Vadim L. Stefanuk
Office address: |
Prof. Vadim Stefanuk
Institute for Information Transmission Problems Russian Academy of
Bolshoy Karetny pereulok 19,
Moscow, 127051 RUSSIA. |
Full Member of Russian Academy for Natural Sciences and
International Informatics Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences , Leading
Researcher in the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Science with the strong theoretical, R&D and teaching experience.
The author of over 170 books, reports, and papers published in Russian and international journals or conference proceedings. The lecturer in Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems, Learning Agents, and Tutoring.
Electronic mail of Vadim Stefanuk:
Doctor of Technical Sciences , defended
in Moscow Institute for Electronic Machinery in 1990. D.Sc. thesis title:
"Local organization of expedient behavior of technical systems."
Candidate of Science (Ph.D.), defended in the Institute
for Control Problems, Moscow, in 1968. Ph.D. thesis title: "Collective
automata behavior and the problem of stable local control in a communication
Graduated from Moscow State University in 1962, Physics
with special orientation to the learning automata study.
Working languages: English, Russian.
Full time: From 1962 to present I am working in
the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academyof Science. Chair of Artificial Intelligence Group.
Part time: Professor of Computer Science Dept. of RussianUniversity for People's Friendship, Moscow; Professor of Research Center for Problems
of Quality of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Moscow; Head of
the Laboratory for Intelligent Tutoring Media, Center for Artificial Intelligence
of Program Systems Institute, Pereslavl-Zalesskii; Lecturer in Moscow State
University, the Department of Physics and the Department of Mathematics
and Mechanics.
June-July, 2001, Screen Mentor, Inc., Director of Artificial Intelligence Division, , Hamden, CT, USA.
January 4 - April 4, 2001, Visiting professor of National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan.
March 2-30, 2000, Visiting scientist in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the of State University of New-York at Stony Brook, USA
From July 14, 1997 to October 15, 1997, Visiting Professor
of Osaka University, Japan.
Previous years I also visited with extended visits Finland,
France, Sweden, UK, USA.
Problems of design of personal tutoring systems based on intellectual man-machine interfaces (project leader), the award from Russian Fund for Basic Research (2002 - 2004).
Problems of Theory of Category Formalization of Intelligent Knowledge Based
Computer Systems (projects 2.4; 2.24), the award from Presidium of Russian academy
of sciences (2001-2002)
Problems of Intellectual Man-Machine Interfaces Design with the Methods
of Locally-Organized Systems (project leader), the award from Russian Fund
for Basic Research (1999 - 2001).
Development of Programming Means for Elicitation and Representation of
Knowledge to be used in Intellectual Tutoring Systems for Medical Diagnostics
(project co-leader), the award from Ministry of Science and Technologies
of Russian Federation (1999-2000), the fund "Perspective Information Technologies."
PC System to Work with Fuzzy Data in a Dynamic Knowledge Base (project
leader), the award from Ministry of Science and Technologies of Russian
Federation (1998-1999), the fund "Information Technologies and Electronics."
Stability Analysis of Behavior of Locally-Organized AI Systems (project
leader), the award from Russian Fund for Basic Research(1996 - 1998).
Development of Tools for Intellectual System Design based on RAD Technology
(project leader), the award from Ministry of Science, Technical Policy
and Education of Russia (1996 - 1998), the fund "Informatics in Russia".
Advanced Man-Machine Interface for Process Control Application (AMICA),
BRITE/EURAM Project 6126 (1994-95).
Research and Development of Intellectual Tutoring Media (project leader),
the award from Ministry of Science, Technical Policy and Education of Russia
(1993 - 1995), project #1032.
Research and Development of Expert Tutoring System (project leader), Russian
Academy of Science (1991 - 1995).
Cognitive Level Analyses and Intelligent Tutoring Media.
A Dynamic Seismo-Prognostic Expert System Design.
Programmable Knowledge-Based Expert Systems.
