Laboratory of Communications Network Theory

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sc. (Mathematics) Valerii Polesskii

Tel: (095) 299-50-02; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:


Dr.Sc. (Math.)

N. Vvedenskaya


V. Mikhailov

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

A. Kuznetsov


 I. Orlov


Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

 I. Levshin


V. Polyakov


Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

B. Tsybakov


A. Rubinov



N. Likhanov


S. Fedortsov



Directions of activity:


·        network reliability theory;

·        self-similar traffic in ATM networks;

·        multiple access packet communications networks;

·        asymptotical investigation of large queuing systems;

·        coding and signal processing for storage systems;

·        imitational processes for hydroacustic information transmission systems.




V. P. Polesskii’s works belong to the mathematical theory of reliability. He works in the theory more than thirty years. This experience allowed to him to declare existing some independent subject in the theory. It is "the theory of bounds on network reliability". Polesskii gave its qualitative description [3].

The bounds on the monotone structure reliability lie in the beginning of the theory. V. P. Polesskii constructed some combinatorial base for the existing bounds and developed new results that are generalization and improvement of the existing results.

The combinatorial base contains (revealed by Polesskii) some untying transformation of clutter-family supports and the fact that the transformation does not decrease the clutter-sum reliability. Such a reliability generalizes the classical monotone structure reliability. The following network reliability measure can be an example. It is the probability that there exists a connection between some central vertex and at least one peripheral vertex from a vertices group. Polesskii developed record bounds on the clutter-sum reliability.

P. V. Polesskii developed new, record, efficiently computable bounds on the monotone structure reliability also. The existing inclusion-exclusion bounds (the Bonferroni’s bounds) and the classical Esary-Proschan bounds demand all knowledge of the clutter. It is not good since the network clutter size can grow exponentially with the network size.

The existing packing bounds are efficiently computable, however, they depand on selecting "good" packings and are week. Arbitrary subclutter can not be used to estimate the monotone structure reliability since its reliability calculation demands the full enumeration (i.e., a large time).

The new bounds use principally arbitrary subclutter, for example, the subclutter of the most or least reliable paths or cuts, respectively.

Using the bounds Polesskii developed new, record, efficiently computable bounds on the k-terminal and two-terminal network reliability also. In contrast to the packing bounds, using packings of paths (cuts), the new bounds use "quasi-packings". They are arbitrary path (cut) families obtained by addition of paths (cuts) to the packings. The new members are met and meet members of the packings, generally.

With the current interest in offering differentiated Quality of Service (QoS) in high speed networks there is an increasing interest in service disciplines such as Head of Line (HOL) priority and Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) or Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ).One of the reasons for the attractiveness of the GPS policy is the service protection property in that each buffer is guaranteed a minimum server capacity or bandwidth but may receive more if other buffers are empty. In which case the residual capacity is reapportioned to the nonempty buffers according to the GPS weights. Large buffer asymptotic in buffers served according to the GPS policy was found by N. B. Likhanov. The heterogeneous session arrival model in each buffer have been considered. Obtained results give the order of the queue length decay asymptotic.

N. D. Vvedenskaya consideres the models of queueing systems using in her considerations asymptotical approach. These investigations can be used to estimate the large system performance parameters because the parameters of asymptotic dynamical systems are close to thouse of finite systems defined by Markov processes. The Jachson networks and fast Jachson networks are investigated in case where fue service time of tasks in constant. Also asymptotical methods are used to consider TCP-type system with large number of uses (windows) and one buffer. Sure the asymptotical problem is reduced to a dynamical system with different time shaling for different variables (in other words a problem with fast and slow variables in considered.

A new random process was presented by B. S. Tsybakov. This process is a generalization of the known Cinlar semiregenerative process and process presented by B. S. Tsybakov (Problems of Information Transmission, vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 163-175, 1993). The introduced process has the cycles as the regenerative process. However, the cycle stopping time is not the Markov moment of the process. It can not be computed with the known previous values of the process. The theorem, which is similar to the Smith regenerative process theorem, is given. It was shown how to apply this theorem for calculation of mean packet delay and transmission rate for random multiple access stack and part-and-try algorithms in their supercritical regions. The results are presented as analytical equations and curves showing delays and rates as the functions of incoming traffic rate. They show, in particular, that the part-and-try algorithm has the maximum throughput among all known random multiple-access algorithms not only in the region where it transmits the packets with finite mean delay (as it was known before) but also in total span of input traffic rates. The results of this research were published in [10].

