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Perfect colour constancy by means of a feedback is possible only in the presence of a significant amplification in the feedback loop. Such amplifier does exist in the retina: it is made by a voltage-dependent conductivity of the HCs membrane.


1 E.M.Maximova, A.M.Dimentman, V.V.Maximov, O.Yu.Orlov
Electrophysiological investigation of the colour constancy in the retina. In: “Mechanisms of Action of the Receptor Elements of Sensory Organs” – Proceedings of the 2nd All-Union Symposium on Mechanisms of Reception (Pushchino, 1971), “Nauka”, Leningrad, 1973, pp. 75-80 (in Russian)

2 E.M.Maximova
Cellular mechanisms of the the colour constancy. (Presented at The 2nd International Congress of C.I.A.N.S. Prague, 1975), Activ. nerv. sup.(Praha), 19, 3:199-201, 1977

3 E.M.Maximova, V.V.Maximov
Cellular mechanisms of the colour constancy in the fish retina. In: “The Ecology of Vision” – Abstracts of a Meeting in Honour of John Lythgoe (Oristano, 1994)
An electronic version of the poster is available at the web-site: http://www.iitp.ru/projects/posters/cellular

4 E.M.Maximova
Effect of intracellular polarization of horizontal cells on ganglion cell activity in the fish retina. Biofizika, 14, 3:537-544, 1969 (in Russian) – Translated in Neuroscience Translations No.11, pp.114-120, 1969-1970

5 E.M.Maximova, V.V.Maximov
The role of horizontal cells in organization of ganglion cells concentric receptive fields in the fish retina. In: “Visual Information Processing and Control of Motor Activity” – Proceedings of the International Symposium (Sofia, 1969), Bulgarian Acad. of Sci., Sofia, 1971, pp. 31-39 (in Russian)

6 A.L.Byzov, Yu.A.Trifonov, L.M.Chailahian, K.V.Golubtzov
Amplification of graded potentials in horizontal cells of the retina, Vision Research, 17, 2:265-273, 1977

7 V.V.Maximov, A.L.Byzov
Horizontal cell dynamics: What are the main factors? Vision Research, 36, 24:4077-4087, 1996