Consulting Man-Machine Systems in Medicine and other Applications.
- A new system "MIRROR" for active fighting with SPAM
- A universal Frame Network based User Modeling system for an
advanced man-machine interface for Process Control tasks.
- Applied Expert Systems: Tutor for Expert Systems, Medical
Diagnostic, Civil Engineering, Seismology, Project Estimation and
- A Programmable Expert System Shell "ZNATOK".
- A Supporting system with learning for Ship Cargo Documents
Handling for IBM Systems compatible.
- A flexible (intellectual) support environment for LISP.
- A LISP interpreter for Eclipse C/330 computer (ECLISP).
- Active spam and virus filtering - a new concept.
- Automated Discovery of Problem Representations, Semiotic Approach.
- Universal Intelligent Interface.
- The Learning Level Analysis for Tutoring System.
- A Quasi-static approach to Dynamics in Expert Systems.
- The axiomatic approach to Evidence Combination in Expert Systems.
- The concept of Meta Expert Systems.
- Theory of Category description of Knowledge Representation and Learning.
- A concept of Intellectual Computer Operating System.
- An optimal Pattern Matching in a chaotic data base.
- A local approach to Problem Representation in Artificial Intelligence.
- Local control of the Collective of Radio Stations.
- Collective behavior of Automata.
PowerPC, Macintosh, IBM Systems compatible, Data General,
Eclipse C/330, DEC-10, DEC-20, Alfa-5.
JavaScript, Java 1.0, Windows 95, WindowsNT, Windows 3.1, C,
X-Windows(Unix),Golden Common LISP, LISP-in-FORTRAN, BBN-LISP, INTERLISP, Fortran-5.
Russian Association for Artificial
Intelligence, Vice-President of RAAI.
ECCAI - Fellow of European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (since 2001).
AISB - The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and
Simulation of Behavior, Great Britain (~1980-1995).
AAAI - American Association for Artificial Intelligence (1990).
ALP - Association for Logic Programming (from 1991 to present).
RANS - Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member (Academician).
IIA - International Informatics Academy, Full Member (Academician),
Vice-chairman of the branch "Informational Networks and Systems".
NYAS - New York Academy of Science (Active Member, or Academician).
AI-ED - Society for Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Since 1997 - Member of the Policy Committee for ETAI,
Electronic Transactions on Artificial
Intelligence .
1994,96,98,2000, 2002, 2004 - Joint Conference on Knowledge Based Software
Engineering (JCKBSE), Member of Steering Committee, Co-chair, PC member,
Russia-1994, Bulgaria-1996, Slovakia-1998,
Check-2000 , Slovenia-2002, Russia-2004.
1994-1996 European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence,
(ECCAI), Board of Directors (elected member).
1996-2000 - An academic Node in Advanced Methodologies and Tools
for Manufacturing Systems Network of Excellence (AMETMAS - NOE) of
(European) COPERNICUS program.
IIA - International Informatics Academy, Vice-chairman of the Branch
"Informational Networks and Systems".
- 2004 Joint Conference on Knowledge Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE-2004), Member of Steering Committee, Conference co-chair, to be held in Russia.
