Laboratory of Methods for Performance Evaluation

of Telecommunication Networks

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sc. (Technology) Sergei Stepanov

Tel.: (095) 299-94-15; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

A. Kharkevich

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

V. Ershov

Dr.Sc. (Math.)

I. Tsitovich


V. Naumov



The laboratory deals with the development of teletraffic theory and its applications in telecommunications and computer systems. The following problem areas and models are studied at the laboratory in 1999.


Problem Areas


main results

An algorithm of optimal calculation of stationary performance measures of Markov models with retrials is suggested. The proposed method is based on the concept of truncated state space that is obtained after preliminary estimation and ignoring in the process of calculation the states with negligible probabilities. Formulae for determination of the error caused by using the truncated state space are presented together with an algorithm for estimation of the borders of the truncated state space providing given relative error of performance measures calculation. Suggested approach gives a great reduction of computer resources in estimating the performance measures of models with retrials (S. N. Stepanov.)

The model operated as a full availability system with a some number of Poisson input processes each having it's own availability and possibility of fixed number of retrials in case of blocking is considered. An approach of estimation the performance measures of this system is suggested. Presented algorithm can be generalized to the case of a state-dependent and multi-slot Poisson traffic processes. (S. N. Stepanov, E. O. Naumova, M. Yu. Zozulinskiy.)

Estimating of the second term of asymptotical expansion for the optimal sequential design of hypothesizes testing with guaranteeing decision was investigated. The true order of this term for robust sequential tests with asymptotically small error's probabilities was found. (I. I. Tsitovich.)

Preliminary investigation of microcell structure of subscriber's radioaccess was done. (A. D. Charkevich.)

Communication systems with additional paths are investigated. The using of additional paths gives the possibility to achieve the property of fault-tolerant of the constructed system. (V. A. Garmash.)

The investigation of robustness of characteristics of radiotechnical devices to the accuracy of input parameters is done. Our results show that the loaded reactive filter circuits of stair structure (RFSS) with negative components are well-conditioned. This fact have been earlier known for RFSS-circuit with positive inductances and capacitances. (A. A. Vitkova.)

The upper and lower error bounds for blocking probabilities of new calls at wireless communication networks under fixed channel allocation were derived. The comparison of blocking probabilities with corresponding measures of approximated model with product form solution was made. (O. V. Ivnitski.)

An explicit formulae for finding the stationary probabilities of models described by markov processes with special type of block structure is found. This result can be used both for models with finite and infinite number of states. (V. A. Naoumov.)


Publications in 1999

  1. Stepanov S.N. Markov Models with Retrials: The Calculation of Stationary Performance Measures Based on the Concept of Truncation // Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 1999. V. 30. P. 207-228.
  2. Iversen V.B., Stepanov S.N., Naumova E.O., Ovseevich I.A. Performance Measures of Multi-service Systems with Fixed Number of Retrials // International Conference "Distributed computer communication networks. Theory and Applications". Tel-Aviv. 1999. P. 57-68.
  3. Lagutin V.S., Stepanov S.N. Dimension of Traffic System Mixing Preemptive Wideband and Waitable Narrowband Calls // International Conference "Distributed computer communication networks. Theory and Applications". Tel-Aviv. 1999. P. 72-76.
  4. Malyutov M.B., Tsitovich I.I. Second order asymptotically optimal sequential model choice // International Conference "Distributed computer communication networks. Theory and Applications". Tel-Aviv. 1999. P. 94-98.
  5. Iversen V.B., Stepanov S.N., Naumova E.O. The Approximate Evaluation of Stationary Performance Measures of MultiService Systems With Fixed Number of Retrials // Proc. of the International Conference "Mathematical methods of investigation of telecommunicational networks". 22-24, June, Minsk. 1999. P. 31-35.
  6. Степанов С.Н., Наумова Е.О. Алгоритм приближенного оценивания характеристик многопотоковых систем с индивидуальной доступностью и ограниченным числом повторений // Научный семинар "Информационные сети и системы" Тезисы докл. М.: 1999. C. 58-59.
  7. Докучаев В.А., Степанов С.Н. Расчет тандемных соединений обслуживающих устройств с учетом повторений заблокированных вызовов. М.: Радио и связь. 1999.
  8. Витков М.Г., Виткова А.А., Горштейн Л.В. Обобщенные полиномиальные полосовые фильтры // Электросвязь. 1999. № 2. С. 40-42.
  9. Витков М.Г., Виткова А.А. Обусловленность характеристик ослабления некоторых разновидностей фильтров // Электросвязь. 1999 (в печати).
  10. Витков М.Г., Виткова А.А. К расчету переходных процессов при кратных комплексных полюсах изображения Лапласа // Радиотехника. 1999 (в печати).
  11. Boucherie R.J., Ivnitski O.V. Error bounds for a redial rate approximation of wireless networks under fixed channel allocation // Proceedings of the International Conference "Modern mathematical methods of investigation the telecommunicational networks", 22-24 June, 1999, Minsk.
  12. Романюк М.А., Цитович И.И. Методы дистанционного статистического контроля надежности участков сетей большой емкости // Научный семинар "Информационные сети и системы" Тезисы докл. М.: 1999. С. 60.
  13. Зазулинский М.Ю. Вычисление вероятностных характеристик идеально-симметричных схем // Научный семинар "Информационные сети и системы". Тезисы докл. М.: 1999. С. 61.
  14. Романюк М.А., Цитович И.И. Асимптотически оптимальная последовательная проверка гипотез и обнаружение момента разладки для дискретных распределений // Научно-методический семинар "Математическое образование и наука в экономических и технических вузах". Ярославль. ЯГТУ. 1999.
  15. Epшов В.А., Кузнецов Н.А. Метод расчета пропускной способности магистралей мультисервисных телекоммуникационных сетей // Труды МАС. М.: 1999. С. 22-24.
  16. Epшов В.А., Ковалев В.В. К вопросу анализа качества обслуживания пользователей цифровых сетей с интеграцией служб // Тезисы докладов научно-преподавательской конференции МТУСИ. 1999.
  17. Krieger U., Naumov V. Analysis of a Versatile Queueing Model with State-Dependent Service Times // Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems. Berlin. VDE-Verlag. 1999.
  18. Krieger U.R., Naumov V. Analysis of a delay-loss system with a superimposed markovian arrival process and state dependent service times // Numerical Solutions of Markov Chains (NSMC-99). Spain. 1999. P. 261-279.