laboratory 7

Laboratory of Bioelectric Information Processing

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sc. (Biology), Prof. Leonid Titomir

Tel.: (095) 209-46-79, (095) 299-50-02; E-mail:



The leading researchers of the laboratory include:


Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

L. Malinovskii


A. Zhozhikashvili

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

V. Stefanuk


E. Aidu


V. Trunov





directions of activity:


·        estimating measurement characteristics of "economical" lead systems for electrocardiographic mapping with the use of mathematical models which allow analytic solution to the forward electrodynamical problem;

·        working out and experimental-clinical approbation of a method for correction of vectorcardiographic measurements according to individual anthropometric parameters;

·        comparative model studies of various methods for location of electrogenic regions in the heart for topical diagnosis;

·        experimental investigation of the effect of overload and weightlessness (in aviation and astronautics) on the cardiac electric field and electrocardiotopographic parameters;

·        finding new diagnostic criteria on the basis of experimental-clinical application of the proposed new methods of intelligible-pictorial visualization of characteristics of the cardiac electrophysiological state.


main results


As a result of the comparative investigation of several "economical" lead systems for electrocardiographic mapping, the optimal system with 16 electrodes conveniently situated on the chest surface is chosen. The procedure of measurement does not become more complicated as compared to the standard electrocardiography or vectorcardiography, while the diagnostical efficiency significantly rises owing to the greater informativity of the data and alleviation of their quantitative and heuristic estimation. The experimental-clinical approbation of the proposed system carried out in the Cardiology Research Complex, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation (CRC MH RF) confirms the high accuracy of the diagnosis obtained (in particular, when recognizing the hypertrophies of different parts of the heart).

In cooperation with the CRC MH RF, the method of dipole electrocardiotopography (DECARTO) is further clinically tested and promoted for practice. In particular, the DECARTO technique was successfully employed for estimation of variations of electrophysiological state of the heart in pilots and astronauts at steep changes of the overload in the flight.

Quantitative relations are derived for correction of the vectorcardiogram in the Frank lead system on the basis of individual values of the main parameters of human chest, in particular, its transversal and sagittal diameters and height, and a preliminary experimental approbation of these relations was carried out. As a result, the efficiency of these relations was confirmed.

Some studies were performed in collaboration with scientists of Slovak Republic in the framework of agreements on scientific cooperation concluded by Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, with the following scientific institutions: Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences; and International Laser Center in Bratislava. The results of cooperative studies of the Slovak and Russian scientists are used as the basis for collective monography "Complex Analysis of Electrocardiogram in Orthogonal Leads", which was published in 2001.

An investigation was carried out to compare model-structural methods of statistical data analysis (using electrocardiograms as an example) with the methods implemented in the well known statistical packages Statgraphics, BMDP and SAS.

The main scientific results were presented by Prof. L. I. Titomir with co-authors in two lectures at the International Conference "Measurement – 2001" (Smolenice, Slovak Republik, May 14-17, 2001) and at the VI Congress of Slovak Cardiological Society (with international participation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, October 11-13, 2001).

The DECARTO technique was presented at the international exhibition of inventions and innovations "Eureka-2001" (Brussels, November 12-20, 2001), where it was rewarded with Gold Medal.

Prof. L. I. Titomir participated in international scientific and scientific-organizational actions as a Member of Council of the International Society of Electrocardiology, Editorial Consultant of "Journal of Electrocardiology" (USA), and Member of Editorial Board of "Bratislava Medical Journal" (Slovak Republik).



Grants from:


·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 01-01-00104): "Mathematical modeling of the bioelectric processes in the heart and development of methods for diagnosis, dynamical observation, and prediction of the ischemic heart disease on the basis of computer and information technologies".

·        Informatization of Russia Subprogram, Priority Direction "Information Technologies and Electronics" (No. 037.03.359.12/1-99): "Development and practical application in medicine of a computerized system of diagnostics and dynamical observation of the state of heart on the basis of the intelligible-pictorial methods of orthogonal electrocardiography" (Project coordinator, Cardiology Research Complex, Ministry of Health of Russian Federation).

·        INTAS (№ 99/01319): "Monitoring of the cardiovascular system of astronauts by means of noninvasive methods based on comprehensive computerized analysis of orthogonal electrocardiography (ASTROCARD)".




