Laboratory of Sensory Information Processing

Executive Head of Laboratory – Dr. (Biology) Vladimir Bastakov

Tel.: (095) 430-71-90, Fax: (095) 430-75-44; E-mail:

The leading researchers of the laboratory include:

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

D.S. Lebedev


O.Yu. Orlov

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

D.G. Lebedev


T.A. Podugolnikova

Dr.Sc. (Biol.)

I.N. Pigarev


E.I. Rodionova

Dr.Sc. (Biol.)

G.I. Rozhkova


V.Yu. Vedenina


K.V Golubtsov


M.S. Smirnov


D.N. Lapshin


I.A. Utina


E.M. Maksimova


P.V. Maximov


V.V. Maximov


A.K. Panjutin


directions of activity

During 1999, lab collective continued fundamental investigation of sensory information processing in visual and auditory systems. As usual, the multidisciplinary research demanded recruitment of different approaches and methods, including (a) morphology (light microscopy, the luminescent microscopy in particular); (b) neurophysiology, microelectrode single-unit recording in particular; (c) field and laboratory observations and experiments on animal behaviour; (d) psychophysical experiments on human subjects and patients, and (e) computer simulation and modelling of functional neuronal ensembles performing processing of sensory information.

Neurophysiological studies include retinal mechanisms of sensory processing at the levels of horizontal and ganglion cells in fishes and amphibia. Fish ganglion cells have been studied as well morphologically. Central neurons are studied in different brain sites including visual cortex and caudate nucleus (cats and monkeys) as well as diencephalon and midbrain (fishes, amphibia). Investigations of integrated functioning of the visual system included mechanisms of binocular vision and colour constancy in humans, and details of visually-controlled feeding behaviour in frogs.

Auditory system research include two aspects, the echolocation in nocturnal butterflies and analysis of breeding calls of locusts.

As an application of fundamental findings in vision research, some devices for early diagnosing of ophthalmological diseases have been designed.


Neurophysiology and Modelling of retinal processing. An algorithm for recovering the colour of dominating illumination from the scene image is elaborated. It performs a kind of averageing of colouration of passive (not selfluminous) patches of image. An intermediate task has to be overcome for this end: the image patches corresponding to selfluminous details of the scene have to be recognized and excluded from averageing. Plain rangeing of pixel brightness does not work. An independent elimination based on three colour coordinates turned to be more productive. Algorithm parameters of elimination thresholds for selfluminous details had been specified during psychophysical experiments. For two-dimensional (flat) scenes, the mondrians, the display coordinates RGB proved to provide quite satisfactory results. In the case of 3D scenes, better results were obtained if LMS colour coordinates, corresponding to human colour vision, are applied. (V. V. Maximov, P. V. Maximov.)

Formerly elaborated dynamical model of the mechanism of formation of colour-opponent signals in the fovea, taking into account cone, horizontal cell and bipolar activity, has been enriched by dynamic model of photoreceptor (primate cone) (i.e. by dynamics of its state). As opposed to described ones, the new model corectly reproduces all known responses of photoreceptors to different dynamics of stimuli, including the oscillatory response to a short light flash, typical for the primate cones. (D. S. Lebedev.)

Retinal morphology. Morphology of fish ganglion cells projecting to tectum has been studied. By means of anterograde axonal HR peroxidase transport, three types of ganlion cells were described, which compose retino-tectal projection. In terms of generally accepted classification, they are big 'α-a', 'α-ab', and biplexiform cells. (T. A. Podugolnikova.)

Binocular vision. Children having impairments in binocular perception usually have retarded not only in different visual functions, but in several cognitive properties as well, including memory, attentiveness, ability to concentrate on visual task. At the time when children pass from specialised kindergarten for visually-complicated ones to school, they turn to be retarded ca 8 months in average. Results of investigation of vision in children having auditory problems, contradict to conventional opinion that deafness enables visual abilities. Children having auditory deprivation posess slight compensatory effect only regarding contrast sensitivity. But such parameters as stereopsis, visual performance and stability of visual attention, in the deaf and semi-deaf children are significantly lower as compared to the norm. For the needs of rehabilitation and development of binocular vision of visually impaired children, special interactive computer programs (software) based on the formerly absent acheivements of the fundamental scientific research, have been developed. Effectiveness of these computer programs has been proved by results collected in several medical centres of Moscow city. In course of treatment which includes training for perception of random-dot stereograms, recovery of stereopsis in much better percentage of patients is acheived as compared to traditional methods. (G. I. Rozhkova, T. A. Podugolnikova.)