- 2004 Intelligent Systems. Methodology, Models, Applications, Emergent Technologies (IS 2004) , Varna (Bulgaria), June 22-24, 2004, supported by IEEE,(Member of Program Committee)
2003 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-93) , Acapulco (Mexico), 9-15 August, 2003, (Member of Program Committee)
- 2003 X-th International Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" (KDS2003), Varna (Bulgaria), June 16-26, 2003, supported by IEEE, (Member of Program Committee)
- 2003 The IEEE International Conference Artificial Intelligence Systems (ICAIS'03), Gelendzhik, Russia, 3-10 September 2003, (Member of Program Committee)
- 2003 3rd International/Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems(CEEMAS-2003), Prague (Czech Republic), June 16-18, 2003, (Member of Program Committee)
2002 Joint Conference on Knowledge Base Software Engineering (JCKBSE-2002), Maribor,
Slovenia, (Steering Committee Member, Program Committee member)
Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems (HMS) , Kassel, Germany, September 18-20, 2001,(Member of International Program Committee)
2000 Workshop on Applied
Semiotic: Contol Problems (ASC2000), Berlin, Germany, (Organizing
Group, the contact person)
2000 JCKBSE-2000, Brno,
Check , (Steering Committee Member, Program Committee member)
1998,1999 - International School on Artificial Intelligence for Students
and Postgraduates, Braslav Lakes, Byelourus, (Program Committee Member,
Lecturer), See information
on the 1st school in 1997
1999 - First
International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent
Systems (CEEMAS'99), June 1-4, 1999, StPetersburgh, Russia,
(Program Committee Member)
1999 -
Advanced Summer Institute (ASI99) of the ICIMS-NOE(Network of
Excellence on Intelligent Control and Integration of Manufacturing Systems),
KULeuven, Belgium, (ASI99 Program Committee Member)
1998 - International Technology Transfer in Russian Federation,
Workshop Technical Program Committee Co-chairman. Organized by
European Network of Excellence on Advanced Methodologies and
Tools for Manufacturing Systems (AMETMAS-NoE).
1998 - Pushino, Russia, (Program Committee Member)
1998 - Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE'98),
Slovakia, (Program Committee Member, Steering Committee Member).
1997 - 2d Workshop on Applied Semiotics 14 September 1997, Bratislava,
Slovakia (Program Committee Member)
1997 - The Workshop
User Models in Intelligent Interfaces" , Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy
(The Organizer and the Chairman)
1997 - International Workshop "Distributed Artificial Intelligence and
Multi-Agent Systems (W-DAIMASO97)", June 15-18, 1997, St.Petersburg, Russia
(Program Committee Co-Chair)
1996 - European Conference on AI (ECAI'96), Hungary (Member, Organizing
1996 - Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering '96, Bulgaria
JCKBSE'96, (Program co-chair with H.Ueno).
1996 - International Conference on Successes and Pitfalls of Knowledge-Based
Systems in Real-World Applications, Thailand (Member, Organizing Committee).
1995 - IJCAI'95, Canada, (Advisory Committee Member).
1994 - Japan-CIS Symposium on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering '94
(JCKBSE'94), Pereslavl-Zalesskii, Russia (General & Program Co-chair
with H.Ueno). 1993 - KB & KS'93, Japan, Organizing Committee.
1993 - East-West Conference on Artificial Intelligence: from Theory to
Practice, Russia (Principal organizer and Program Co-chair with P.Brezillon)
1977, 1976 - International Workshops on AI, Repino, StPetersburgh, Russia
(Principal Organizer and Scientific Secretary)
1975 - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tbilisi,
Georgia (Principal organizer and Scientific Secretary)
Estonia (Tartu University (2002, 2003, 2004)
Switzerland (Lozanne Polytechnic (1996))
USA (Washington University, MIT, Stanford University, Texas
University, Belmont University (1995), Vanderbilt University (1996), New York State University (1999), etc.)
UK (Imperial College, Edinburgh University, etc.)
Sweden (Linkoping University, Uppsala University, etc.)
France (University Paris YI, etc.)
Italy ( Milan Polytechnic, University of Rome, etc.)
Japan (Tokyo Denky University, Osaka University (1997), Aizu
University (1997) National Institute of Informatics (2001))
Germany (Kassel University)
Finland (Helsinki University, VTT, Swedish University, etc.)
Since 1970 I have translated into Russian the majority of books and
texts on Artificial Intelligence, theory and applications, including those
by N.Nilsson, P.Winston, M.Minsky, E.Hunt, R.Duda, P.Heart., J.von Neuman,
and many more (21 books).
Updated on January 7, 2002; February 2, 2003, Moscow, Russia.
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