Laboratory of Sensory Information Processing

Executive Head of Laboratory – Dr. (Biology) Vladimir Bastakov

Tel.: (095) 430-71-90, Fax: (095) 430-75-44; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:


Dr.Sc. (Biol.)

D. Lapshin


O. Orlov

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

D. S. Lebedev


T. Podugolnikova

Dr.Sc. (Math.)

D. G. Lebedev


E. Rodionova

Dr.Sc. (Biol.)

 I. Pigarev


M. Smirnov

Dr.Sc. (Biol.)

G. Rozhkova


V. Vedenina


K. Golubtsov


D. Nikolaev


E. Maksimova


P. Maximov


V. Maximov


A. Panjutin


directions of activity


The main research area of the laboratory is investigation of information processing in sensory systems and in nervous system of man and animals in general. These researches are aimed onto:

·        elaboration of adequate models which show how the studied principles of information processing in the nervous system are realized in the formation of complex behaviour,

·        elaboration of mathematical models simulating significant functions of distinct divisions of sensory systems, including peripheral, central and sensorimotor levels of information processing,

·        comparison of principles and solutions of similar problems in live and technical information systems intended to improve the later,

·        designing and implementing diagnostic methods and devices for ophthalmology.

To cope with the problems mentioned, different approaches and methods are used by the laboratory researchers, including neurophysiological, psychophysical and morphological methods, as well as animal behaviour field studies and computer simulations of sensory processing. Among the most important problems is description and classification of numerous functional types of neural units which are involved in the sensory information processing at several levels of integral nervous system. Thus, in vision the peripheral level of information processing is represented by the retina, while the brain visual centres (cortex and caudate nucleus in cats and monkeys, diencephalon and mesencephalon in fish and in frogs) represent the central level. Investigation of neurons’ functional types is performed by means of both neurophysiological and morphological methods. Microelectrode experiments are aimed on recordings of responses from separate single units (neurons) at different levels of the retina, which itself is composed of several distinct layered nerve structures, each of them being a complex ordered network built of different neuron classes. These experiments are performed on immobilized live animals using their visual stimulation. Morphological studies specify those neural structures and morphology of the nerve cells which are subject of neurophysiological investigation. Functional features of neural components are the matter of comparison to some distinct forms of sensory-guided integral behaviour of the same experimental animals (fish, amphibia cats), this way providing the background for modeling of corresponding neural circuits in terms of computer simulations. Such, computer simulations include modeling of neural event underlying of information processing at the level of cone receptor population (in primate retina), as well as interaction of receptor and horizontal cells in the retina (in fish). General principles of sensimotor information processing (such as colour and size constancy in visual perception, binocular vision mechanisms, spatial orientation, echolocation in moths, bioacoustics in locusts during the breeding period) are the matter of psychophysical experiments on both healthy subjects and medical patients having different sensory disturbances; as well as in behavioural experiments on animals. Basic researches provide the background for applied outcomes in the form of diagnostic methods and devices for medical ophthalmology, which are as well being designed and implemented by the laboratory staff.




Ambient illumination flickering belongs to the list of features of real surrounding world which complicates enormously the physical description of real scenes, retinal images of which have to be processed by human/animal visual system. Hence, any visual system has to elaborate means to overcome this complication in the process of detecting and recognition of real objects. Up to recently the vision imulating algorithms were elaborated in assumption of a static world pictures, where the main attention regarding illumination nonuniformity was devoted to the static spatial parameter, while rapid temporal changes from frame to frame were underestimated.

Real dynamics of natural illumination was investigated by means of an original sort of radiometer, designed for three natural ecological niches each having its specific illumination: 1) under the forest foliage with its flockering direct sunlight and shadow patches, 2) on the shore, close to reflecting water surface having wind-dependent ripples on it, 3) under water, at shallow places where surface ripples produce dynadic extended lenses which focus sunlight on the bottom. It was shown that illumination in this case is changing up to hundred times in intensity at the rate from less than 1 Hz up to tens of Hz depending on weather, water transparency and the bottom depth. This poses strict demands regarding dynamic properties of visual system and synchronization of information processing in it. (V. V. Maximov, P. V. Maximov.)

