Laboratory of Problems of Consciousness and Communication

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sci. (Psychology) Nikolai Muskhelishvili

Tel.: (095) 196-00-24; E-mail:



The leading researchers of the laboratory include: Dr. A. Kiselev



Directions of activity


Direction of research is concerned with specific characteristics of communications connected with the alterations of human consciousness states. This activity is based on the metapsychological approach proposed by leading scientists of Laboratory for de­scribing the phenomena of consciousness and indirect communications.





A hermeneutic-psychological analysis of the lectio divina tradition of Western Christi­anity has been carried out. Unlike many of the “eastern” traditions, the tradition of Western Christianity especially stresses the working with the text and imagination. Research has shown that the method of working with the text in lectio divina tradition presupposes a transition onto the level of the presentative symbolism and felt mean­ing. This provides the possibility of working with multiple mutually substituting im­a­ges, resulting in the generation of novel interpretations. Such a characteristic opens the new perspectives for the development of hermeneutical psychology, because it allows approaching and tackling the problem of borders of classical semiotics, based on the asymmetry of the sign and the signified. These perspectives are certainly very promising for the psychology of learning and training, particularly concerning an un­derstanding and appreciation of non-demonstrable concepts, including mathematical and physical-theoretic ones.




·      Russian Foundation of Basic Research (No. 03-06-80057): "Spiritual practice of Western Christianity as a paradigm for the practical psychology". (N. Muskhelishvili)





1. Êèñåëåâ À.Ï., Êîâàëü À.Í., Ìóñõåëèøâèëè Í.Ë. Òðàäèöèÿ lectio divina è êîãíèòèâíàÿ ïñèõîëîãèÿ. // Ñèñòåìíûå Èññëåäîâàíèÿ. Åæåãîäíèê (in print).