Head of Department – Dr. Vladimir Venets

Tel.: (095) 209-22-35; E-mail:



Group for Municipal Management Informatics


Head of Group – Dr.Sc. (Techn.), Prof. Mikhail Soloviev

Tel.: (095) 299-83-54; E-mail:



Main results


Researches were continued for a problem of the state and municipal property management and the following results were achieved:

·         a concept of an attended economical efficiency appraisal for a property legislation development was formulated; the concept was applied to the forming state system of property registration and the system's structural transformations (together with The Privatisation and Business Academy);

·         a strategic providing role of a property resource was analysed and systematised concerning of different types of proprietors and native transmitted conditions;

·         a consolidation town-planning concept was suggested for city housing programs and private commercial initiatives systematization and management; the consolidation comprehends information, financial and managerial aspects. The concept uses the modern mechanisms of the Private Financial Initiative, Public-Private Partnership and others. In principle the concept content is adapting as one of typical units for a town-planning module of a new professional education program in international real estate (together with The Oxford Brookes University).

The joint distance teaching laboratory (IPPI - Oxford Brookes University) continued its researches. During the period a business game "Auction" model was developed for different types of one-step and multi-step, open and closed competitions.





   1.            Гровер Р., Соловьев М.М. Профессиональные стандарты в регулировании оценочной деятельности // Управление собственностью. 2003. № 2. С. 29-38.

   2.            Захарченко В.В., Соловьев М.М. Стратегические аспекты управления корпоративной недвижимостью // Тезисы Международной научно-практической конференции «Теория активных систем». М.: ИПУ РАН, 2003.

        3.                        Соловьев М.М. Библиотека менеджера земельного рынка (рецензия) // Управление собственностью. 2003. № 3. С. 69-72.

 4.   Соловьев М.М. Оценочная деятельность (оценка недвижимости). – М.: ГУ ВШЭ, 2003 (2-е изд.). 224 с.