Publications in 2001


1.      Титомир Л.И., Рутткай-Недецкий И., Бахарова Л. Комплексный анализ электрокардиограммы в ортогональных отведениях. М.: Академиздатцентр "Наука", 2001, 238 с.

2.      Блинова Е.В., Сахнова Т.А., Сергакова Л.М., Кожемякина Е.Ш., Чихладзе Н.М., Щедрина Е.В., Атьков О.Ю., Титомир Л.И. Векторкардиографические и дэкартографические признаки гипертрофии левого желудочка у больных артериальной гипертензией различного генеза. – В сб.: Тезисы докладов Российского национального конгресса кардиологов, Москва, 2001, с. 49.

3.      Сахнова Т.А., Блинова Е.В., Кожемякина Е.Ш., Салтыкова М.М., Щедрина Е.В., Титомир Л.И., Трунов В.Г., Айду Э.А.-И., Вайда П., Капдероу А., Чермак М., Атьков О.Ю. Изменения дэкартограмм в условиях переменной гравитации. – В сб.: Тезисы докладов Российского национального конгресса кардиологов, Москва, 2001, с. 337-338.

4.      Малиновский Л.Г. Модельно-структурные методы в многомерном статистическом анализе // Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2001. Том. 67. № 11, с. 52-61.

5.      Titomir L.I., Mikhnev A.A., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I. Practical ECG mapping with few-lead systems: A new approach and mathematical modeling. – In: Measurement 2001. Bratislava: Inst. Meas. Sci. SAS – VEDA, 2001, p. 219-222.

6.      Titomir L.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Agarkova T.V., Moving electric center of the heart as a means for noninvasive location of electrogenic zones in the myocardium. – In: Electrocardiology 2000. Roma: Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale, 2001, p. 85-90.

7.      Titomir L.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Sakhnova T.A., Kozhemyakina E. Sh. Topographic imaging of the cardioelectric field on the basis of unipolar Frank-electrode leads. – In: Electrocardiology 2000. Roma: Casa Editrice Scientifica Internazionale, 2001, p. 179-183.

8.      Mateasik A., Bacharova L., Kniz J., Titomir L.I. DECARTO – a tool for superposition of functional and structural characteristics of the heart // Biomedizinische Technik. 2001. Band 46. Erg. 2. Р. 79-81.

9.      Titomir L.I., Sakhnova T.A., Aidu E.A.I., Trunov V.G., Mikhnev A.A. Few-lead systems for noninvasive imaging of the cardioelectric field on a standard surface // Biomedizinische Technik 2001. Band 46. Erg. 2. Р. 91-93.

10.  Titomir L.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Sakhnova T.A., Mikhnev A.A. Dipole electrocardiotopography (DECARTO) as a new technique for recognition and prediction of cardiac pathologic states on the basis of orthogonal lead systems. – In: 7th Asian – Pacific Symposium on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. Abstracts. Beijing, China, 2001, p. 5.

11. Титомир Л.И., Трунов В.Г., Айду Э.А.-И., Агаркова Т.В. Подвижный электрический центр сердца: новая концепция и математическое моделирование // Биофизика (в печати).

12. Михнев А.А., Баринова Н.Е., Сахнова Т.А., Титомир Л.И. Влияние основных антропометрических соотношений грудной клетки на векторкардиогра-фические измерения: исследование на математических моделях // Измерительная техника (в печати).




Artificial Intelligence Group


Direction of activity:

·        behavior of locally organized artificial intelligence systems in theory and applications;

·        research on the use of theory of category for description of learning and knowledge processing in artificial intelligence;

·        semiotic methods for automated representation of problems;

·        development intellectual tutoring systems.



Using semiotic principles developed in the Group and the experience gained with the DNA sequencing new possibilities for solution of problems of creating goals, tasks and criteria, insights and discoveries and other esoteric problems, were formulated. Moreover it was shown that the tutoring methods are also related directly to the use of knowledge in natural and artificial intelligence.

A report on the workshop "Applied semiotics" in which a wide area of theoretical and practical problems have been considered from semiotic points of view have been published.