Моdeling of retinal neurology. A linear model of Red-Green opponency of the cones in primate retinal ganglion cells has been elaborated. The model permits to find out the stable-state signal value in response to whatever stable light stimulus, and among others to find out mutual influence and distortions of Red-Green and Brightness channels, as well as to evaluate the intensity of ‘spatial noise’ due to the random distribution of L-(longwave) and M-(middlewave) cones in primate retina. Model permits to investigate the ways the integral output of midget ganglion cells of primate retina separates information regarding brightness and colour. By means of the model, the role of lateral interaction in outer and inner plexiform retinal layers in the formation of the receptive field surround of midget ganglion cells is revealed. This model, as opposed to ones developed and published by others, permits to obtain quantitative results, and among others to determine a dependance of retinal visual aquity on algorithms of midget ganglion cells’ output processing. Outcome of computer experiments with model enable to reveale the role the midget ganglion cells in primate retyina play in processing of visual information. (D. S. Lebedev.)

Human visual acuity. Age-dependent visual deficit, the presbiopy, is connected usually to inability to bring in focus the near objects. However it is known that aged persons have problems in seeing remote objects as well. It can be assumed that aged people possess some preferred range of sharp seeing at intermediate distance. This was tested in course of immediate measurements of noncorrected visual acuity in 150 aged persons of different ages (90 ss of 35-90 years old, and 60 ss of 17 to 35 years). The assumed individual optimal distance, at which everyone demonstrates one’s best acuity, was really observed. Surprisingly, it was expressed in many young persons not less than in aged ones. Even more, measurements of acuity in teenager and preschool children revealed that they demonstrate a likewise dependance of acuity on the test distance. Existence of some optimum at intermediate distance suggests a sort of tonic accomodation state that determines a kind of pre-setup of the visual system and hence the middle of its working range. At any age the visual system demonstrates its acuity performance in the middle of working range, but the width of the range of successful focussing is determined by recources of accomodation mechanisms which weaken with ages thus leading to narrowing of corresponding range of good seeing. (G. I. Rozhkova, T. A. Podugolnikova, E. I. Rodionova.)

Depth constancy of visual space represented at occipital cortex in cat. In course of electrophysiological study of occipital cortex in cat, an area having a new principle of topic projection of outer visual space was discovered. Visual neurons of this zone, which was named likewise to human nomenclature a V4A zone, have quite unordinary properties. Neurons respond selectively to visual stimuli presented only at distinct distancies from an animal, and this selectivity is independent on the fixation point (which is determined by a separate visual stimulus that is simultaneousely presented to the cat during recording from neurons). Besides this, neurons having identical receptive field properties but representing upper and lower quadrants of visual field, turned to be localized in the cat cortex at long distances from each other. This distinguishes them from formerly described disparity-sensitive ones. (I. N. Pigarev, E. I. Rodionova.)

Size constancy and visual illusions. Adult amphibia (frogs and toads) in both lab and field circumstances are driven in their behaviour by real size of objects, which permits them correctly recognize and respond to prey and enemy independent of the distance to them. It is less known but no less interesting what happens to size constancy in young frogs and toads which after their metamorphosis from tadpoles almost suddenly obtain both quite new visual world (including new way of feeding by means of prey-catching) and almost new visual system (with changed eye position and new brain connections), i.e. having yet no visual experience in their environment. Investigation of visual illusions, a traditional approach in human vision researche, was for the first time applied to test size constancy in visually naive frogs and toads. New data have been obtained relative green frogs just after their metamorphosis and having yet no visual experience. They demonstrate an ability to discriminate 'enemy' and 'prey' models obviouselu relying on their real size, i.e. independent of angular size change with distance. As it is known regarding adult frogs, crucial cues for visually naive animals in recognizing object distance (which would permit to correct the distance-dependent of angular size) are the structured backgroung, and angular size and angular velocity of model. For the first time it was shown that if retinal image of moving stimulus is defocussed, then a visual illusion (incorrect perception of distant model as a close one) happens only in the case that angular velocity is high. (V. A. Bastakov, S. V. Ogurtsov.)