The cat caudate nucleus. It was demonstrated that distinct structures of the neostriatum, which were formerly described by T.A.Leontovich and which seemingly represent the centres of projection of different cortical fields onto this structure, superimpose onto distinct loci of striosome meshwork revealed by histochemical means. Hence, the neostriatum consists seemingly of at least three different substructures, the matrix, and two differtent components of striosomal system. (E. I. Rodionova.)

Amphibian colour vision. For the first time the role of receptors of three spectral types in the lateral inhibition which is expressed in frog prey-catching behaviour if prey dummy is moved being accompained by two other spots, has been studied. This inhibition turned to be due to information from all three photoreceptor types. It is important that this inhibitory effect may occure even if inhibitory spots are composed of colour combinations which themselves do not elicit feeding attacks: i.e. when for both green- and red-sensitive receptors spots are equal to (undiscernible of) the surround, and for the blue-sensitine receptors are even brighter than background. (V. A. Bastakov, O. Yu. Orlov.)

Echolocation in nocturnal butterflies. Sensitivity to ultrasound has been established in silkworms, the butterflies having no specialised acoustic organs. By means of computer simulation (modelling) it was demonstrated that due to some anisotropy of of aerodynamic resistance of numerous bristles of trichoid sensills covering insect body, the nonlinear effects of transformation of acoustic undulations into vibration become significant. In consequence at the input of trichoid sensillae a low-frequency component is formed which reproduces the amplitude dynamics of the sound, thus permitting perception of acuostic signals without their frequency analysis (D. N. Lapshin).

Acoustic communication in locusts. In course of investigation of the role of complex courtship signal in locust, Chorthippus albomarginatus, it has been revealed what elements of male courtship song is informative in releasing adequate female response. It was demonstrated that both the number of elements and their sequential order (pattern) are important. (V. Yu. Vedenina.)

Ophthalmology. Application of fundamental research of human visual system to medical needs permitted to design effective medical instruments aimed to needs of express-diagnosing and monitoring of vision in wide contingent of population. These instruments were demonstrated on different international expositions and salons of innovation where they deserved several awards and prizes. During 1999 they were awarded: Golg Medal "Archimed-99" for the "Device for investigation of the visual field by means of Flicker Fusion method"; Silver Medal "Archimed-99" for the "Device for rehabilitation of PC operator"; "Diploma of participant of the International Salon for Industrial Property "Archimed-99". (K. V. Golubtsov, O. Yu. Orlov.)

Grants from:


