laboratory 7

Laboratory of Bioelectric Information Processing

Head of Laboratory – Dr.Sc. (Biology), Prof. Leonid Titomir

Tel.: (095) 209-46-79, (095) 299-50-02; E-mail:


The leading researchers of the laboratory include:

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

L. Malinovskii


A. Zhozhikashvili

Dr.Sc. (Techn.)

V. Stefanuk


E. Aidu


V. Trunov



directions of activity:


main results

New methods for noninvasive estimation of the position of the moving electric center of the heart are developed. These methods are adapted to the lead systems with a small number of electrodes (in particular, to the classical and modified Frank lead systems).

A lead system structure for noninvasive diagnostical mapping of the cardioelectric field on a spherical quasiepicardium is proposed; its use provides significant simplification of the commonly accepted procedure of multiple-electrode electrocardiographic mapping. This system is a new modification of the classical Frank lead system; here the procedure of measurement does not become more complicated as compared to the standard electrocardiography or vectorcardiography, while the diagnostical efficiency significantly increases owing to the greater informativity of the data and alleviation of their quantitative and heuristic estimation. The experimental-clinical approbation of the proposed system carried out in the Myasnikov Cardiology Research Institute supports the high accuracy of diagnosis obtained (in particular, when recognizing the hypertrophies of different parts of the heart).

In cooperation with the Myasnikov Cardiology Research Institute, the method of dipole electrocardiotopography is further clinically tested and promoted for practical diagnostics.

The solution of a number of research tasks was carried out in collaboration with scientists of Slovak Republic in the framework of agreements on scientific cooperation concluded by Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, with the following scientific institutions: Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences; and International Laser Center in Bratislava.

The results of cooperative study of the Slovak and Russian scientists are used as the basis for collective monography "Complex Analysis of Electrocardiogram in Orthogonal Leads".

The main scientific results were presented by Prof. L. I. Titomir with co-authors in two lectures at the XXVII International Congress on Electrocardiology (Milan, Italy, June 27 – July 1, 2000).

Prof. L. I. Titomir participated in international scientific and scientific-organizational actions as a Member of Council of the International Society of Electrocardiology, an Editorial Consultant of "Journal of Electrocardiology" (USA), and a Member of Editorial Board of "Bratislava Medical Journal" (Slovak Republik).

Grants from:

Publications in 2000

  1. Титомир Л.И., Рутткай-Недецкий И., Бахарова Л. Комплексный анализ электрокардиограммы в ортогональных отведениях. М.: Академиздатцентр "Наука" (в печати).
  2. Блинова Е.В., Сергакова Л.М., Агапов А.А., Сахнова Т.А., Трунов В.Г., Айду Э.А.-И., Титомир Л.И, Атьков О.Ю. Возможности дипольной электрокардиотопографии в диагностике рубцового поражения миокарда и гипертрофии левого желудочка (сравнение с данными эхокардиографии). – В сб.: Современные инвазивные и неинвазивные методы диагностики. М.: Аир-Арт, 2000, с. 98.
  3. Капдероу А., Бейлларт О., Вайда П., Десормес И., Титомир Л.И., Трунов В.Г., Атьков О.Ю., Салтыкова М.М., Сахнова Т.А., Блинова Е.В. ВКГ изменения в условиях переменной гравитации. – В сб.: Материалы IV Международной научно-практической конфренции "Пилотируемые полеты в космос", 21-22 марта 2000 г., Звездный городок, Московская область, РФ, с. 295.
  4. Atkov O., Vaida P., Cholley B., Sakhnova T., Saltykova M., Capderou A., Titomir L., Trunov V., Blinova E., Bailliart O., Desormes I. Noninvasive examination of cardiovascular system during parabolic flights. – In: 13th Symposium "Humans in Space". Abstract book, Santorini, Greece, 2000, p. 34.
  5. De Muynck P., Cornelis J., Titomir L.I. Multipole approach to the inverse problem in electrocardiology: Convergence of the multipole equivalent generator on the inhomogeneous body conductor // Bull. Math. Biol. 2000. V. 62. P. 543-583.
  6. Sakhnova T.A., Saltykova M.M., Romanchuk P.I., Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Titomir L.I. DECARTO technique in recognition of old myocardial infarction in patients with LBBB. – In: Electrocardiology’99, Institute of Physiology, Syktyvkar, 2000, p. 167-170.
  7. Titomir L.I. The remote past and near future of electrocardiology: View-point of a biomedical engineer // Brat. Med. J. 2000. V. 101. P. 272-279.
  8. Titomir L.I, Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Sakhnova T.A., Kozhemyakina E.Sh. Topographic imaging of the cardioelectric field on the basis of unipolar Frank-electrode leads. – In: XXVII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol. (Abstract book). Milan: University of Milan, 2000, p. 85.
  9. Titomir L.I, Trunov V.G., Aidu E.A.I., Agarkova T.V. Moving electric center of the heart as a means for noninvasive location of electrogenic zones in the myocardium. – In: XXVII Int. Congr. Electrocardiol. (Abstract book). Milan: University of Milan, 2000, p. 113.