Echolocation and bioacoustics in insects. Nocturnal moths (Noctuidae) possess impulse echolocation which they use for spatial orientation. It is known that defence of receiver input from overload while transmitting probe signal is a prerequisite for successful operation of impulse locator. Process of sensitivity rebound of receiver takes inevitably some time, which in fact poses limit of nearest object that may be perceived by location. Noctuide have small size (below 5 cm), and nearest limit of successful location should be in reasonable proportion to insect size. Temporal delay of echosignal for 5 cm is about 0.3 millisecond. In behavioural experimental session, the dependance of sensitivity of locating moths on delay time had been tested. In the delay range 0.2-0.5 msec response thresholds regularly decreased such that at 0.2 msec thresholds were 30 times (30 dB) higher than at 0.5 msec. Thus, Noctuidae are able to detect objects tey meet during their flight at short distances. Revealed dependence of echolocation system sensitivity on delay time of echosignal may have some adaptive meaning, as echo from close objects has higher average amplitude, and perception of suchsignals needs less sensitivity of receiver device. (D. N. Lapshin.)

Stridulation of a locust, Ch. Аlbomarginatus had been studied during experiments in which this behaviour was elicited by injection of acetylcholine agonists into region of protocerebrum where stridulation command neurons are localized. Distinct components of the full song, or full song consisting of several components, or different manifestations of courtship were observed due to such stimulation depending on the site of agent injection. Inspection of elicited variations of stridulation revealed hierarhic structure of suggested neural network subserving stridulation in locusts. (V. Yu. Vedenina.)

Ophthalmology. Diagnostic equipment for ophthalmology designed in the lab passed testing and evaluation in contact with the Helmholtz Institute for Opthalmic Diseases, the MEDCI Hospital, the Centre of Traumatic Ophthalmology, and the MONIKI institution. Formerly designed apparatuses KChSM-U and KChSM-D were used for investigation of children having different defects of their visual system. Data obtained were laid in background of a brochure, the methodical tutorial "Flicker fusion frequency for coloured stimuli in diagnosis of diseases of retina and of optic nerve in children". Testing of effectiveness of colour stimulation of children having weak vision was fulfilled in kindergarten № 3 (Doubna town). It was shown that light stimulation by means of device "Raduga-3", designed in IITP, is more effective as compared to likewise devices in medical use nowadays. Visual pathologies connected to brain tumours were tested by means of device "Chiasm-04". Method for recording of unilateral optic nerve pathologies has been elaborated. (K. V. Golubtsov, O. Yu. Orlov.)

Methods for recording and measurement the parameters of human ocular pursuit/trace movements have been elaborated. The method includes computerized control of stimulus movement, processing of collected data, adjustment and graduating of experimental set, selection of informative data series, and presentingof results in ergonomic analytical and graphical form. Ocular movement recordings demonstrate that during the sight pursuit, a permanent retinal image shift (lag) plays the same role as the ocular drift. Analysis of the formerly proposed visual systems models proved that they are adequate to current topic. (D. G. Lebedev, V. P. Andreev, N. S. Surovicheva.)


International affairs. Problems of constancy in perception of physical parameters of external objects by different sensory systems in representatives of different levels of evolution including human had been discussed during a Symposium, "The Constancy of Perception: Neuroethological and Comparative Aspects" held in frames of 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Germany, Bonn, 2001, 29.07-03.08. Organizer and chairmen of Symposium was V. A. Bastakov, invited lecturers were Justin Marshall (Australia) and G. I. Rozhkova, V. A. Bastakov, and O. Yu. Orlov from IITP RAS; P. V. Maximov from the same Laboratory No. 8 of IITP RAS presented a poster devoted to his joint research together with V. V. Maximov.

Essence of problem is that animals and man have to rely upon sensory flow in order to orient in environment. At the same time, stable physical features of surrounding objects, which are significant for arranging of behaviour, are unstable in terms of sensory flow: in vision, such features like brightness, angular size, visible form and colour of things vary dramatically depending on distance, relative orientation, illumination conditions and so on. Because of this, sensory systems are posed to the need to reconstruct necessary information from available sensory flow components. Comparative approach to the problem having much in common for different sensory modalities and common to whatever representatives of animal kingdom, but finding its solutions by different means, looks promising.