  1. Orlov O.Yu. In memoriam: Alexey L. Byzov 1926-1998. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 269-270.
  2. Orlov O.Yu., Kondrashev S.L. Changeable coloration of cornea in fish and its distribution. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta. 1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 359-369.
  3. Byzov A.L., Maximova E.M., Podugolnikova T.A. Horizontal cells of the frog retina as compared with such cell of fish and other vertebrates. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 271-288.
  4. Damjanovich I., Byzov A.L., Gachich Z., Utina I.A., Maksimova E.M., Michkovich B., Andjus R.K. Electrophysiological and spectral properties of retinal horizontal and bipolar cells in the eel. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 313-324.
  5. Podugolnikova T.A., Maximov V.V. Analysis of cone-horizontal cell connectivity patterns in the jack mackerel retina. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Ac-ta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 325-333.
  6. Maximov V.V. Colour vision in early vertebrates. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 343-349.
  7. Maximova E.M. Colour and spatial properties of detectors of oriented lines in the fish retina. Iugoslav. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 351-357.
  8. Kasyanov A.M., Maximov V.V., Byzov A.L., Berretta N., Sokolov M.V., Gasparini S., Cherubini E., Reyman K.G., Voronin L.L. Intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback alters amplitude-voltage relations of mossy fibre responses in rat CA3 hyppocampal neurons. The Journ. of Physiology (in press).
  9. Maximov V.V. Environmental factors that may have led to the appearance of colour vision and colour opponency 500 million years ago. In: “1st International Conference on Sensory Processing of the Aquatic Environment – Conference Handbook”, Heron Island, Australia, 1999, p. 61.
  10. Максимов В.В. Цветовое зрение у позвоночных возникло 500 млн лет назад: Зачем? В кн.: “II Съезд биофизиков России – Тезисы докладов”, 1999, т. III, с. 1005.
  11. Дамянович И., Бызов А.Л., Гачич З., Утина И.А., Максимова Е.М., Мичкович Б., Анджус Р.К. Электрофизиологические и гистологические исследования сетчатки угря: цветовые свойства вторичных нейронов на жёлтой стадии развития. В кн.: “II Съезд биофизиков России – Тезисы докладов”, 1999, т. III, с. 991.
  12. Maximova E.M. “Detectors of horizon” in the fish retina: What for may they be used in aquatic environment? In: “1st International Conference on Sensory Processing of the Aquatic Environment – Conference Handbook”, Heron Island, Australia, 1999, p. 28.
  13. Voronin L.L., Beretta N., Byzov A.L., Gasparini S., Kasyanov A.M., Maximov V.V., Rossokhin A.V., Sokolov M.V., Cherubini E. Postsynaptic hyperpolarization modifies transmitter release at the mossy fibre-CA3 synapse in the hippocampus. In: Society for Neuroscience. 1999. No. 25. P. 802.
  14. Voronin L.L., Bayazitov I.T., Kasyanov A.M., Maximov V.V., Rossokhin A.V., Sokolov M.V. Intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback in central synapses and its involvement in synaptic plasticity. In: International Symposium dedicated to Academician Ivan Pavlov’s 150-anniversary “Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior” – Abstracts, St.-Petersburg, 1999, p. 78-79.
  15. Губерман Ш.А., Пиковский Ю.И., Ранцман Е.Я., Гласко М.П., Максимов В.В. Прямая идентификация узлов крупного нефтегазонакопления в современной блоковой структуре земной коры осадочных бассейнов: фокусирование геофизических работ. – В кн.: IV Всероссийский форум “Геоинформационные технологии. Управление. Природопользование. Бизнес”. Тезисы докладов, Москва, 1999, с. 72-74.
  16. Гласко М.П., Ранцман Е.Я., Губерман Ш.А., Максимов В.В., Пиковский Ю.И. Моделирование современной блоковой структуры земной коры континентального склона и прогноз распределения углеводородных ресурсов (Мексиканский залив). – В кн.: “Геология морей и океанов – Тезисы докладов XIII Международной школы морской геологии”, Москва, 1999, т. II, с. 234-235.
  17. Medvedev E., Guberman Sh., Pikovskii Yu., Maximov V.V., Rantsman E., Glasko M. Using Airborne laser terrain mapping system applied to exploration of the great hydrocarbonat fields: Modeling of recent small block structure of Earth crust within great oil-gas accumulation areas. – In: “Proceedings of the Forth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition – 21th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing”, Ottawa, 1999, vol. II, p. 712.
