feedforward algorithm (simulation)

          The algorithms described here were realized for images at a resolution of 48x48 pixels. Computer-generated input images imitate either a Mondrian (similar to that used by E. Land) or a uniform gray surface (50% reflectance: rR= rG= rB= 0.5) illuminated with three sources: “white” (SR= SG= SB= 1.0), “dim” (SR= SG= SB= 0.3) or “yellow” (SR= SG= 1.0, SB= 0.3).
Edwin H. Land's mondrian under “white” illumination Edwin H. Land's mondrian under “dim” illumination Edwin H. Land's mondrian under “yellow” illumination Uniform gray surface under “yellow” illumination
The feedforward algorithm performs perfect colour constancy: returns output images which do not depend on the illumination.
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