Grants from:


·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (№ 99-04-48831): "Striasomes and neostriatum modules – independent elements or the parts of integral system?" (E. I. Rodionova).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 00-04-48657): "Меchanisms of moving objects size constancy perception in frogs and toads" (V. A. Bastakov).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 01-04-48632): "Mechanisms and functions of colour opponency in vertebrate vision" (V. V. Maximov).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 00-04-48704): "Investigation of topographic macromosaic and the properties of constant presentation of depth in fourth extrastriatal layer (visual zone V4A) of occipital cortex of cat" (I. N. Pigarev).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (No. 01-04-49484): "Меchanisms of age-dependent changes of visual acuity" (G. I. Rozhkova).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (№ 01-04-58750): "Partake in 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Germany, Bonn, 2001, 29.07-03.08 (P. V. Maximov).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (№ 01-04-58751): "Partake in 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Germany, Bonn, 2001, 29.07-03.08 (V. A. Bastakov).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (№ 01-04-58752): "Partake in 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Germany, Bonn, 2001, 29.07-03.08 (G. I. Rozhkova).

·        Russian Basic Research Foundation (№ 01-04-58753): "Partake in 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Germany, Bonn, 2001, 29.07-03.08 (O. Yu. Orlov).

·        Sense of Smell Institute Grant: "The effects of fragrances on memory and mental performance in schoolchildren" (E. I. Rodionova).

·        Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Grant (Stipend), IV RUS/1054747 STP: "Hybrid zone and barriers to gene exchange between closely related grasshopper species of the Chorthippus albomarginatus-group" (V. Yu. Vedenina).






1.      Рожкова Г.И., Токарева В.С. Тесты и таблицы для оценки зрительных способностей. М.: ВЛАДОС, 2001, 102 с.




1.      Ранцман Е.Я., Гласко М.П., Губерман Ш.А., Максимов В.В. Морфоструктурное районирование поверхности Марса (фрагмент) // Геоморфология. Т. 3. 2001. С. 118-124.

2.      Рожкова Г.И., Васильева Н.Н. Взаимодействие бинокулярного и стереокинетического механизмов восприятия глубины у детей с нормальным и нарушенным бинокулярным зрением // Сенсорные системы. 2001. Т. 15. № 1. С. 61-68.

3.      Рожкова Г.И., Токарева В.С., Ващенко Д.И., Васильева Н.Н. Возрастная динамика остроты зрения у школьников. I. Бинокулярная острота зрения для дали // Сенсорные системы. 2001. Т. 15. № 1. С. 54-60.

4.      Рожкова Г.И., Токарева В.С., Ващенко Д.И., Громова И.Э., Сенькина Е.В. Возрастная динамика остроты зрения у школьников. II. Бинокулярная острота зрения для разных расстояний // Сенсорные системы. 2001. Т. 15. № 3. С. 257-263.

5.      Рожкова Г.И., Токарева В.С., Родионова Е.И., Ващенко Д.И., Васильева Н.Н. Возрастная динамика остроты зрения у школьников. III. Соотношение монокулярных и бинокулярных показателей // Сенсорные системы. 2001. Т. 15. № 3. С. 264-272.

6.      Подугольникова Т.А., Кондрашев С.Л., Пущин И.И. Типы крупных ганглиозных клеток сетчаток бурого терпуга (Hexagrammos octogrammus) и керчака Стеллера (Myoxocephalus stelleri), проецирующихся в зрительный тектум // Сенсорные системы. 2001. Т. 15. № 1. С. 44-53.

7.      Cook J.E, Podugolnikova T.A. Evidence for spatial regularity among retinal ganglion cells that project to the accessory optic system in a frog, a reptile, a bird, and a mammal // Visual Neuroscience. 2001. V. 18. P. 289-297.

8.      Pigarev I. N., Nothdurft H.-Ch. Kastner S. Neurons with large bilateral receptive fields in monkey prelunate gyrus // Exp. Brain Res. 2001. V. 136. P. 108-113.

9.      Ogurtsov S.V., Bastakov V.A., 2001а. Imprinting on native pond odour in the pool frog, Rana lessonae Cam. // Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 9., Marchlewska-Koj A., Lepri J.J. and Muller-Schwarze D. eds., Kluwer/Plenum Publishers, New York. P. 433-441.

10. Bastakov V.A. Constancy of Perception: Neuroethological and Comparative Aspects // International Society for Neuroethology Newsletter. November. 2001. p. 4.

