, 1996, с. 335-340.

32. О.В.Ивницкий, "Замкнутая сеть массового обслуживания с много-линейным каналом передачи требований", Проблемы передачи информации, 1996, Т. 32. вып. 3, с. 72-81.

* * *


Chief of Department Dr.Sci.(Math.) Vladimir Venets

Tel.: (095) 299 5491

Among the leading researchers of the department there are:

Dr.Sci.(Techn.) M.Soloviev  Dr.Sci.(Math.) V.Venets     

Directions of activity:


(leader M.Soloviev)

In 1996 the following results have been obtained:

A new conception for risks appraisal in processes of municipal property development have been proposed. The main efficiency indexes of development project deviations (e.g., the net present value, internal rate of return, etc.) are chosen as the risks measures. Corresponding probability characteristics are calculated after computer statistical simulation procedures. Information providing and result analyzing are considered as a mixed expert-statistics process.

It was adapted a number of teaching modules on real estate management from the Oxford Brookes University - School of Real Estate Management for the new higher education 3-years modular teaching program. Some modules were tested in different Russian higher education centers and professional training seminars in Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg.

It was developed a new universal methodical scheme for the property valuation. Its base is a full multi-measure space (full structure of property object types, operations with property objects and multitude of operation conditions). It was elaborated rules for the space forming and concrete valuation methods choosing.

New algorithms for an energy tarification were proposed (joint work with the Institute of Control Sciences). It was proved an opportunity to provide a real efficiency for energy producers and different types of municipal users. The algorithms base is an adaptation to dynamic statistical characteristics of concrete types of users and fuel expenditures characteristics of concrete energy producer structure. As a result the adaptive tariff politic helps to decrease energy blocks working time inside non-optimal areas and correspondingly to provide a fuel economy.


Prof. Soloviev acted as invited lecturer and speaker at following events:

1) as an official visiting-professor of the Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, UK) he gave lectures on Russian real estate management and legislation system at the University in February.

2) as an invited speaker he reported on Russian real estate market problems at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS, London, UK) in September.

3) as a co-ordinator of the Russian-British project he took part as a speaker at the joint Russian-British training seminar for tutors and administrators at the S-Petersburg University in January - together with the British lecturers Richard Grover and Nigel Tonge.

4) as invited speaker he reported on a new energy tarification conception at the Information firm "Systema" (Mannheim, Germany) seminar in June - together with Dr.Grebenyuk (from the Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow).


British Council Know-How Fund Training and Academic Links Project between the Oxford Brookes University, RICS, S-Petersburg University and IPPI on property valuation and investment problems (TACL project contract number CNTR 95 5259A).

Council "Informatization of Russia": pr. N 346.120 "Elaborating an information system for risks appraisal and control in state (municipal) property development processes".


1. Cборник учебно-методических материалов по специализации "Управление собственностью", труды Ðоссийско-Британского проекта, книга 4, под совм. ред. Ð.Гровера и М.Соловьева, Оксфорд-Москва, 1996, 137 pp.

2. Соловьев М.М. "О переходе к модульной организации учебного процесса", в сб. [1], 1996, pp. 21-27.

3. Соловьев М.М. "Управление городским комплексом недвижимости" (учеб-ный модуль) в сб. [1], pp. 27-34.

4. Грузер М.А., Соловьев М.М. "О единой методологии оценивания недвижи-мости", журнал "Вопросы оценки", М. (в печати).

* * *

IPPI's Periodicals

The Institute has founded and publishes two academic periodicals: "Problems of Information Transmission" and "Automation and Remote Control" which are circulated in Russia and abroad.

Problems of Information Transmission

Editor-in-Chief: N.A.Kuznetsov

Associate Editor: L.A.Bassalygo

Secretary: A.M.Barg

Editorial Board: I.A.Ibragimov, V.D.Kolesnik, R.Sh.Liptser, V.A.Malyshev, I.A.Ovseevich, M.S.Pinsker, V.M.Tikhomirov, B.S.Tsybakov, V.A.Uspenskii, V.A.Zinov'ev, V.V.Zyablov

Problems of Information Transmission is a quarterly journal published in English by Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA.

Problems of Information Transmission contains research and survey articles in the following and related areas:

Problems of Information Transmission is abstracted or indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Language and Language Behavior Abstracts, Engineering Index, Computer and Information Systems Abstracts Journal, INSPEC - Electrical and Electronics Abstracts and Electronics Abstracts, Zentralblatt fr Mathematik, and Information Science Abstracts.

