Laboratory of Neurobiology of Motor Control

Head of Laboratory – Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Dr.Sc. (Medicine), Prof. Victor Gurfinkel

Tel.: (095) 209-28-95, (095) 951-09-60; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:


A. Grishin


M. Lipshits


Yu. Ivanenko


K. Popov


O. Kazennikov


V. Selionov


G. Kozhina


V. Shlykov


Yu. Levik


B. Smetanin



Laboratory of neurobiology of motor control investigates the mechanisms of control of posture and movements for more then 25 years. At present time the efforts are focused at study of system of internal representation and its role in motor control and at the investigations of reference systems used by brain for organization of motor behavior. During last years it was shown that in situations with discrepancy between real and perceived position of body segments many motor reactions such as vestibulo-motor and neck influences on leg muscles or oculomotor reactions are determined not by real body configuration but by its description in the system of the internal representation.

In the activity of laboratory the studies of neural mechanisms of locomotion in cat traditionally took an important place. Now we begin to study stepping automatisms in humans. These studies successfully advance.

Manned spacefights open a possibility for studying how the human central nervous system adapts to the microgravity, to what extent the gravitation is essential for processing of proprioceptive information and for motor control. A series of joint research projects with France was accomplished in this direction during 1982-1999 under conditions of real spaceflights.



The data received in researches of the influence of vibratory stimulation of muscle receptors on a body position during standing, have allowed to concretise the concepts about participation of proprioception in the construction of the generalised description of a body used by the central nervous system for maintenance of a vertical posture. This description using afferentation from the set of receptive fields of skeletal-muscular system, is organised on the basis of the body scheme and gives the information about body deviation in a forward-back and lateral direction from a reference vertical and about the degree of its torsion, i.e. deviation from a symmetric position. Such description is quite natural from the point of view of the mechanics. Interestingly, the "natural" system of reference for a vertical posture used by CNS, is based on the same three basic components.

In studies on the healthy people and patients with deficiency of vestibular function the new data on interaction of proprioception and vestibular apparatus were received. In particular, is was shown, that the vibration of neck muscles causes the local segmental responses in the patients with spastic torsicolis, but does not cause a general forward inclination of a body, characteristic for the healthy people. It demonstrates, that in this disease the neck proprioceptive inputs conserves the efficiency at a local level, but cease to be used in system of spatial orientation and in regulation of a whole body position.

We investigated the effect of influences raising a level of activity central tonogenic structures (Jendrassik manoeuvre, Kohnstamm phenomenon), on the generation of locomotor rhythmic in human under the conditions of leg suspension in a horizontal plane. On a background of Jendrassik manoeuvre single passive movements of one leg initiated involuntary stepping movements, in which both legs were involved. This effect, and also initiation of stepping movements on a background of a combination of subthreshold muscular vibration and Jendrassik manoeuvre allow to assume, that a necessary condition for activation of spinal mechanisms of stepping generation is not limited to amplified afferent inflow, but also includes the increase of a level of tonic readiness of tonogenic CNS structures, participating in realisation of the locomotor program. Thus, the locomotor drive in human must be as a minimum two-component.

The technique was developed and the experiments concerning various aspects of a role of gravitation in elaboration of internal representation of the own body and external space in a human brain were carried out. The hypothesis was checked that the information on a gravitational vertical is used for interface of sensory and motor systems; the role of gravitation in construction of reference systems for coding visual, proprioceptive and haptic of the information was investigated; the characteristics of visual, proprioceptive and haptic perception under the conditions of weightlessness were studied. The preparation of astronauts and background pre-flight trials were carried out. The experiment onboard the orbital station "MIR" was carried out in the period from February 20 till August 28, 1999 during joint Russian-French space flight (expedition EO-27). After the flight post-flight studies were carried out. The registrations of high quality were received, and now these data are processed and analysed.

Under the conditions of turns of a support platform relative to the space-fixed head, or shoulder girdle the torque of resistance of different segments of a spine were measured at different angular speeds. The preliminary data about distinct neck influences on distribution of tonic muscular activity of a trunk and legs were received. Is was shown, that the torques of resistance to torsion of a spine, were due, basically, by mechanical properties of tonicaly activated muscles of a neck and trunk, including their active reactions to the changes of length. It was shown that oculomotor reactions can be evoked not only from the neck segment of a spine, but also from upper torso; they could be evoked also in vestibulodeficient patients. The hypothesis that anti-compensatory eye of movement an eye during spine torsion were determined by changes of internal representation of a configuration of a body, instead of direct proprioceptive inputs was confirmed.