A. V. Kuznetsov developed low density parity-check codes constructed from Steiner system, and their application in perpendicular magnetic recording.

The cycle of the research of the underwater communication problems is developed (1997-2001). The characteristics of the acoustic signals in the underwater communication systems are investigated and simulation models of the sofisticated information technics systems construction are considered. The theoretic basis of the phenomena models on the underwater channel communication is developed and generalized. This models are adequate reflection of the ocean media influense on the thin structure and the statistical characteristics of the information signals and the methods of the theory of the stochastic timevariant channels for the optimal information transmission systems investigation and construction are and ensure employed. The effective algorithms to be ensure succses of the simulation model on the modern computers are developed. The result of the investigations at the monograf preparated.




·         Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 99-01-00003): "Mathematical methods of classical statistical mechanics and their applications to multicomponent queueing systems" (project leader N. D. Vvedenskaya).


Publications in 2001


1.      Polesskii V.P. Untying clutter-family supports and its role for monotone-structure reliability theory // Probl. Peredachi Inf. 2001. V. 37. No. 2. P. 62-76.

2.      Krivoulets V.G., Polesskii V.P. Quasipacking bounds for network reliability // Information Processes. 2001. V. 1. No. 2. P. 126-146. .

3.      Krivoulets V.G., Polesskii V.P. What is theory of bounds for network reliability? // Information processes. 2001. V. 1. No. 2. P. 199-203. .

4.      Krivoulets V.G., Polesskii V.P. Monotone structures. The best possible bounds of their reliability // Information processes. 2001. V. 1. No. 2. P. 188-198. .

5.      Krivoulets V.G., Polesskii V.P. On bounds for monotone structure reliability. Probl. Peredachi Inf. 2001., V. 37. No. 4. P. 121-138.

6.      Kotopoulas, Likhanov N., Mazumdar R. Asymptotic analysis of GSP systems fed by heteregeneous long-tailed sources // IEEE INFOCOM 2001, Anchorage, USA, 2001. P. 299-308.

7.      Vvedenskaya N.D. Asymptotic and numerical method of queueing system investugations // Dr. Thesis Phis. Math. s.c.i. 2001, 35 p.

8.      Vvedenskaya N.D., Suhov Yu.M. Differential equations arising in queueing theory // Functional Differential Equations. 2001. V. 8. No. 3-4. P. 447-457.

9.      Adjih C., Jacquet Ph., Vvedenskaya N. Performance evaluation of a single queue under multi-user TCP/IP connections // Rapport de recherche, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, p. 1-40.

10.  Tsybakov B. One stochastic process and its application to multiple access In supercritical region. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2001. V. 47. No. 4. P. 1561-1569,

11.  Tsybakov B. Probability of heavy traffic period in third generation CDMA mobile communication // Mobile Networks and Applications. 2001. V. 6. No. 5. P. 463-470.

12.  Kuznetsov A.V. Coded Modulation for EEPR4 and MEEEPR4 Channels // IEEE Trans. on Magnetics. November 2000. V. 36. No. 6. P. 4036-4043.

13.  Kuznetsov A.V. Coded Modulation Schemas with Turbo and List Detection for High-Order Patrial Response Channels // IEEE Trans. On Magnetics. March 2001. V. 37. No. 2. P. 729-736.

14.  Levshin I.P., Orlov I.A. The computer simulation method of the relative receiv ing-transmission of the information for the underwater sound channel information transmission // Proc. of the XXYIII Intern. Conference and Discussion Club: Information Technologies in Science Education and Business, IT’+SE’2001, May,s session, F. New technology in telecommunication. Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Hurzuf, 20-29 may, 2001, p. 37-41