Laboratory of Data Analysis, Error Correction Codes

and Cryptology

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sci. (Technology), Prof. Victor Zyablov

Tel.: (095) 299-50-96; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:


Dr.Sci. (Techn.)

V. Gitis


S. Pirogov

Dr.Sci. (Math.)

V. Sorokin


V. Sidorenko


V. Aphanasiev


I. Stenina


A. Barg


A. Trushkin


S. Bezrucov


D. Zigangirov


A. Davydov


A. Chmora


A. Genkin


A. Vainshtok


E. Jurkov


E. Vashenko


V. Pereverzev-Orlov


M. Vitushko


E. Petrova




Directions of activity:


·        error control codes and information transmission;

·        geoinformation technologies and systems;

·        partner system design;

·        theory of the speech signal.




Error Control Codes and Information Transmission


The following problems are under consideration:

·        constructions, decoding and bounds for convolutional and block codes;

·        concatened codes;

·        combinatorial problems in vector spaces, covering codes, designs;

·        arcs, caps, and saturating sets in projective geometries over finite fields;

·        graph theory;

·        arithmetic of finite fields.


Distinct variants of woven convolutional codes were developed and researched. A construction of space-temporal codes on the base woven convolutional codes is developed and investigated. By the simulating method it is shown that such construction is more effective than other known ones when there are some transmitting and receiving antennas.

Jointly with Lund University (Sweden) a subclass of woven convolutional codes using cyclic closed convolutional codes as one of components was created and analysed. Such codes are useful since for many concatened systems there is necessity to decide about subblock before than whole block is received. Examples of such systems are systems with jumping frequencies and systems on the base OFDM. Results of these joint researches are as follows:

1. Constructions of woven convolutional codes for which either inner or outer codes are cyclic closed convolutional codes are developed.

2. It is shown that in the case when cyclic closed convolutional code is choosen as one of code component then constructions on the base inner convolutional codes and on the base outer convolutional codes coincide with each other and their generating matrix is defined as Kronecker production of generating matrices of code components.

3. It is shown that free code distance of woven convolutional code using cyclic closed convolutional codes as one of components is a product of distances of subcodes.

4. Estimates of active distances of woven convolutional codes are obtained.

The developed class of woven convolutional code using cyclic closed convolutional codes as one of components is useful for new communication systems, for example, for satellite communication systems, for mobile radio systems, for without conductors computer communication systems. These codes have small decoding complexity and good characteristics for distinct noises.

Jointly with Ulm University (Germany) a construction of subclass of woven convolutional codes with unequal error protection of information symbols was created and analysed with using simulating. It is shown that the unequal symbol protection can be implemented for iterative decoding of woven convolutional codes. Asymptotic estimates of the error exponent for woven convolutional codes with unequal error protection are obtained. It is shown that if a fraction of more protected symbols is relatively small then the protect of the rest of information symbols is not changed in practice.

Learning of the coded-modulation has been continuated during the last year. The main properties of learned coded QAM structures were phase invariance and code optimization with low redundancy.

Presented a family of linear binary codes with exponentially many codewords of minimum weight, thereby disproving a conjecture of G. Kalai and N. Linial. Concatenated codes with fixed inner code and random outer code are investigated. The relations between different problem statements for digital fingerprinting are established. Presented explicit sequences of fingerprinting codes with a polynomial decoding procedure. Derived general estimates of the distance distribution of binary codes with a given value of the code rate of distance. Derived bounds on the error/erasure rate of codes on the sphere in R^n under a Forney-type incomplete decoding. Improved the known estimates in the corresponding problem for binary codes in the Hamming space. Studied some related problems. Error exponents of expander codes are researched, for example, for code rates close to channel capacity. Derived exact values of the error exponent for a typical code from Shannon's ensemble of random binary codes.

In graph theory the following problems are considered: edge isoperimetric problems on graphs, a hypergraph approach to the identifying parent property for the case of multiple parents, embedding complete trees into the hypercube, spanning subgraphs of the n-cube, k-partitioning of graphs and hypergraphs, a new approach to Macaulay posets, a local-global principle for vertex-isoperimetric problems.