  18. Cook J.E., Podugolnikova T.A., Kondrashev S.L. Species dependent variation in dendritic stratification in an apparently homologous retinal ganglion cell mosaic in two neoteleost fishes. Vision Res. 1999. Vol. 39. P. 2615-2631.
  19. Podugolnikova T.A., Kondrashev S.L., Pushchin I. Biplexiform ganglion cell of the tectum opticum. 27th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference. 1999. Vol. 2. P. 63.
  20. Рожкова Г.И., Подугольникова Т.А. Применение интерактивных компьютерных программ для восстановления и развития бинокулярных функций. – В cб. “Социализация инвалидов по зрению. Санкт-Петербург, 1999 (in press).
  21. Подугольникова Т.А., Рожкова Г.И. Влияние нарушений бинокулярного зрения на зрительную работоспособность детей дошкольного возраста. В сб. Социализация инвалидов по зрению. Санкт-Петербург, 1999 (in press).
  22. Подугольникова Т.А., Рожкова Г.И. Зрительная работоспособность дошкольников и первоклассников с нормальным и нарушенным бинокулярным зрением. Дефектология. 2000. (in press).
  23. Rozhkova G.I., Vedenina V.Y., Kamper G. Frequency-intensity characteristics of cricket cercal interneurons: broadband units. J. Comp. Physiol. A 1999. Vol. 184. P. 161-167.
  24. Rozhkova G., Vasiljeva N. Interaction of binocular and stereokinetic depth mechanisms in children. Perception. 1999. Vol. 28 (Suppl.). P. 134-135.
  25. Bukhvaliva M.A., Vedenina V.Yu. Contribution to the study of acoustic signals of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae) from Russia and adjacent countries. I. New recording of the calling songs of grasshoppers from Russia and adjacent countries. Russian Entomological Journal, 1999 (in press).
  26. Ревищин А.В., Родионова Е.И., Леонтович T.A. Соотношение триасом и модулей, окруженных миелиновыми волокнами в стриатуме человека и кошки. Доклады РАН, 1999 (in press).
  27. Фальцман И.А., Бастаков В.А. Смещение в предпочтении цвета добычи в охотничьем поведении у зеленой жабы Bufo viridis Laur. после пищевого насыщения. Журнал общей биологии. 1999. Т. 6. № 2. С. 199-206.
  28. Bastakov V.A. Properties of retinal ganglion cells and visually guided behavior of the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedti, Brandt. Iugoslav.. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta.1999. Vol. 34. No. 2. P. 305-312.
  29. Bastakov V.A. Estimation of size and distance of moving targets in frogs and toads. Perception. 1999. Vol. 28. P. 73.
  30. Bastakov V.A. Behavior of Rana esculenta Cam. froglets close by the native pond: chemo-orientation and homing. Ann. Zool. Fenici. 1999 (in press).
  31. Вайнцвайг М.Н., Орлов О.Ю., Смолянинов В.В. Биофизика и биоинформатика. В кн.: “II Съезд биофизиков России – Тезисы докладов”, 1999, т. III, с. 936-938.
  32. Лапшин Д.Н. Эхолокационная система ночных бабочек. Энтомологическое обозрение. 1999. Т. 78. № 1. С. 22-39.
  33. Лапшин Д.Н. Ультразвуковая эхолокация ночных бабочек. Природа. 1999. № 3. С. 28-35.
  34. Лапшин Д.Н., Воронцов Д.Д.. Чувствительность к звуку шелкопрядов Bombyx mori (Bombycidae, Lepidoptera). Сенсорные системы. 1999. Т. 17. № 4. С. 34-41.
  35. Лапшин Д.Н., Воронцов Д.Д. Чувствительность к звуку шелкопрядов Bombyx mori (Bombycidae, Lepidoptera). В кн.: “II Съезд биофизиков России – Тезисы докладов”, 1999, т. III, с. 1004.
  36. Vorontsov D., Lapshin D. Acoustic activity of noctuid moths in response to pulsing ultrasonic stimuli. In: 27th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference, 1999, v. 1 (86), p. 356.
  37. Lapshin D.N., Vedenina V.Yu.. Stimulation by non-sinusoidal signals allows revealing the stimulus parameters that determine responses in cricket cercal interneurons. In: 27th Gottingen Neurobiology Conference, 1999, v. 2 (205), p.63.
  38. Голубцов К.В., Орлов О.Ю., Софронов П.Д., Зуева М.В., Цапенко И.В., Молчанов И.В. Прибор для исследования мультифокальной КЧСМ. Современные аспекты нейроофтальмологии. Сборник материалов 3-й московской научно-практической нейроофтальмологической конференции. 1999. С. 19-20.
  39. Голубцов К.В., Зуева М.В., Цапенко И.В., Орлов О.Ю., Захарова Г.Ю. Зависимость локальных нарушений КЧСМ от патологических изменений в зрительной системе. Современные аспекты нейроофтальмологии. Сборник материалов 3-й московской научно-практической нейроофтальмологической конференции. 1999. С. 36-37.
  40. Голубцов К.В., Айду Э.А.-И., Софонов П.Д., Зуева М.В., Цапенко И.В. Устройство для снятия утомления зрения оператора ЭВМ. Свидетельство на полезную модель. № 11059. Бюллетень № 9.
  41. Голубцов К.В., Хейло Т.С., Куман И.Г., Богданова Л.В., Орлов О.Ю. Устройство для диагностики глаукомы. Свидетельство на полезную модель. № 10070.1999. Бюллетень № 9.