Laboratory of Problems of Consciousness and Communication

Head of Laboratory – Dr. Sci .(Psychology) Nikolai Muskhelishvili

Tel.: (095) 196-00-24; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include: Dr. A. Kiselev



Directions of activity


Direction of research is concerned with specific characteristics of communications connected with the alterations of human consciousness states. This activity is based on the metapsychological approach proposed by leading scientists of Laboratory for de­scribing the phenomena of consciousness and indirect communications.





Given the crucial role of indirect communication in the processes of knowledge transmission in cultural and scientific tra­ditions it is important to understand its psychological and semiotic mechanisms. The systems theory approach to the analysis of various forms of indirect communication allows to identify their similarities and to draw parallels with the methods of modern psychotherapy. In particular, we have been able to demonstrate with this approach the presence of various consciousness modification mechanisms in the texts of Old and New Testaments as well as to identify the roles of fascination and recipients’ belief systems reprogramming functions in these texts. The need for the introduction of new symmetrical semiotics for the analyses of such texts also have been shown, that is based on juxtaposition not of a sign and a meaning, but of two or more mutually replacing and mutually complimenting seminal images. Each of these renders the same meaning but does not express it quite clear, while all of them in concert are able to express in completely and unambiguously.




·        Russian Foundation for Basic Research (99-06-80243): "Cognitive aspects of indirect communication".





1.      Киселев А.П., Мусхелишвили Н.Л. Непрямая коммуникация: системный подход // Системные исследования. Ежегодник. 1999. М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2000, с. 70-85.

2.      Мусхелишвили Н.Л. Диалогичность притчи // Тезисы международной конференции «Онтология диалога как основная ценность культурного и религиозного опыта». СПб, 2001.