Individual Results in Color Recognition Experiments
Nest 4. Great tit.
In the color recognition experiment for training the birds were offered
the stimuli different by two features simultaneously:
both by their relative spectral reflectance (FePb vs CoCd) and by
lightness, dark FePb stimulus being the conditioning one and light CoCd
stimulus being the reference. By the way, such organization of the experiment
made easier the work of experimenters, who saw the difference between
the stimuli now.
The male great tit (that did learned to use the perch, but did not distinguishe
metameric stripes by orientation in the form discrimination experiment)
learned to discriminate new stimuli in two days. After that it was tested
with another pair of stimuli with opposite spectrum-lightness relation:
the section with nestlings was marked with dark CoCd and the empty section
- with light FePb one.
Though the lightness might be used here as a guide as well, the male
was guided by the spectral properties of the stimuli and preferred
FePb stimulus. From the point of view of human observer its behavior
looked unreasonable, for the nestlings were in the section marked with
dark stimuli as before, while the bird changed its preference and became
to bring the food to the empty section marked with light stimuli.
Experimental conditions and discrimination scores
for male great tit from the nest 4
last training session |
test session |
dark FePb
![](dfepb.gif) |
light CoCd
![](lcocd.gif) |
dark CoCd
![](dcocd.gif) |
light FePb
![](lfepb.gif) |
![](male.gif) |
19 : 5 |
2 : 9 |
Nest 5. Flycatcher.
Four pairs of metameric stimuli were prepared that differed in lightness
and even in color for human observers. Both female and male flycatchers learned
to distinguish the CoCd (reinforced) stimulus from the FePb one of the 1st pair
of the metamers rather quickly. Being tested with new specimens
cut from the same painted papers, the birds showed correct discrimination with
confidence. During the subsequent tests with new pairs of metameric stimuli
the female chose also CoCd stimuli. With 3rd and 4th pairs (not shown at
the table) the scores were 7:0 and 12:3 respectively. The male in these
test sessions flied less regularly. So, only a cumulative score reaches confidence,
namely, 19:8 in favour of CoCd stimuli for all 3 new metameric colors.
Experimental conditions and discrimination scores
for female and male flycatcher from the nest 5
last training session |
first test session |
second test session |
1st CoCd
![](1cocd.gif) |
1st FePb
![](1fepb.gif) |
1st CoCd
![](1cocd.gif) |
1st FePb
![](1fepb.gif) |
2nd CoCd
![](2cocd.gif) |
2nd FePb
![](2fepb.gif) |
![](fema.gif) |
12 : 0 |
10 : 1 |
8 : 1 |
![](male.gif) |
11 : 2 |
11 : 2 |
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