The work on pragmatics (part of semiotics) found its continuation with the purpose to study communication strategies in publications, such as "politeness strategy", an appeal to a historical analogy, "seductive" strategy, ironic compliment, repetition method, and etc., widely exploited by journalists. Benjamin Press, UK, invited Dr. L. V. Savinitch to extent her paper delivered at the conference on Pragmatics, held in France, for inclusion into a new collection of works to be published by the editor.

A theoretical analyses of use of the productions or rules in Artificial intelligence systems was performed. The proposed new definition of productions covers a large number of versions of productions which may be found in the literature on AI systems. This definition emphasizes those components which are important both for theory and for practice and which for some reasons remained unnoticed by many researchers. These components are embedded in a theoretical formalism which resulted from the study. The obtained result provided an additional argument for theory of category approach to the description of intellectual systems which has been developing in our Group.

A concept of intellectual interface was further developed. For this purpose an analyses of various designs of subject independent component of the interface as a collective of locally organized learning agents, which solves local problems of expedient behavior in interaction with other agents was continued. Several schemas of agents depending on the degree of order among user characteristics to be modeled by each agent were proposed.

The work on design of intelligent tutoring systems based on original idea of cognitive levels was continued. It was shown that future tutoring systems will intensively use the models of student and that of teacher, which take into account not only the knowledge, but also many other features influencing the education such as the above cognitive levels and other peculiarities of interaction of student and teacher.

On invitation of National Institute of Informatics (NII) , Tokyo. V. L. Stefanuk visited Japan as an invited professor in the area of Intellectual man-machine interface. He reported his results to the NII meeting and delivered an invited lecture during annual meeting of Society for Artificial Intelligence and Society for knowledge based computer programming of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.

For two months V. L. Stefanuk had been collaborating with a US company doing research and development in the area of intellectual computer tutoring, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

As a PC member V.Stefanuk took part in organization of International congress "Artificial Intelligence in XXI century" (3-8 September), city of Gelendzhik, where he chaired the invited paper session.

During the Days of Polish science in Russia V. L. Stefanuk delivered a talk "Meta components in man-machine systems" in which he presented a new approach to the practice of man-machine system design.

In 2001 V. L. Stefanuk was elected as a Fellow of European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).


Grants from:


·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 99-01-01152): "Problems of Intellectual Man-Machine Interfaces Design with the Methods of Locally-Organized Systems" (project leader V. L. Stefanuk).

·        Program of Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences "Intellectual Computer Systems" (№ 2.4): "Problems of category theory formalization of intellectual knowledge-based computer systems" (project leader V. L. Stefanuk).




1.      Stefanuk V.L. Report on the workshop "Applied Semiotics: Control Problems (ASC 2000)" // AI Communication. 2001, no. 2, pp. 105-109.

2.      Stefanuk V.L. Advanced IT projects in Russian Academy of Sciences: AI in the Institute for Information Transmission Problems // National Institute of Informatics Journal. 2001, no. 3 (in Japanese).

3.      Stefanuk V.L. Invited paper: Role of Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence (RAAI) in Stimulation of Advanced AI Projects, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing, IEICE Technical Report (AI 2000-66, KBSE74 (2001-3)), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg., Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 2001, pp. 73-80.

4.      Stefanuk V.L. Personal Computer Tutoring in Elementary School. Technical Report, Screen Mentor Inc., July 29, 2001, 13 p.

5.      Stefanuk V.L. Lessons from Artificial Intelligence // Collection of Scientific Works of Scientific Session MIPHI-2002, Ministry of Higher Education of Russian Federation, Moscow, 2 p. (in print, in Russian).

6.      Stefanuk V.L. Problems of Design of Intellectual Tutoring Systems // Proceedings of the Conference «Morintekch», St.-Petersburg, 2001, 6 p. (in print, in Russian).

7.      Stefanuk V.L. Some Problems of Design of Intellectual Tutoring Systems // International Scientific-methodical Conference «Distance learning – educational sphere of XXI century». 2001, 5 p. (in print, in Russian).

8.      Zhozhikashvili A.V., Stefanuk V.L. On a concept of production in Artificial Intelligence // Proceedings of Russian academy of science, series «Control, theory and systems» (in Russian, submitted).

9.      Stefanuk V.L., Zhozhikashvili A.V. Productions and rules in artificial intelligence // Kybernetes, UK (submitted).