Artificial Intelligence Group

Direction of activity:


A simple prophylactic algorithm against viruses obtained over e-mail is proposed. It may be implemented directly by the mail server operator. However, the proposed algorithm may be applied independently by the e-mail user.

A Semiotic Introspection Principle (SIP) is proposed, which differs from the very popular in the past GPS (General Problem Solver) in one essential point: the application of GPS is possible only when both the initial state of the problem and the goal state are formulated. The SIP as it is does not pursue the problem solution. It may be applied, when initial problem formulation is given as well as a number of possible "moves". SIP may be used to reformulate the problem differently, i.e. to represent the problem in an another way. Sometimes the new representation turns to be effective enough that obtaining of many goals becomes trivial. In these cases one may naturally speak about "discovery", or "insight".

A new approach and new algorithms are proposed for discovery signs of the bases (nucleotides) in a four channel instrument for DNA sequencing. The approach is based on topological considerations, which allow to avoid most of miscalling of bases in a typical DNA numeric file.

It is shown that due to the complex nature of the process of observation the automated base-calling not always may be considered as a simple hypotheses testing or a pattern recognition problem. The Expert System technology is shown to be the most appropriate for the problem.

Initially, the research was performed on the premises of the DNA Laboratory in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of State University of New York at Stony Brook during our invited visit of V. L. Stefanuk there as a scientific consultant.

Apart from the publications below, the main scientific results were presented by V. L. Stefanuk during the workshop "Applied Semiotics: Control Problems (asc2000)", organized in the frames of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ЕСАI’2000),

Berlin, 2000. As one of the organizer of the workshop V. L. Stefanuk prepared an appropriate home page. The URL of the page is:

During the 7th national conference with international participation V. L. Stefanuk presented a paper, and chaired a section "Intelligent Data Processing".

During the visit to the DNA Laboratory in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of State University of New York at Stony Brook V. L. Stefanuk delivered a working seminar on March 30, 2000, for the members of the Department, in which he presented the basic principle and related algorithms of proposed topological approach, as well as some preliminary simulation results.

At the 4th Russia-Byellorussia school on Artificial Intelligence for the students and graduate students (Braslav, June 2000) V. L. Stefanuk read an invited lecture.

As a member of International Pragmatic Association L. V. Savinicth has been invited to read courses "Russian Language Semantics" and "The Ways to Express a Subtext in Censured Literature Text" in the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Grants from:



  1. Stefanuk V.L. The use of expert knowledge in DNA sequencing tasks // Proceedings of 7th international conference with international participation (Pereslavl-Zaiessky, October 24-27, 2000), Moscow: FIZMATGIZ, v. I, p. 83-91 (in Russian).
  2. Stefanuk V.L. Dynamic expert systems // Kybernetes, The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics. 2000. V. 29. No. 5/6. P. 702-709.
  3. Stefanuk V.L. Semiotics of Sign Discovery in Noisy DNA Sequencing // Workshop on Applied Semiotics: Control Problems (asc2000), Berlin, 2000, p. 6-8.
  4. Stefanuk V.L. The problem of task representation // Proceedings of the 4th Russia-Byellorussia school on Artificial Intelligence for the students and graduate students, Braslav, June 2000 (in Russian, in print).
  5. Stefanuk V.L. Prophylactics of virus contamination via e-mail // Artificial intelligence news. 2000. № 1-2: to 60th anniversary of V. Stefanuk (Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence) 2000. P. 102-103 (in Russian).
  6. Stefanuk V.L. Representation of problems // Artificial intelligence news. 2000. № 1-2: to 60th anniversary of V. Stefanuk (Russian Association for Artificial Intelligence). P. 37-61 (in Russian).
  7. Savinitch L.V. Succession of tradition of the allegorical speech of Decabrists in the censured publications of Revolution Democrats // 170 years after... Decabrists Readings – 1995. Moscow, 1999, p. 137-146 (in Russian)
  8. Savinitch L.V. Pragmatics goals and communicative strategy in the journalistic discourse under censorship. Mental and discursive presentation of power // Benjamin Press (in print).
  9. Savinitch L.V. Context of the epoch and the problem of dependability of the allegorical methods // The collection of works devoted to the memory of Prof. A. K. Panfilov (in Russian, in print).