New constructions of covering codes obtaining new codes from starting ones was proposed and investigated. New linear and nonlinear covering codes and an infinite families of those are obtained by constructions proposed. Derived better estimates of the covering radius of linear codes with a known dual distance.

A computer search in finite projective planes PG(2,q) for the spectrum of possible sizes k of complete k-arcs is performed. New upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc are obtained for q<821. New lower bounds on the second greater size of a complete arc are got for many values q. Besides, many new sizes of a complete arcs are obtained for 29<q<169. Minimal saturating sets in projective spaces PG(n,q) are investigated. Estimations and exact values of some extremal parameters are obtained. A concept of saturating density is introduced. It allows to obtain new lower bound for the smallest minimal saturating set. A number of exhaustive results for small q are obtained. Many new small 1-saturating sets in PG(2,q), q<557 are constructed by computer. A number exact results are obtained for 2-saturating sets.

Finite field towers GF(q^p^n) are researched for the case when prime p is a factor of (q-1) and there are no other constraints on p and q. Under this condition irreducible binomials are used for recursive extension of finite fields. An infinite sequence of irreducible binomials, new effective algorithms for fast multiplication and inversion, and finite and asymptotic estimates of arithmetic complexity are obtained. Estimates of arithmetic complexity obtained are similar to the Schonhage-Strassen estimate for integers.

During 2001 laboratory was cooperated with universities of Germany, Sweden and Italy. The main topics of the cooperation were continuation of many years investigations in communication problems and combinatorial problems in vector spaces. With Ulm University (Germany) woven convolutional codes with unequal error protection was investigated. With University of Lund (Sweden) woven convolutional codes using cyclic closed convolutional codes as one of components was created and analysed. These investigations were supported by Royal Academy of Sweden. With Perugia University (Italy) arcs, caps, and saturating sets in projective geometries over finite fields are studied.




·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (99-01-00840): "Directed graphs in decoding problem of linear codes".


Geoinformation Technologies and Systems


Geoinformation technology of new generation is under developing. Fundamental principles of the technology are remote access to geographical information (GI), high interactivity of GI analysis, intuitive understandable interface and spatio-temporal data mining build in tools.

The fundamental principles of geoinformation technology are realized in the network analytical GIS GeoProcessotof and COMPASS, problem domains of which are analysis and forecasting of natural and social processes and phenomena. Both GISs are designed in Java 1.1 in client-server architecture


GIS GeoProcessor is intended for publication and complex analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics of geological environment and  for solving of forecasting and zonation problems in Earth sciences (natural hazard assessment, mineral and oil/gas deposits exploration). The system supports remote access to geographical information, interactive cartographic analysis of grid-based, vector and point data, spatial data mining. The system helps to evaluate the environment properties on the base of principle of analogy using the methods of multidimensional plausible reasoning: method of similarity on a precedent set, method of similarity on expert fuzzy logic knowledge, method of membership function for two classes, method of nonparametric regression.

GIS COMPASS II (Cartography Online Modeling, Presentation and Analysis System) supports analysis of vector GI. Friendly and interactive interface for multilayer vector GI cartographic representation and intuitive understandable tools for spatio-temporal data mining based on interactive analysis of complex properties of geographical objects make the system available for a wide range of the Internet users (non-professionals and specialists). Problem domains of GIS COMPASS are economy, sociology, demography, ecology, policy, marketing research, and management control.

Demonstration databases, which contains geological, geophysical, seismo-tectonic, social, economic and demographic information have been created. The total volume of the data is about 35МБ. The databases are accessible in site for interactive cartographical exploration and analysis with the help of GISs the GeoProcessor and COMPASS.

The data base of geological and geophysical information in the format of GIS GeoProcessor includes the following regions: Central Europe (46о-50о n. and 6о-15о e.), Central Greece (36о-39.5 о n. and 20о-24.2о e.), S-E Bulgaria, Kresna (41.3о-42.7о n. and 22.3о-24.1о e.), Turkey (35о-43о n. And 25о-47о e.), Northern Caucasus (41.6о – 45.6о n. and with 39.6о-45.6о e.) and N-E China (37о-42о n. and with 111о-120о e.). Database contains the digital models of topography, geophysical fields, geological faults, catalogues of earthquakes and topographical elements.

