Laboratory of Problems of Consciousness and Communication

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sc. (Psychology) Nikolai Muskhelishvili

Tel.: (095) 196-00-24; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:

Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), Prof.

J. Shreider


A. Kiselev


Directions of activity

Direction of research is concerned with specific characteristics of communications connected with the alterations of human consciousness states. This activity is based on the metapsychological approach proposed by leading scientists of Laboratory for describing the phenomena of consciousness and indirect communications.



The new point of view on informatics as a science about information interactions in a nature, society and engineering systems has been offered. It has been shown, that effectiveness of in formation interaction, as a main instrument of knowledge, is substantially determined by the elements of the indirect communications and auto communications, and that the appropriation of the text in the auto communications under influence of the fascination intrinsic to it can lead to creative generation of new knowledge. The concept of semantics of the texts based on the organizer-image assumes, that a meaning of the text is not the subject, which it specifies, but the image of this subject in the intentional field of consciousness; the act of communications represents creative reconstruction of this image in the consciousness of an addressee. Any message has two aspects – it contains the information; and it has a fascination, which prepares an addressee for perception of this information, by stimulating his or her imagination. The comprehension of the text occurs at two interconnected levels – by uttering it " from oneself " in interior speech (auto communications); and by simulation of the intentional field of consciousness (subjective reality) of an author by the imagination of an addressee through generation of a spectrum of the substituent images of the initial organizer-image. This process can be a source of new knowledge that was not contained in the text and, probably, was not realized by its author. Thus, the knowledge can be considered as the active process of psychological self-transformation connected to assimilation of a new layer of reality.

The new mathematical schemes of value reflection, generalizing known model by V. Lefebre have been developed. The formal models of value reflection have been constructed based on logic of the continuum-valued propositions. The generalization of V. Lefebre’s model of value reflection has been considered for cases when the images of different levels are represented as units of an algebra of classes of the equivalent formulas of calculus of the continuously-valued propositions. The axiomatic of appropriate algebras more adequately expressing the informative idea of gamma-algebra has been offered.



  1. Кузнецов Н.А., Мусхелишвили Н.Л., Шрейдер Ю.А. Информационное взаимодействие как объект научного исследования. Вопросы философии. 1999. № 1. С. 77-87.
  2. Мусхелишвили Н.Л., Шрейдер Ю.А. Есть ли у психологии точки соприкосновения с этикой? В кн.: Психология и этика: опыт построения дискуссии. Самара, 1999. С. 49-54.
  3. Шрейдер Ю.А. Формальные модели рефлексивных структур. Проблемы передачи информации. 1999. Т. 35. Вып. 1. С. 90-99.
  4. Шрейдер Ю.А. Непрерывно-значные логики LEFm как языки рефлексии. Научно-техническая информация. 1999. № 1-2. С. 3-7.
  5. Шрейдер Ю.А. Ценности, которые мы выбираем: смысл и предпосылки ценностного выбора. М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 1999. 208 с.