11. Лапшин Д.Н. Ультразвуковая эхолокация ночных бабочек // Сб. научно-популярных статей. "Российская наука: грани творчества на грани веков". Под редакцией академика В. П. Скулачёва. М.: Научный мир, 2000. С. 252-260.

12. Лапшин Д.Н. Эхолокационная система ночных бабочек (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) // Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора биологических наук. 2001 г.

13. Веденина В.Ю., фон Хельверсен O. Фармакологическая активация стридуляционного поведения Chorthippus albomarginatus (ORTHOPTERA: GOMPHOCERINAE) // Журн. эвол. биохим. и физиол., 2001. Т. 37. № 4.

14. Рогатина Е.В., Голубцов К.В. Критическая частота мельканий на цветные стимулы в диагностике заболевания детей // Пособие для врачей, 2001, 20 с.

15. Шигина Н.А., Куман И.Г., Хейло Т.С., Крутов С.В. Голубцов К.В. Мелькающий хроматический свет как регулятор биологических процессов в зрительной системе // Известия ТГРУ (Таганрогский Государственный Радиотехнический Университет). 2001. № 4. C. 376-377.

16. Prokhorov K.A., Nikolaeva G.Yu., Gordeev S.A., Pashinin P.P., and Nikolaev D.P. Raman scattering in oriented polyethylene: The range of valence vibrations of the CH2 group // Laser Physics. 2001. V. 11. № 1. P. 86-93


In print


1.      Максимова Е.М., Бастаков В.А. Физиология зрительного анализатора. Руководство к практическим занятиям по курсу физиологии животных и человека. М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2001 (в печати).

2.      Pigarev I. N., Chelvanayagam, D. K., Cappello, J., Vidyasagar T. R. Primary visual cortex and memory: Retinal position specificity and lack of size constancy at early stages of learning a visual memory task. Exp. Brain Res. 2001 (in press).

3.      Шигина Н.А., Куман И.Г., Хейло Т.С., Рябцева А.А., Голубцов К.В. Крутов С.В. Применение электрического тока в диагностике и лечении патологии зрительного нерва и сетчатки // Медицинский вестник. 2001 (в печати).

4.      Шигина Н.А., Куман И.Г., Голубцов К.В., Крутов С.В. Особенности использования хроматического света в диагностике и лечении атрофии зрительного нерва // Медицинский вестник. 2001 (в печати).

5.      Шигина Н.А., Голубцов К.В, Куман И.Г., Рябцева А.А. Критическая частота слития мельканий в диагностике заболеваний зрительной системы // Пособие для врачей. 2001. 16 с. (в печати).

6.      Шигина Н.А., Куман И.Г., Голубцов К.В. Светостимуляция в диагностике и лечении зрительной системы. Пособие для врачей. 2001 (в печати).


Conference reports


1.      Maximova E.M., Maximov P.V., Maximov V.V. Interaction of excitation and inhibition in the receptive field of the ON-OFF units in the frog retina // Proceedings of the 28th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference. 2001. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.

2.      Maximov P.V., Maximov V.V. Frequency transfer properties of a model of the photoreceptor triad synapse with ephaptic feedback from horizontal cells // Proceedings of the 28th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference 2000. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.

3.      Maximov V.V., Koulchitsky S. and Voronin L.L. Intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback: illusory disappearance of paired pulse depression (PPD) with slowing the decay of the excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) // Proceedings of the 28th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference 2001. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, New York.

4.      Maximov V.V., Maximov P.V., Astrelin A.V., Lomonosov A.M., Voronin L.L., Cherubini E. Stochastic model of the ephaptic feedback in invaginating spine synapses // 4th INTAS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Physical and chemical methods in biology, medicine and environment (Grant Monitoring Conference) - Proceedings book 2001. Moscow. P. 53-54.

5.      Maximov V.V., Orlov O.Yu. The von Kries Coefficient Law accounts for colour constancy in toads // 6th International Congress of Neuroethology Abstracts. 2001. Bonn. S. 3.2.

6.      Maximov P.V, Maximov V.V. Colour constancy via horizontal cells: Can it be realized by means of a feedback mechanism? In: "6th International Congress of Neuroethology Abstracts. 2001. Bonn. S. 55.