Automation and Remote Control

Editor-in-Chief: N.A.Kuznetsov

Associate Editors: A.A.Krasovskii, P.P.Parkhomenko, and Ya.Z.Tsypkin

Secretary: V.A.Lototskii

Editorial Board: F.T.Aleskerov, V.N.Bukov, S.V.Emel'yanov, A.I.Kibzun, V.B.Kolmanovskii, M.A.Krasnosel'skii, V.V.Kul'ba, A.P.Kurdyukov, O.P.Kuznetsov, B.V.Lunkin, A.V.Malishevskii, B.M.Miller, L.A.Mironovskii, V.N.Novosel'tsev, Yu.S.Popkov, I.V.Prangishvili, A.I.Propoi, Ye.S.Pyatnitskii, V.V.Rykov, A.P.Uzdemir, V.I.Venets, V.M.Vishnevskii, B.G.Volik

Automation and Remote Control is a semi-monthly journal published in English by Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013, USA.

Automation and Remote Control contains research and survey articles in the following and related areas:

In April 1936, the first issue of "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika," a new journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was approved for printing. Its appearance was the fruit of the purposeful work of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Academy in coordinating the activities of many, yet isolated, teams of researches and engineers engaged in the early 1930s in the research and development of theoretical and practical problems in the field of automatic control. In 1934, the Presidium of the Academy set up a Commission on Automation and Remote Control headed by Academician A.A.Chernyshov (18821940) and working on a voluntary basis. In 1935, it organized an All-Union Conference on Automation, Remote Control, and Dispatching with the representative participation of six hundred persons. In 1936, "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika," the first journal in the world devoted especially to the issues in control theory, came off press. Its first Editor-in-Chief was A.A.Chernyshov, who was replaced in 1938 by Correspondent Member of the Academy V.I.Kovalenkov (18841960). The frequency of publication was six issues per year, the annual volume was about fifty quires, and the prewar circulation varied from about twenty-five hundred to thirty-three hundred copies.

After the first three issues of 1941, publication was interrupted by the war until 1946 when it was resumed in a reduced volume. From 1951, the Editorial Board of "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" was chaired for more then thirty-five years by Academician V.A.Trapeznikov (19051994). Over this period, the scope of the journal substantially evolved and expanded to reflect virtually all subjects concerned in one way or another with the current science of control.

The journal has been a monthly publication since 1956. Furthermore, beginning with the first issue of that year, it has been translated into English and published in the United States under the title "Automation and Remote Control" by Plenum Publishing Corporation.

During its existence, "Avtomatika i Telemekhanika" has published about ten thousand papers and notes of authors from all republics of the former USSR and of many foreign researchers.

Automation and Remote Control is abstracted or indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Chemical Abstracts, Electronics and Communications Abstracts Journals, Current Contents, Engineering Index, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Computer and Information Systems Abstracts Journal, Zentralblatt fr Mathematik, and Information Science Abstracts.

* * *

IPPI'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2GENERAL INFORMATION 3IPPI'S DIRECTIONS OF ACTIVITY AND RESULTS IN 1996 5Laboratory of Information Transmission and Control Theory 5Laboratory of Image Processing and Digital Optics 13Sector of Digital Optics 16Laboratory of Data Analysis, Error Correction Codes and Cryptology 22Error Control Codes and Information Transmission 22Geoinformation Technologies 23Partner Systems 24Inverse Problem for the Vocal Tract 25Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory 29Laboratory of methods for performance evaluation of telecommunication networks 36Laboratory of Integrated Service Digital Networks (ISDN) 39Laboratory of Biophysic Information Processing 41Group of Artificial Intelligence Systems 42Laboratory of Sensory Information Processing 46Retinal Neurophysiology, Morphology and Modeling 46Mammalian Central Nervous System 47Binocular Vision 47Auditory System in Insects and Bioacoustics 47Technical Vision 47Ophthalmology 47Laboratory of Neurobiology of Motor Control 51Laboratory of Communications Network Theory 54Laboratory of Biology Problems of Control 57Developmental Biology 57Neurobiology 58Motor Control 58Principles of Bioinformatics 59Laboratory of Systems for Behavior Organizing 63Laboratory of Problems of Consciousness and Communication 65Laboratory of Computational Linguistics 67Laboratory of Stochastic Dynamical Systems 71Laboratory of Computer Networks 75SCIENTIFIC-ORGANIZATION DEPARTMENT 80Group for Municipal Management Informatics 80IPPI's Periodicals 82Problems of Information Transmission 82Automation and Remote Control 82