The database for GIS COMPASS contains examples of social and economic information on Russian Federation and World Countries, as well as an example of census data on region of Manchester.

The databases were used in research on efficiency of GISs GeoProcessor and COMPASS, as well as remote access to the seismo-tectonic data analysis for the partners of the joint international projects. The experimental results confirm efficiency GISs the GeoProcessor and COMPASS.

It allows to offer free of charge dissemination of GISs the GeoProcessor and COMPASS to publish and analyze geographical information for scientific and educational centers of Russia, including the sites of the appropriate grants RFBR the holders.

Analysis of the relationships between seismicity and tidal forces is realized on the basis of USGS/NEIC seismic data. On calculating of tidal vector we take into account only component of tidal force conditioned by the Moon. We examine six attributes of tidal vector: vertical, meridianal, latitudinal components, module of horizontal tidal force, module of tidal vector and amplitude of diurnal fluctuation of tidal force. The weak correlations between magnitude of earthquakes and meridional component of tidal force are discovered at the global level and under  partitioning surface of the Earth on meridianal sectors. For the last case the maximum correlation (0.22о) falls at 35о. W. There are no correlations between the magnitude and the remaining five tidal attributes. The relationships between frequency of earthquakes and amplitude of diurnal fluctuation of tidal force are discovered both at the global level and within latitudinal bands of the Earth. The relationships between frequency of earthquakes and the five remaining tidal attributes are not found.

Within the framework of the instrumental environment MATLAB a software package are developed for revelation of relationships between frequency of earthquakes and tidal attributes of tidal force. The software package contains computing and cartographic sections. The first section supports computation of components of tidal force and testing of statistical hypothesis concerning relationships between seismicity and attributes of tidal force. The second section supports creation of maps of seismic activity prevalence and helps to reveal the areas, which are seismic sensitive to terrestrial tides. With help of this software we found a number of areas, which are the most seismic sensitive to terrestrial tides. All the areas belong to the Earth seismic belts; most of areas connect with oceanic structures.

International cooperation. Cooperation within the framework of the 5FP IST program, under the project "Spatial mining for Data of Public Interest", acronym SPIN!, contract IST-1999-10536 was proceed. The following countries participate at the Project: Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Netherlands. Very close problems investigated in scope of the Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with of German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD) GMD (new name is Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) "Spatial-Temporary Data Mining Information Technology for Environmental and Human Dimension Applications".

Some methods of GIS GeoProcessor and GIS Descartes (Germany) were integrated, the new methods of the spatio-temporal analysis of grid-based and vector data were developed, the database of geographical, geophysical, seismological and infrastructure data on the Turkey test area was collected. The methods are realized in jointly created new WWW analytical GIS.

The agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with Institute of Astronomy and Geodesy (Madrid university Complutense) "Intelligent Data Analysis of Lanzarote Island by Advanced Geoinformation Technology" was made in November 2001. The inspection of basic data is begun.

The work with Institute of the Earthquake Prediction and Analysis of Chinese State Seismological Bureau (CSB) was conducted within the framework of the agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between RAS and CSB (together with UIPE RAS) “Study and physical interpretation of spatio-temporal variations of earthquake precursors in the North-East China”. The joint research on spatio-temporal analysis of seismicity of North-East China was executed, the data base on North-Eeast China was created, the data were combined in GeoProcessor database and were represented at The local versions of systems the GeoProcessor and COMPASS 1 as well as updated GIS GeoTime were given to the Chinese colleagues. The results of GIS GeoTime application the Chinese earthquake prediction from the Chinese party as well as new unique data of seismological and geophysical monitoring for the North-East China were accepted. The cooperation will be continued.

The research results were reported on the conferences and workshops in Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Ukraine. The systems GeoProcessor and COMPASS 2 were presented with the support of RF Ministry of industry, science and technology at international exhibitions on information technologies CeBit’2001 (Germany) and Simo’2001 (Spain).