7.      Пиковский Ю.И., Губерман Ш.А., Ранцман Е.Я., Гласко М.П., Максимов В.В. Идентификация крупных месторождений нефти и газа в новейшей блоковой структуре земной коры: технология прогноза. // «Международная научно-практическая конференция «Прогноз нефтегазоносности фундамента молодых и древних платформ». Тезисы докладов». 2001. Изд-во Казанского ун-та, Казань. С. 225-228.

8.      Максимов В.В., Максимова Е.М., Лебедев Д.С. Механизмы и функции цветовой оппонентности в зрении позвоночных // XVIII Съезд физиологического общества имени И.П. Павлова. Тезисы докладов. 2001. Казань. С. 146-147.

9.      Кульчицкий С.В., Максимов В.В., Максимов П.В., Касьянов А.М., Керубини Е. Исследование механизмов парного взаимодействия в синапсах с положительной эфаптической обратной связью // XVIII Съезд физиологического общества имени И.П. Павлова. Тезисы докладов. 2001. Казань. С. 133-134.

10. Максимова Е.М., Утина И.А. Роль дофаминэргических нейронов в сетчатке позвоночных // XVIII Съезд физиологического общества имени И.П. Павлова. Тезисы докладов. 2001. Казань. С. 147.

11. Damjanovich I., Byzov A.L., Bowmaker J.K., Gachich Z., Utina I.A., Maximova E.M., Michkovich B., Andjus R.K. Pigment content of eel photoreceptors. // Prirodni potencijali kopna, kontinentalnih voda i mora Crne Gore i njihova zashtita. Zabljak. 2001. P. 197.

12. Пиковский Ю.И., Гласко М.П., Губерман Ш.А., Максимов В.В., Ранцман Е.Я. Стратегия поисков крупных месторождений нефти и газа в малоизученных и труднодоступных районах // Малоизученные нефтегазоносные регионы и комплексы России (прогноз нефтегазоносности и перспективы освоения). Тезисы докладов. ВНИГНИ. 2001. Москва. С. 6-7.

13. Lebedev D.S. Model research of the output signals of the midget ganglion cells in the primate retina // Perception (Supplement). 2001. V. 30. P. 4.

14. Рожкова Г.И. Типы зависимости остроты зрения от расстояния наблюдения и оценка аномалий рефракции // Офтальмология на рубеже веков». СПб 2001. Изд-во Военно-медицинской Академии. С. 75-76.

15. Подугольникова Т.А., Рожкова Г.И. Острота зрения у детей дошкольного возраста для разных расстояний наблюдения // Офтальмология на рубеже веков. СПб, 2001. Изд-во Военно-медицинской Академии. С. 71-72.

16. Evsutin A.A., Rozhkova G.I. Human visual acuity as a function of viewing distance in young and old adults // Abstr. 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Bonn, July 29th – August 3rd. P. 90.

17. Rozhkova G.I. Neuronal mechanisms of spatial constancy in the cricket cercal system // Abstr. 6th International Congress of Neuroethology, Bonn, July 29th –August 3rd, 2001. S. 3.3.

18. Podugolnikova T.A., .Kondrashev S.L. Morphological varieties of medium retinal ganglion cells projecting to the optic tectum in the fish Pholidapus dybowskii // 3rd European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology: Modern Views on Brain Homologies. Murcia. 2001. P. 83.

19. Podugolnikova T.A., Kondrashev S.L. Anatomical Varieties of ganglion cells in the marine fish retina projecting to the optic tectum: an HRP study // Prirodni Potencijali Kopna,Kontinentalnih Voda i Mora Crne i Njihova Zastita. 2001 Zabljak. P. 192.

20. Родионова Е.И., Минор А.В.,. Беда Ю.А. Влияние фоновых запахов на выполнение заданий по математике и русскому языку школьниками 2-3 классов // Актуальные проблемы экологии и образования. Тезисы докладов. 2001. Северодвинск.

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Patents and inventions


1.      Голубцов К.В., Софронов П.Д. Патент на изобретение № 2162310 от 27.01.2001 "Система для восстановления зрения".

2.      Зуева М.В., Голубцов К.В. и др. Патент на изобретение № 2168964 от 20.06.2001 г. "Способ топической диагностики дефектов поля зрения".