Grants FROM:


Publications in 1999


  1. Попов К.Е., Ролль Р., Липшиц М. И., Ролль Ж.П., Жильод Ж.К., Гурфинкель В.С. Ошибки целевых движений руки в условиях орбитального полета. Авиакосмическая и экологическая медицина, 1999, т. 33, № 2, с. 3-5.
  2. Сметанин Б.Н., Попов К.Е. Влияние адаптации к положению лежа на ошибки указывания и зрительную оценку мест предъявления мишеней. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, 1999, № 31, с. 23-31.
  3. Сметанин Б.Н., Попов К.Е. Ошибки целевых движений руки при разной ориентации тела относительно гравитационной вертикали. Авиакосмическая и экологическая медицина, 1999, т. 33, № 5, с. 26-30.
  4. Денискина Н.В. Изучение механизма регуляции вертикальной позы человека во фронтальной плоскости при стоянии. Физиология человека, 1999, т. 25, № 4, с. 97-105.
  5. Gurfinkel V.S., Ivanenko Y.P., Levik Y.S., Kazennikov O.V., Selionov V.A. The neural control of posture and locomotion: A lock with two keys. In: "Motor Control Today and Tomorrow". G. N. Gantchev, S. Mori, J. Massion (Eds.). Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Academic Publishing House, 1999.
  6. Talis V.L., Ivanenko Y.P., Kazennikov O.V. Do support instability influence postural reactions to muscle vibration? In: "From Basic Motor Control to Functional Rrecovery". N. Gantchev & G. N. Gantchev (Eds.). Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 1999, p. 98-102.
  7. Popov K.E., Lekhel H., Faldon M., Bronstein A.M., Gresty M.A. Visual and oculomotor responses induced by neck vibration in normal subjects and labyrinthine-defective patients. Experimental Brain Research, 1999, 128: 343-352.
  8. Grasso R., Ivanenko Y.P., Lacquaniti F. The time course of postural responses to neck proprioceptive and galvanic vestibular stimulation in humans. Neurosci. Lett. 1999, 273 (2): 121-124.
  9. Popov K. E., Kozhina G. V., Smetanin B. N., Shlikov V. Yu. Postural responses to combined vestibular and hip proprioceptive stimulation in man. Europ. J. of Neurosci., 1999, 11, 9, p. 3307-3311.
  10. Ivanenko Y.P., Grasso R., Lacquaniti F. Effect of gaze on postural responses to neck proprioceptive and vestibular stimulation in humans. J. Physiol. (Lond). 1999. 519 (Pt 1): 301-314.
  11. Ivanenko Y.P., Talis V.L., Kazennikov O.V. Support stability influences postural responses to muscle vibration. Eur J Neurosci. 1999, 11 (2): 6 47-654.
  12. Viaud-Delmon I., Ivanenko Y.P., Israel I. Non-specific directional adaptation to asymmetrical visual-vestibular stimulation. Cogn. Brain Res. 1999, 7 (4): 507-510.
  13. Ivanenko Y.P., Viaud-Delmon I., Sémont A., Gurfinkel V.S., Berthoz A. Eye movements during torso rotations in labyrinthine defective subjects. J. Vest Res. 1999, 9 (6): 401-412.
  14. Viaud-Delmon I., Ivanenko Y.P., Berthoz A., Jouvent R. Adaptation as a sensorial profile in trait anxiety: A study with virtual reality. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 1999 (in press).
  15. Гурфинкель В.С., Иваненко Ю.П., Левик Ю.С. Соотношения сила – жесткость скелетной мышцы зависит от уровня активации сократительного аппарата и предыстории сокращения. Физиология человека, 1999, т. 25, № 3, с. 95-101.
  16. Талис В.Л., Солопова И.А. Влияние дополнительной опоры на вибрационные реакции у человека в положении стоя. Физиология человека, 1999, т. 25, № 3, с. 102-110.
  17. Иваненко Ю.П., Талис В.Л., Казенников О.В. Позные реакции на вибрацию ахилловых сухожилий и мышц шеи на неустойчивой опоре. Физиология человека, 1999, т. 25, № 2, с. 107-113.
  18. Гурфинкель В.С., Левик Ю.С. Мышечная рецепция и обобщенное описание положения тела. Физиология человека, 1999, т. 25, № 1, с. 87-97.
  19. Lipshits M., McIntyre J. Gravity affects the preferred vertical and horizontal in visual perception of orientation. NeuroReport, 1999, v. 10, No. 5-6, p. 1085-1089.
  20. Липшиц М.И., Макинтайр Д., Поляков А.В. Исследование влияния невесомости на воспроизведение заданного положения при различных режимах работы рукоятки. Проблемы нейрокибернетики, 1999, с. 96-99.
  21. Stapley P.J., Pozzo T., Cheron G., Grishin A. Does the coordination between posture and movement during human whole-body reaching ensure center of mass stabilization? Exp. Brain. Res., 1999, v. 129 (1), p. 134-146.
  22. Perrig S; Kazennikov O; Wiesendanger M Time structure of a goal-directed bimanual skill and its dependence on task constraints. Behav. Brain Res. 1999 Aug;103 (1): 95-104.