·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 00-07-90100): "Network geoinformation systems for presentation and analysis of spatio-temporal information referring to Earth Sciences and human dimension".

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 99-07-90326): "World online data center".

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 99-05-64218): "Spatial-temporal distributions of the ruptures and seismic sources in the Earth crust and theirs connection with the peculiarities of orbital and rotative motions of the Earth (by using of electronic catalogs) ".

·        Ministry of science and technology of Russia: "Development of an Information Technology for Model Designing and Forecasting of the Natural and Manmade Catastrophes".

·        IST Program (EU IST – 10536): "Spatial Mining for Data of Public Interest (SPIN!)".


Partner System Group


The methods and tools of designing of large knowledge bases in medicine are under development. The methods are intended to support in the interaction of different users and the integration of knowledge and data from different sources. The main research problem was merging local knowledge bases into general knowledge base. Development of the programs started that assist a domain expert in the ascertainment of conceptual, contextual, and structural congruence of merging bases. Next problem was producing a new local knowledge base on the basis of some initial prototype, formed as a projection of the existing large knowledge base on the domain of interest. The technology of such projecting was proposed.

Within the framework of Partner System project a conception of intelligent tutoring has been elaborated. The programs, supporting for the multi-stage  process of professional education, are under development now.

A method of classification for medical images, represented as the temporal sequences of frames (films), has been developed. A set of transformations was designed to emphasize some presumably important spatio-temporal image characteristics. The appropriate local spatial approximation was selected to represent each film as a set of time series for all designed characteristics. The classification rule was constructed in the form of three-level threshold neuron-like net with the levels of spatial, temporal and integral synthesizing. The method was effectively applied in the task of early breast cancer diagnostics based on dynamic optical patterns.




·        Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (No. 01-01-01020): "The development of knowledge management methods for large clinical knowledge-based system".

·        Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences "Intellectual Computer Systems" (№ 3.4): Intelligent decision support within the framework of the project "Partner System".




A speech database for digits, voice dialling commands and utterances has been completed. The speech signal was recorded for 60 speakers using 4 types of microphones and 2 type of telephone handsets. A software prototype of a speech recognition system was developed. It includes a unit of spectral-temporal analysis of the speech signal, units of primary and articulatory detectors, segmentator and decoder.

The role of pharyngeal constrictors in speech production processes was described and 3-dimensional model of the vocal tract was formed on the basis magneto-resonance measurements of the 3-dimensional vocal tract shape.

A dynamic inverse problem with respect to motor control commands was studied for the case of known area of the vocal tract and 3 resonance frequencies.


Publications in 2001




1.      Ashikhmin A., Barg A., and Litsyn S. Estimates of the distance distribution of codes and designs // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2001, vol. 47, no. 3, Also Proceedings ISIT 2001, Washington, DC, p. 111.

2.      Barg A., Cohen G., Encheva S., Kabatiansky G., and Zemor G. A hypergraph approach to the identifying parent property: the case of multiple parents // SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. 2001, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 423-431.

3.      Barg A., Justesen J., and Thomessen C. Concatenated codes with fixed inner code and random outer code // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2001, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 361-365.

4.      Barg A. and Litsyn S. (Editors). Codes and Association Schemes. Providence: AMS, 2001.

5.      Bezrukov S.L. Embedding complete trees into the hypercube // Discrete Applying Mathematics. 2001, vol. 110, no. 2-3, pp. 101-119.

6.      Davydov A.A. New constructions of covering codes // Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 2001, vol. 22, pp. 305-316.

7.      Davydov A.A. and Ostergard P.R.J. Recursive constructions of complete caps // Journal of Statistic and Planning Inference. 2001, vol. 95, pp. 163-173.

8.      Davydov A.A. and Ostergard P.R.J. Linear codes with covering radius R=2,3 and codimension tR // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2001, vol. 47, pp. 416-421.

9.      Freudenberger J., Bossert M., Zyablov V.V., and Shavgulidze S. Woven codes with outer warp: Variation, Design and Distance properties // IEEE journal on "Selected areas in communication". 2001 (May), vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 813-824.