  1. Ivanenko Y.P., Grasso R., Lacquaniti F. Walking speed can be modulated by tonic proprioceptive input. Society for Neuroscience, 29th Annual Meeting, Miami, Oct. 23-28, 1999.
  2. Ivanenko Y.P., Grasso R., Lacquaniti F. Tonic proprioceptive influences on centrally generated locomotor rhythm in humans. Neural Plasticity. 1999, Supplement 1., Abstracts of the 31th Annual General Meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society – EBBS, Rome, Sept. 1999, p. 78.
  3. Talis V.L., Ivanenko Y.P., Kazennikov O.V. Do support instability influence postural reactions to muscle vibration? Conference on Motor Control, St. Constantine, Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 22-26, 1999.
  4. Ivanenko Y.P., Grasso R., Lacquaniti F. Gaze priority for redirecting automatic postural responses. Meeting of the Italian Physiological Society, Rome, September 1999.
  5. Viaud-Delmon I., Ivanenko Y.P., Landis T., Berthoz A. Lack of anticipatory gaze orienting responses in spatial neglect. IVth International Symposium on the Head/Neck System, Tokyo, August 1999.
  6. Grasso R., Ivanenko Y.P., Lacquaniti F. Natural coordinate frames for the integration of posture, locomotion and navigation. In: 14 Symposium of the International Society for Posture and Gate Research, Waterloo, Canada, July 10-15, 1999, Gait & Posture v. 9 (1): S8.
  7. Grasso R., Ivanenko Y.P., Lacquaniti F. Effect of tonic proprioceptive input from individual muscles on human locomotion: towards the identification of muscle “sensory” synergies. Paris, France, June 25-26, 1999.
  8. Cordo PJ, Hodges PW, Brumagne S, Smith S, Gurfinkel VS. The Sit-Up – Preparatory Postural Movement Coupled to a Focal Movement. Gait and Posture, Vol. 9, Suppl. 1, July 1999, p. S58
  9. Levik Y.S., Gurfinkel V.S., Kazennikov O.V., Selionov V.A. The Endrassik manoeuvre creates conditions for initiation of involuntary stepping movements. Neural Plasticity. 1999, Supplement 1., Abstracts of the 31th Annual General Meeting of the European Brain and Behaviour Society – EBBS, Rome, Sept. 1999, p. 78-79.
  10. Денискина Н.В. Изучение роли мышц голени и бедра в регуляции позы человека во фронтальной плоскости при стоянии. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 45-46.
  11. Киреева Т. Б. Зависимость ответа на вибрацию мышц голени от устойчивости позы. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 62-63.
  12. Левик Ю.С., Шлыков В.Ю. Исследование тонуса аксиальной мускулатуры человека. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 77-78.
  13. Липшиц М.И., Макинтайр Д. Роль гравитации в доминантности вертикали и горизонтали в зрительном восприятии ориентации. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 78-79.
  14. Селионов В.А., Левик Ю.С., Казенников О.В., Гурфинкель В.С. Кинематический анализ автоматического и произвольного шагания в условиях разгрузки конечностей у человека. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 109-110.
  15. Солопова И.А., Казенников О.В. Влияние дополнительного контакта на поддержание равновесия при стоянии на неустойчивой опоре. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 120.
  16. Шлыков В.Ю. Поддержание человеком равновесия при контакте руки с дополнительной опорой. Российский журнал биомеханики, 1999, № 2, с. 135.
  17. Talis V.L., Kazennikov O.V. Involuntary foot movement induced by muscle vibration. International Conference, Progress in Motor Control-II "Structure-function relations in voluntary movement", August 19-22,1999, Pennsylvania State University, p.157
  18. Talis V.L., Carvalho R.L., Jaric S., Almeida G.L. Does constraining a redundant degree of freedom affect learning performance? International Conference, Progress in Motor Control-II "Structure-function relations in voluntary movement", August 19-22, 1999, Pennsylvania State University, p.158.
  19. Carvalho R.L., Talis V.L., Jaric S., Almeida G.L. Learning of 2-d pointing task with constrained and non-constrained elbow joint. International Conference of Biomechanics, 24-26 May, 1999, Florianopolis, Brazil.
  20. Carvalho R.L., Talis V.L., Almeida G.L. Effect of training in Normal and Down Syndrome person during balancing on unstable support. International Conference of Physical Therapy, 5-9 October, 1999, Salvador, Brazil.