10. Zyablov V.V., Shavgulidze S., and Johannesson R. On the error exponent for woven convolutional codes with inner warp // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 2001, vol. 47, no.3.

11. Andrienko G., Andrienko N., Gitis V., and Denissovitch I. Interactive Maps for Visual Exploration of Grid Data // International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 34, Part 4/W5, Challenges in Geospatial Analysis, Integration and Visualization. 2001, pp. 6-8.

12.  Гитис В.Г, Вайншток А.П. Сетевые аналитические ГИС // ГИС обозрение. 2001, № 2, c. 14-16.

13. Вайншток А.П., Гитис В.Г. Сетевые аналитические геоинформационные технологии и системы // Proceedings of the XXVIII conference on Information Technologies in Science, Education, Telecommunication, Business, Гурзуф, 20-30 сентября 2001, с. 100-104.

14. Витушко М.А., Гуров Н.Д., Переверзев-Орлов В.С. Синдромное прогнозирование изменчивости // Сб. докладов 10-й Всероссийской конференции "Математические методы распознавания образов" (ММРО-10), Звенигород, 2001, с. 28-30.

In print


1.      Barg A., Blakley G. R., and Kabatiansky G. Digital fingerprinting codes: Problem statements, existence, constructions // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (submitted). Also Proceedings ISIT 2001, Washington, DC, p. 161.

2.      Afanassiev V.B. and Davydov A.A. Finite field towers: iterated presentation and complexity of arithmetic // Finite Fields and their Applications (to appear).

3.      Ashikhmin A.and Barg A. Bounds on the covering radius of linear codes // Designs, Codes and Cryptography (to appear).

4.       Ashikhmin A., Barg A., and Vladuts S. Linear codes with exponentially many light vectors // Journal Combinatorial Theory, ser. A (to appear).

5.      Barg A. On error bounds for spherical and binary codes // IEEE Transactions Information Theory (submitted). Also Proceedings ISIT 2001, Washington, DC, p. 38.

6.      Barg A. and Forney G. D. Random codes: Minimum distances and error exponents // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (submitted).

7.      Barg A. and Zemor G. Error exponents of expander codes (submitted).

8.      Barg A. and Zemor G. Error exponents of expander codes // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear). Also Proceedings ISIT 2001, Washington, DC, p. 47.

9.      Bezrukov S.L., Pfaff T., Piotrowski V.P. A new approach to Macaulay posets // Journal of Combinatorial Theory (submitted).

10. Bezrukov S.L. and Serra O. A local-global principle for vertex-isoperimetric problems // Discrete Mathematics (to appear).

11. Jordan R., Host S., Bossert M., Johannesson R., and Zyablov V.V. Woven convolutional codes II: Decoding aspects // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (submitted).

12. Jordan R., Pavluchkov V., and Zyablov V.V. Maximum slope convolutional codes // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (submitted).

13. Handler M., Johannesson R., and Zyablov V.V. On the error correcting capability of window decoding // ISIT 2002 (submitted).

14. Handler M., Johannesson R., and Zyablov V.V. Boosting the error performance of suboptimal tailbiting decoders // IEEE Transactions on Communication (submitted).

15. Хандлер М., Йоханнессон Р., Зяблов В.В. Кодер и свойства расстояний плетеных сверточных кодов с циклически замкнутым компонентным кодом // Проблемы передачи информации (в печати).

16. Host S., Johannesson R., and Zyablov V.V. Woven convolutional codes I: Encoder Properties // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (to appear).

17. Zyablov V. and Jordan R. On woven convolutional code with outer warp and unequal error protection // ETT (submitted).

18. Vitushko M., Gurov N., Pereverzev-Orlov V. Syndrom as a method of conceptual modeling // Pattern Recogn. and Image Anal. 2002, vol. 12, no. 2 (to be published).

19. Юрков Е.Ф. Система анализа характеристик акустического процесса при разрушении образцов горных пород // Вулканология и сейсмология (в печати).

20. Sorokin V.N. Some coding properties of speech // Speech Communication Journal (submitted).

21. Leonov A.S., Sorokin V.N. Controls in the internal model: Score reorganization and compensation // Journal of Phonetics (submitted).